Mix Posted May 20, 2017 Posted May 20, 2017 Get Out [4 out of 5] I was worried it had been over hyped, but damn was it good. I really enjoyed the lead. He had a certain smoothness about him. Despite the fact that I expected it to be cringe, the story was intense...it really rode that line beautifully Quote
blueraven1999 Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - 10/10. Absolutely loved it. I wish there had been a bit more comedy, but i loved the feels with Peter, Rocket, and Yondu. It was so good. I wish Howard the Duck had a longer cameo but maybe at some point, he'll get his own movie or at least a bigger part in a Marvel movie. That's what I'm hoping for at least. The music was excellent too. The Cheers reference and the Pac-Man made of light were awesome. It was neat to see David Hasselhoff in the movie. I think the first movie was better, but I still really enjoyed it a lot. At soon as this movie comes to dvd, I'm going to buy it. Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Alien Covenant (4/10) Sigh. Disappointing. This movie just felt way too predictable. I guess that's to be expected given it's essentially a prequel sequel, but still... I dunno, I think maybe I'm just burned out on alien movies, cuz I didn't find anything really shocking or scary about this one at all. Either that or perhaps I'm simply getting *gasp* too old for this stuff? : ( Quote
DragonSinger Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Alien Covenant (4/10) Sigh. Disappointing. This movie just felt way too predictable. I guess that's to be expected given it's essentially a prequel sequel, but still... I dunno, I think maybe I'm just burned out on alien movies, cuz I didn't find anything really shocking or scary about this one at all. Either that or perhaps I'm simply getting *gasp* too old for this stuff? : ( I don't think that people are outgrowing them. There seems to be a head scratching amount of stubbornness from Ridley Scott when it comes to these newer Alien movies. It's like he doesn't want to admit what made the older ones memorable, or that some of the old concepts still have a place in a prequel series which I guess is supposed to have a more intelligent feel to it. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted May 22, 2017 Posted May 22, 2017 Sleight: 5/10 A relatively generic "just when I thought I could leave, they pull me back in"story. It could've done something interesting with the magician concept, but it got really dumb when it became about him getting help from his old science teacher to power up the electromagnetic node in his arm so he can stop bullets like Neo. Dule Hill was good in the movie though. Quote
StarPanda Posted May 23, 2017 Author Posted May 23, 2017 Dr.Strange 7.5/10 Good movie great special effects good action scenes sherlock Holmes did well as Stephen Strange Quote
Admin Posted May 25, 2017 Posted May 25, 2017 2 Lava 2 Lantula iono wat to rate it. i liked it. Quote
Bouvre Posted May 26, 2017 Posted May 26, 2017 Ex Machina: I was expecting a much more boilerplate science fiction film (one that was well-received but nonetheless basic) but I came away from it with a deep appreciation the sustained, understated tension, which always seemed to be giving us just enough to make the next slight twist in the narrative convincing enough to work. There are some real masterstrokes of craft here -- its cinematography, its concise revelations of character and situation that built up and played off each other in unexpected ways (and revelations that also reflect contemporary questions/anxieties) -- that engaged me enough to make me feel excited to visit it again. Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted May 27, 2017 Posted May 27, 2017 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales - 8/10 Ghost shark jumping over the characters in slo mo was every bit as ridiculous looking as I thought it would be, as was the whole ghost shark sequence really.... So, bravo. I mean, after all you don't go to a Pirates movie expecting Shakespeare. You go to see Captain Jack act like a buffoon and stumble and bumble his way through what should be impossible to survive scenarios with seemingly the greatest of ease. Heh, now that I think of it, Jack's pretty similar in that way to another favorite captain of mine, Captain Tylor. Quote
StarPanda Posted May 27, 2017 Author Posted May 27, 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 7.5/10 I liked it good choice of music again that intro was great, funny scenes good action. The first one was still better imo Quote
