1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 50 have died. 9-1-1 services broke down immediately. People were jumping in the ocean to avoid the fire. Maui had a wildfire and hurricane strength winds met with the fire and really caused serious damage. Not really seeing a whole lot about it but I hope we send them help ASAP they are part of the US but sometimes I think our government forgets Hawaii is a state https://apnews.com/article/hawaii-wildfire-maui-lahaina-f5a7047d407f836f89e90dd7f10faa94 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna99164 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 Biden promised immediate assistance I hope he means that. 1 Quote
viperxmns Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 I know someone who was on vacation there luckily she got out like 24 hrs before shit hit the fan 3 Quote
Jman Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 I’m just considering myself lucky I went on vacation in Aruba. 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 12 hours ago, viperxmns said: I know someone who was on vacation there luckily she got out like 24 hrs before shit hit the fan I was reading an article about the fires and a lot of tourists had to evacuate entire neighborhoods are destroyed Quote
André Toulon Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 12 hours ago, viperxmns said: I know someone who was on vacation there luckily she got out like 24 hrs before shit hit the fan Friend of mine was there last week. I'm kinda glad she made it back but she hurt my feelings back in 98, so I probably would have been all like "karma bih" if she didn't. Quote
discolé monade Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 i was so worried about F.A (our little model, tarot card reader, our 'suitcase physic'. she is good. she moved last year is on a neighboring island. her concern, of course, is for her neighbors. this is just so horrible. silver lining: maybe tourists will be too afraid to go back. here's hoping. (i know they won't,) Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 Nah tourists will be back within a few months nothing is keeping tourists away from the Hawaiian islands 1 1 Quote
Master-Debater131 Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 Something similar happened out here last year (2 years ago?) where we had a fire and winds 80+ MPH. Most destructive fire in state history. Theres nothing you can do when a fire is moving that fast. Getting out of the way and surviving is literally all you can hope to do when it moves that fast. 1 Quote
PenguinBoss Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 1 hour ago, discolé monade said: silver lining: maybe tourists will be too afraid to go back. here's hoping. (i know they won't,) That'd only be a good thing if a lot of people didn't rely on tourism to make a living. 1 Quote
scoobdog Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 16 hours ago, 1pooh4u said: 50 have died. 9-1-1 services broke down immediately. People were jumping in the ocean to avoid the fire. Maui had a wildfire and hurricane strength winds met with the fire and really caused serious damage. Not really seeing a whole lot about it but I hope we send them help ASAP they are part of the US but sometimes I think our government forgets Hawaii is a state https://apnews.com/article/hawaii-wildfire-maui-lahaina-f5a7047d407f836f89e90dd7f10faa94 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna99164 We've been getting a lot of coverage here because an anchor for the local ABC affiliate was on vacation in Lahaina at the time and he's been giving regular reports. 1 Quote
discolé monade Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 mayweather flew out 70 families. good man. 1 Quote
katt_goddess Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 I've been seeing news about it on the local news here as well as NBC nightly. I have relatives in Hawaii but couldn't tell you which island [ when you see an island relative once every 20 years, you don't remember jack other than generic 'Hawaii' ] so that's kind of worrying. A fast moving fire on an island is absolute nightmare fuel. >.< 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 11, 2023 Author Posted August 11, 2023 2 hours ago, scoobdog said: We've been getting a lot of coverage here because an anchor for the local ABC affiliate was on vacation in Lahaina at the time and he's been giving regular reports. It took like a day for outlets to really start reporting it everywhere. I found out cuz I stumbled upon a subreddit that was asking for help in Maui. I thought “wtf is goin on in Maui?” Read through comments and Googled it and was like blown away by the destruction 1 Quote
