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you'd tip the whole world upside down. it'd be fun

It'd definitely be fun to watch.Ā  And, after a while, I'd show up in a Harley Quinn costume, with all the assets I swiped, and light it all on fire Heath Ledger style.Ā  It'd be a glorious few seconds before the mob eats me alive.Ā  :D

there's neat stuff over thereĀ  :o


Swiss banks, Dante Alighieri's estate, Jean-Luc Godard's house,

Napoleon's tomb, the deeds to every property anywhere but especially Lisbon.


I'm set.


more or less. that's what Hollywood calls it


I'm just joking.


I think the most esoteric thing they could possibly have is a book filled with yaoi by Michelangelo.Ā  ::spin::


I don't wanna know what's really going on......have fun with your insanity dude :D

I have already been having fun with it for years now. I wanna broadcast it into everyone else's head too

Check your room!Ā  8)

Tell me what is missing

My Black widow spider???? and my collection of 8-track disco tapes!?!?! god damn it! you ass! don't come crying to me if you get bit or if people throw shoes at you for listen to disco

I'm just joking.


I think the most esoteric thing they could possibly have is a book filled with yaoi by Michelangelo.Ā  ::spin::

that would still be pretty interesting :D but atheism or not there's shit in there the Pope don't want anyone else to see. and I wanna know what it is

I have already been having fun with it for years now. I wanna broadcast it into everyone else's head too

Oh boy, nationwide insanity ::spin:: :D


In a very, very hypothetical situation, I'd rob a resort in Florida that the most annoying rich people stay at and perhaps an ugly ass tower in New York. For completely random reasons.


you guys do realize that financial institutions aren't idiots right? how the hell would you explain getting that much money in that short amount of time legally if the any bank, financial broker, or the government were to ask. even if you keep it offshore, you're never going to be able to use it


and get away with it and the booty from the robbery scot free where would you rob? I'd hit the Vatican secret archives

Steal every nanobyte of information Hillary has about what really happened to Vincent Foster.

you guys do realize that financial institutions aren't idiots right? how the hell would you explain getting that much money in that short amount of time legally if the any bank, financial broker, or the government were to ask. even if you keep it offshore, you're never going to be able to use it


whys everyone forgetting the "youll get away with it" part of the op?

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