StarPanda Posted May 29, 2017 Author Posted May 29, 2017 Logan 8.5/10 Great movie, finally a good rated R wolverine movie Jackman nailed it so did that little girl playing laura it was crazy seeing logan and professor x so vulnerable. Very sad and great action Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted June 2, 2017 Posted June 2, 2017 Wonder Woman - 10/10 Looks like DC finally managed to hit a home run. Gotta admit, I was a doubter when I heard Gal Gadot was cast for the part, but she kicked ass and proved me wrong. Quote
StarPanda Posted June 3, 2017 Author Posted June 3, 2017 John Wick 2 8.5/10 As good as the first. Also great setup for the third film Quote
GunStarHero Posted June 14, 2017 Posted June 14, 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 - 6/10 I hesitate to even post since people seem to love it, but I'm not a fan of this movie. The first one came out of nowhere for me, and I enjoyed it. Guess I'd give the first one an 8/10 if that means anything. Vol. 2 came off as hokey to me. Felt like the cast were often playing caricatures of themselves, and more in a stereotypical kinda way. A lot of stuff came off like "haha, remember the first movie???" and I personally hate that. You gotta build on things versus calling back so blatantly. Baby Groot was like a plague upon this movie for me, but I understand he was there for two reasons: 1. He was wildly popular in the first movie and the dancing baby Groot scene is the most memorable scene in the entire film and 2. He's there for the kids in the audience. The plot was so so, but I have no idea why Ego would tell Peter about his mother like that. Defeated the purpose of his entire scheme. Yondu's arc was the best part of the movie, I think. Really sweet tribute at the end, though it's a shame he's gone now. Definitely some funny parts, too, but I felt like they were firing off jokes left and right and the quality of each respective joke was often sub par at best. Hated Drax and Nebula in this movie. They were big offenders of the caricature thing. Some ok scenes, and even a laugh or two from them, but overall I felt like I was watching someone that made a joke earlier that got lots of laughs and has been stretching it out for way too long. Just not my cup of tea, as a movie. Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted June 16, 2017 Posted June 16, 2017 47 Meters Down - 7/10 Fairly entertaining, but it felt really short. For a shark movie though I'd say it was slightly above average. I liked The Shallows better though, which is the only other recent serious shark movie I can think of for comparison. Quote
Mix Posted June 20, 2017 Posted June 20, 2017 The Drop [5/5] This movie is a future classic. Gandolfini went out with a home run. Quote
StarPanda Posted June 22, 2017 Author Posted June 22, 2017 Get Out 9/10 Great movie so entertaining, creppy, thrilling and funny. It feels so good watching something fresh and new even of it had some of the usual horror jump scare tropes Quote
StarPanda Posted June 22, 2017 Author Posted June 22, 2017 Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them 7/10 It was good I like most of it, it was kind of all over the place had good moments, I know they are making it a trilogy or a 4 part series of this so hopefully the next movie is better Quote
Admin Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 Alien Trespass: I liked it okay. Wasn't great. But I liked it. hmmm maybe 6 out of 10. All American Drug Zombie: Wow. Some super douchey frat buddies got somebody to pony up some money for them to make a super douchey dumb movie that's not really a horror movie, not a zombie movie, tries to be a drug movie I guess? But is out of touch with all of those things. Just ends up being a kind of series of douchey vignettes loosely tied together in the narrative of douchey college room mates who douche out and like drugs hyukyukyuk. 1 of 10 I guess. I mean, they don't seem to much understand drugs, horror, zombie movies, humor, or how to tell a story, but the movie got made, so that's worth 1 at least right? Quote
StarPanda Posted June 24, 2017 Author Posted June 24, 2017 Moana 8/10 Woah it was surprisingly good the animation and colors were amazing really catches your eye. Dint like most of the musical numbers but overall a good watch Quote