scoobdog Posted August 11, 2023 Posted August 11, 2023 Just now, 1pooh4u said: It took like a day for outlets to really start reporting it everywhere. I found out cuz I stumbled upon a subreddit that was asking for help in Maui. I thought “wtf is goin on in Maui?” Read through comments and Googled it and was like blown away by the destruction When I first saw it on the local ABC app yesterday morning, I thought it was more an oddity than an actual full scape apocalypse. But the alerts kept coming throughout the day, and by the afternoon it was clear just how horrific this was. I haven't been to Maui in decades, so I forgot just how dry the leeward side of Maui can be. Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 96 dead conspiracy theories are flyin cuz people refuse to believe that bad shit happens. They wanna say the government did it so the hyper wealthy can snatch up valuable real estate. I didn’t know that Lahaina the most destroyed is a tourist are BUT it’s native Hawaiians that own the businesses. I believe corporations will take advantage of a tragedy but Idt anyone purposely did this. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna99722 2 Quote
discolé monade Posted August 14, 2023 Posted August 14, 2023 a combination of factors. the perfect weather conditions. low humidity, high winds. severely dry year, and hawaii electric didn't turn off the power in time, as the fire moved way too fast. so fast that the sirens couldn't be turned on (this i'm having trouble swallowing. i think the saddest story i've seen, is the neighbor that was trying to save his neighbor/friend's dog. they found the man covering the beloved golden retreiver in the car. all the animals. all the people. just such a sad state of affairs. 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 And there’s already issues because they evacuated tourists before anyone else BUT in a way I can understand because a tourist has zero clue usually of where to go for safety Sounds like a lot of infrastructure failed. 9-1-1 no sirens no evacuated plan at all. It’s really sad 2 Quote
katt_goddess Posted August 14, 2023 Posted August 14, 2023 48 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: And there’s already issues because they evacuated tourists before anyone else BUT in a way I can understand because a tourist has zero clue usually of where to go for safety Sounds like a lot of infrastructure failed. 9-1-1 no sirens no evacuated plan at all. It’s really sad In an emergency, tourists are the last things you want clogging up resources. Those are people that have a place to go and their own resources away from a tragedy. I'd rather the slow trickle of assistance coming in go to the locals instead of the last bandage being used on some fat rascal scooter rider from Tennessee who got a scrap on their knee. 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 37 minutes ago, katt_goddess said: In an emergency, tourists are the last things you want clogging up resources. Those are people that have a place to go and their own resources away from a tragedy. I'd rather the slow trickle of assistance coming in go to the locals instead of the last bandage being used on some fat rascal scooter rider from Tennessee who got a scrap on their knee. Boebert and MTG are screeching because Biden was on vacation in Delaware. He sent FEMA and did the usual president thing those two brain dead Barbies think the POTUS should immediately go to a disaster area that’s still on fire just so he can get in everyone’s way 🙄 I want the residents of the impacted towns to get funds immediately to rebuild their homes and businesses before more Bezoses of the world give huge amount of $$$ in exchange for the ability to buy real estate for their own gains 3 Quote
katt_goddess Posted August 14, 2023 Posted August 14, 2023 58 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: Boebert and MTG are screeching because Biden was on vacation in Delaware. He sent FEMA and did the usual president thing those two brain dead Barbies think the POTUS should immediately go to a disaster area that’s still on fire just so he can get in everyone’s way 🙄 I want the residents of the impacted towns to get funds immediately to rebuild their homes and businesses before more Bezoses of the world give huge amount of $$$ in exchange for the ability to buy real estate for their own gains A President, any President, should never be running immediately to the house on fire just to be there for the pics while the house is still burning. The security logistics are hell as it is for such a visit, it's the last thing emergency crews need to worry about. You visit after making advanced plans for such in order to see what else might need to be done after the initial assistance has started to take effect. The Trailer Trash Twins don't have enough of a braincell between the two of them to realize that. If 'vacations' were such a bad thing, they'd have blown their larynxes out during the 4 Years of Golf. 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 14, 2023 Author Posted August 14, 2023 Would they feel better if he went there and threw rolls of paper towels at people? 3 Quote
katt_goddess Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 22 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: Would they feel better if he went there and threw rolls of paper towels at people? Dollar Store Bounty only works on hurricanes. 3 Quote
