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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. This.
  2. Thank goodness this isn't true because I loathe going to church. All the good fried chicken places are a long drive, but I can't wait to try the Hattie B's that opened up here.
  3. I prefer physical books, but my body and lack of shelf space don't. For now, I buy mostly ebooks to check out new stuff, and then get hardback/paperback versions if I really like them.
  4. Period shits almost make me pass out from the pain, so I have to take a bunch of pain relievers just to poop in peace.
  5. I was raised in the Miracle Whip camp but switched to mayo after my taste buds learned some sense.
  6. Wicked Lady from Sailor Moon, Zoe from Firefly, or Chiana from Farscape.
  7. I like horror movies, but I haven't been into most of the recent ones. Too much found footage and relying on jump scares turned me off of them. Oh, I forgot to add annoying gore porn that thinks being gross is the same thing as being scary was also a turnoff.
  8. You're already a joke, so *shrug*.
  9. Country boil. I didn't eat much yesterday, so I made a country boil for breakfast. It had 1 smoked sausage, 2 eggs, corn on the cob, 1 potato, and five shrimp. I'll probably have pound cake with ice cream later just because you guys are putting that in my head. Shame that I have no blueberries to simmer for a sauce.
  10. I saw the movie last year, and while it wasn't a fave, I was still interested in more being done with the story. When there's less work for me, I'll watch the show.
  11. It'd be worth swiping if it was one of the European or Asian ones, but totally not worth it if it's one of ours.
  12. *Flashbacks to me singing along with multiple songs in the store last week* Yup, I have reached this point.
  13. You guys have a good dog. Mine would have had his head in that darn box.
  14. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Yeeessssss! I got a shiny castform. It's a cute pinkish purple too.
  15. Probably haven't been through there. We pretty much only spent time in Ft. Stewart. and Savannah when visiting my brother who was stationed at the former.
  16. I'm in a sort of rural area northeast of Atlanta.
  17. Heeelllllllllllll no. Georgia is the only state in the south that I'm willing to live in. There are scriptwriting opportunities here too whenever I'm ready to start that.
  18. Presently in a house with my parents. Since I'm finally over the latest health hump, I plan on traveling at the end of this year to see which states are worth moving to. If I stay in Georgia, I'll probably live in another house. If someplace up north, probably an apartment.
  19. Dammit. That phone call lasted during the whole "Me So Horny" song. Just as well. I'm not in the greatest spot to blast it. I hate that this is an oldies hip hop station. *Cries* I'm old now.
  20. I would just laugh at them and be thankful my friends aren't that dumb.
  21. Dear armed robbers, keep yo asses off of busy interstates. Goddamn Georgia.
  22. Nope! The best bags of candy are half off holiday sales. There aren't any leaves, hearts, eggs, or holly berry designs on it, so fuck that overpriced bag.
  23. Yaaayy! I got to listen to people die last night. Why is it so fucking hard to understand that passing people on a fucking two lane, hilly, curvy highway late at night is a terrible fucking idea? From the sound of that loud ass crash, I didn't even have to look at the news to know at least one person died on impact. And then I heard sirens today too. Just for fuck's sake.
  24. There's too many shows to list that I'm interested in, which hasn't happened for a long time. I'm even getting a Detective Conan movie featuring Makoto, so there should be great fight scenes.
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