NaBarney Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 Saw a couple 2016 horror movies, Lights Out and Don't Breathe. Went in knowing nothing about them which is definitely the way to do it. There will be some spoilers ahead, this is your warning. I liked them both a lot but am much more excited about the latter's sequel, I actually really want to see what the bad guy does to get back at the protagonist for escaping and want to learn more about him and what he's capable of, whereas Lights Out provided a lot more back story and wrapped up pretty definitively and whatever "the ghost is back" scenario seems like it could go to shit in a hurry -- the whole Babadookian paranormal haunting of a family with a small child isn't typically my thing, but the monster was cool and it pressed a lot of the right buttons for me. Both films took place almost entirely in a dark house and both had some creepy as hell cellar moments, some people died, and good scares were had. Overall would give Don't Breathe 8.5/10, and Lights Out 7/10, both worth watching. Quote
Admin Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 Kong Skull Island. super tropey hollywood blockbuster bullshit. badly conceived. badly written. very pretty though. some of the CG I thought was stupid, some of it was cool. Getting tired of these pseudo-period movies that seem like little more than excuses to drag out and revive old pop music licenses. almost every aspect of it was kind of annoying. down to the action sequences, which are so carefully laden with trope after trope that watching even one seems risking intellectual diabetes. The giant spider-thing was kind of interesting/inventive. But it just ends up being nothing more than background for the bad writing and poorly conceived action sequences (the ones where people just yell a lot and shoot off guns with no real intent other than to stimulate ADD-addled millennials). also the skull-walkers were stupid. And I don't know man, for all the effects budget, I thought Kong looked pretty lame a lot of the time. It's basically just another fairly pointless pseudo-military "kill em off one by one" SyFy caliber disaster movie dressed up with monsters. Just felt to me like - in an effort to infuse it with enough explosions and effects, it was utterly drained of human character or content to the point of becoming oddly boring even with all the screaming and yelling and shooting at stuff and jumping around. Basically none of the characters matter or mean anything. The story doesn't really mean anything. And the effects sequences are uneven, some are cool, some aren't. And none of them are rooted in anything that matters, so ultimately they don't seem to much matter either. John C Reilly manages to bring a tiny bit of life to it, but just not enough. I'd give it like a 3 out of 10 I guess. Quote
NaBarney Posted June 29, 2017 Posted June 29, 2017 Logan - Outstanding ending to the X-Men series. If and when they start a franchise based around the kids though, I'm out. Transpecos - Was intrigued by the no name cast and 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Tense film that's great to watch while high, and only while high. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 2, 2017 Posted July 2, 2017 Life is not a good movie. Both the one starring Jake Gyllenhaal and the one starring me. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 4, 2017 Posted July 4, 2017 Get Out is great. I fucked myself by accidentally reading the entire plot on wiki a couple months ago but surprisingly that didn't affect the viewing in a negative way. It was actually kind of cool watching it and already knowing why shit seemed so crazy which is rare. The rental dvd tells me there's an alt ending that I have to purchase the film to watch which isn't happening, but I can guess it's probably the police lights not being TSA dude but being the shit cop from the beginning who lights up the lead dude and saves the devil woman, and I don't really want to see that. I watch enough cop murders as it is. Those police lights were like the most danger dude was in. At least w the procedure he had a chance of being woken up with a flash of light. Quote
Bouvre Posted July 4, 2017 Posted July 4, 2017 I finally got around to seeing the Conjuring and its sequel. Both are often very beautifully done on a technical level. The scene where the cameras and equipment are being set up, and where the cameras are going off as the child walks through the house in the first installment was marvelously shot and tracked. Especially in the first one, the building of tension was also more slow boiler and interesting to me. The second one forewent that a bit more, since there's more pressure not to repeat the same formula, for a plot that revolved more around hoax versus reality (which though it's a good direction, it's an additional part of the plot that only weakens the sequel as a whole). Neither story involving the ghost was really any good though. And even the tension in the first only culminates to a Hollywood ending that's a tad too much. But despite the uninteresting backstories, the first did a better job at earning the ending it came to. The demon in the second was not nearly present enough to seem developed. The ghost we spend most of our time with is revealed as basically a red herring, and it felt cheaper when we faced off with it in the end. I admired more of the first than the second, though neither made a real winning story of the ghost. I'd give Conujuring a solid 3/5. Conjuring 2 gets a 2/5. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted July 8, 2017 Posted July 8, 2017 Wonder Woman - 8/10. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I'm disappointed that Chris Pine's character died at the end but I saw it coming. Quote
Mix Posted July 10, 2017 Posted July 10, 2017 Mo' money (1998) [3 out of 5] Watch this movie drunk and or high. It's not worth it otherwise. Super entertaining in the right conditions Quote
StarPanda Posted July 10, 2017 Author Posted July 10, 2017 The Nice Guys 7.5/10 Good movie funny and entertaining Quote
StarPanda Posted July 10, 2017 Author Posted July 10, 2017 Point Break The remake 4/10 I put this movie as background noise ocassionaly watching bits of it, man it was terrible had cool stunts but it sucked Quote
StarPanda Posted July 12, 2017 Author Posted July 12, 2017 Power Rangers 2017 6.5/10 I dint hate it but I am also not crazy about it, some elements of the movie worked while others fell flat. The drama and teen stuff was actually good. The whole end fight sequence was aight too. I would say check it out Quote
NaBarney Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 The Snare So bad. So irredeemably bad. The high pitched whining noises. I don't even know what to say. Outstandingly unpleasant experience, which is exactly what they were going for. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted July 13, 2017 Posted July 13, 2017 Despicable Me 3 - 8/10. I loved the villain. So many good 80's songs in this movie. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 Lost City of Z - A dream world of magic, lol at the ending. Quote
Mix Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Three Violent People, 1956 [2 out of 5] So much no. I don't think i've seen Charlton Heston in anything this thin. It was like an episode of a crappy tv western. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted July 20, 2017 Posted July 20, 2017 Spider-Man: Homecoming - 7/10. I can't believe Michael Keaton was the bad guy in this. I didn't know it was him until I saw his name in the credits. He looks so different now. Except for the new Robocop, I haven't seen him in a movie I liked a lot since Batman Returns. I feel old just looking at him now. The movie was good. It was pretty weird to see Happy so much. Tom Holland is still a good Peter Parker/Spider-man. Would have liked Spider-man more without the tech suit. Karen was kind of creepy. It still bothers me that Aunt May is so young. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 Gold 6/10 Everyone shit on this but watching it drunk was a fine experience. Fat balding Matthew McConaughey was great and the plot turns were fine. I liked it alright it made me laugh and was way less Wolf of Wall Street than it could've been. My personal viewing experience was more of a strong 7/10 but I docked a point because that just seemed too high to rate it as a movie. Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 23, 2017 Posted July 23, 2017 This month: saw Baby Driver, Spider-Man Homecoming, and Glengarry Glen Ross. Baby Driver's so far my favorite movie of the year; super well-crafted action flick with a sense of style (pleasantly caught off-guard by the Run The Jewels and Focus usage). Caught Glengarry Glen Ross on Showtime since I'd never seen it before and that was excellent (dope jazz soundtrack as well). I found Homecoming to be the best Spidey film in 13 years (nowhere near the first 2 Raimi films, but better than 3 and the Andrew Garfield ones). Tom Holland came off as obnoxious for the first 10 minutes or so but then his character warmed on me. I enjoyed it as an alternate universe take on a younger, confused Peter Parker. Possibly seeing Dunkirk and War For The Planet Of The Apes tomorrow. Dunkirk's definitely gonna have to be with the 70mm IMAX showing as that with the (from what I've heard) tinnitus-level Dolby Atmos mix is gonna be a borderline sexual experience. Quote
StarPanda Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 Kong Skull Island 7/10 I found this movie entertaining, had some great scenes those monsters were a bit silly but everything else was pretty cool Looking forward to Godzilla vs King Kong which will be Kong and Godzilla fight Kaiju Quote
StarPanda Posted July 25, 2017 Author Posted July 25, 2017 Spider Man Homecoming 8/10 Google movie funny and entertaining Tom did a great job as Spider man and peter, still Spider Man 2 is the best Spider Man Movie so far Quote
NaBarney Posted July 25, 2017 Posted July 25, 2017 Magnificent 7 - DO NOT WATCH Probably could not have made a shittier more generic and unrewarding movie if they tried. Why is Chris Pratt a regularly employed film actor now? Who is still wanting to see Denzel Washington in any role? This movie is for idiots and even they would probably be like "eh." Rewatched Interstellar. Probably THE best space movie ever. Quote
Dark_Cloud_Overhead Posted July 30, 2017 Posted July 30, 2017 Despicable Me 3 - 7/10 A little disappointed the minions were kind of pushed off to the side, but it was still all right. Spiderman Homecoming - 8/10 Some of the casting choices felt a bit weird, but I guess they really wanted to differentiate this from the other Spiderman movie series. War for the Planet of the Apes - 9/10 I basically got dragged along to see this (I haven't seen the previous two entries, or any of the original movies for that matter), but despite not knowing any of the characters or preceding story line, I really found myself stunned at how much I ended up enjoying this. Still not gonna check out any of the other movies though, heh. Valerian - 8/10 Started off really stupid, but once they got to the main part of the movie it became a bit more grounded. All the crazy, imaginative-looking aliens and solid action sequences brought the fun though and really saved this in the end. Quote
NaBarney Posted July 30, 2017 Posted July 30, 2017 Moonlight - loved it, especially the first two acts. Ending was a little too real. Quote
StarPanda Posted July 30, 2017 Author Posted July 30, 2017 Okja 8/10 Good movie great cast, entertaining, there are some parts where I wasn't too impressed and some CG wasn't the best. Also the ending got to me really emotional stuff Quote
NaBarney Posted July 31, 2017 Posted July 31, 2017 Kong Skull Island Didn't love it but there was enough going on to keep things interesting. The hollow earth lore and the looming sequels are kind of exciting. John C Reilly's "for your health" jacket was great. 6/10 Quote
Mix Posted August 1, 2017 Posted August 1, 2017 Sleight [8 out of 10] I'm a sucker for a movie involving magic, so I was already primed for this. The cast, aside from Dule Hill, were green, but decent. The story was thin, but made the most of what it had without trying to over do it. Quote
Opium Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 A Ghost Story - 8/10 Beautifully shot movie marred by some issues in pacing and a monologue delivered by a hipster wearing overalls at a house party. Sensitive in the right places and conceptually interesting, otherwise. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted August 4, 2017 Posted August 4, 2017 The Birds - 9/10 Could've used a little more explanation and a lot more bird-strangling. Quote
BUU8800 Posted August 5, 2017 Posted August 5, 2017 I've actually watched like 8 or so Hitchcock films I'd never seen before on TCM last month. Off the top of my head: Strangers on a Train - 8/10 Dial M For Murder - 7.5/10 Rope - 8.5/10 The Man Who Knew Too Much(1956) - 8.5/10 Rear Window - 9.5/10 Vertigo - 8/10 The Trouble With Harry - 8.5/10 North By Northwest - 8.5/10 To Catch A Thief - 7/10 And...uhhh maybe some I'm forgetting. For as great as it is considered I found Vertigo to be my least favorite of the 4 Jimmy Stewart Hitchcock collaborations. Too depressing which I guess is a weak criticism considering I thoroughly enjoyed much grislier stuff like Rope and Psycho, but oh well. Rear Window was thoroughly fantastic and I loved the music and kidnapped son aspects of Man Who Knew Too Much. I just wish it didn't end so abruptly with mother and child's reunion effectively a brief afterthought, but abrupt endings are pretty common Hitchcock apparently. To Catch A Thief felt like more boring Lupin or James Bond stuff...even if it does predate them. North By Northwest was much better. Speaking of predating Dial M with its very dialogue heavy scenes reminded me of a longer Detective Conan episode. The Trouble With Harry surprised me. A very relaxing/soothing film though one I'd probably only watch once every 3 or 4 years. The beautiful fall colors and atmosphere was highly appealing as well. I also watched Psycho and am about to watch The Birds but I've already seen them both before. I plan to watch his last 5 films over the next week or two to come. Quote
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