scoobdog Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 I’ve been seeing some reporting that pointed out that this fire was propagated by non native grasses. If you know anything about the leeward side of Maui, you’ll probably recall that there were sugar cane operations as well as ranching there up to about 30 or so years ago, and with them came introduction of non native flora. It’s not to suggest that this was definitively a contributing factor, especially given the unusually high winds, but it is an important reminder of how species that are not suited for area can often exacerbate conditions. 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 15, 2023 Author Posted August 15, 2023 Idk much about any of the Hawaiian Islands other than we illegally obtained Hawai’i and made it a state. I heard there were, at one time, a lot of plantations out in Maui. Once the plantations were no longer operating heavy rains, that’s typical of the area, helped grass grow in place of whatever grew originally before it was a plantation. Maui has been dealing with unusually dry weather which dried the grass which grew really long. That dry grass was tinder for the fire caused by a downed power line the winds from a passing hurricane further exasperated the fire. 1 Quote
scoobdog Posted August 15, 2023 Posted August 15, 2023 24 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: Idk much about any of the Hawaiian Islands other than we illegally obtained Hawai’i and made it a state. I heard there were, at one time, a lot of plantations out in Maui. Once the plantations were no longer operating heavy rains, that’s typical of the area, helped grass grow in place of whatever grew originally before it was a plantation. Maui has been dealing with unusually dry weather which dried the grass which grew really long. That dry grass was tinder for the fire caused by a downed power line the winds from a passing hurricane further exasperated the fire. Just so. I believe the Island of Hawai'i to the south also had a couple of grass fires also on its leeward side right around the same time but without reported damage. I think a lot of people assume the entirety of each island is lush, like a paradise. In reality, those volcanic mountains - Haleakalā (10,023ft) on Maui, Mauna Loa (13,678 ft) and Mauna Kea (13,802 ft) on Hawai'i - create very similar climate zones to a costal range on the mainland: lush facing the prevailing wind, a desert behind. Hana on the eastern end of the island and on the winward side of Maui gets 72" of rain while Lahina on the far western side of the island and behind Haleakalā gets 11"... less rain than Los Angeles. 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) Some conspiracy theories floating around. Haven’t read it yet but if space lasers are involved that’s code for “Soros did it” which is also code for “it was the Jews” https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/maui-wildfires-spark-conspiracy-theories-about-space-lasers-oprah-land-grabs-and-suspicious-trees/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=ru.reactivephone.MobileSearch.OpenInSearchUI ok it’s not a Jewish space laser it’s a government owned Oprah Winfrey borrowed one. People wanna actually believe that Oprah burnt down half of Maui just to grab more land? Fuckin stupid people oh look it IS a Jewish Space Laser Edited August 16, 2023 by 1pooh4u 2 3 Quote
André Toulon Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 I had no idea what react to leave for that post 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) 9 hours ago, André Toulon said: I had no idea what react to leave for that post I didn’t even know how to write the post cuz it’s a first for me. I didn’t know my people were even lending out our space laser technology 💩 ****I edited the post to include the “real story” coming out of Reddit and some dumb ass chan site Edited August 16, 2023 by 1pooh4u 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 Seriously though all this conspiracy nonsense takes away from what really needs to be the focus. Helping the people of Maui and rebuilding when appropriate. Maybe taking climate change a little more seriously 1 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 Lemme see here *checks my J-Notes* oh yes! I was supposed to further the climate change hoax by randomly burning down the most beautiful places on Earth. ok got it. Next time I’ll remember 4 Quote
discolé monade Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 (edited) the fact that celeberity. hawaiians are BEGGING people to stop coming for their vacation is obsurd. people swimming just a day after, where people lost their lives. stevie nicks complaining because her niece and family can't vacation at her house. wtf is wrong with people? and becaouse tourism is 80% of this states income, is tragic. all the over builiding and exhaustion of natural terrain. this was bound to happen. Edited August 16, 2023 by discolé monade words are hard 1 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 18 minutes ago, discolé monade said: the fact that celeberity. hawaiians are BEGGING people to stop coming for their vacation is obsurd. people swimming just a day after, where people lost their lives. stevie nicks complaining because her niece and family can't vacation at her house. wtf is wrong with people? and becaouse tourism is 80% of this states income, is tragic. all the over builiding and exhaustion of natural terrain. this was bound to happen. People still trying to vacation on Maui are assholes and if the US government doesn’t do the right thing by the people who actually live there full time, property will be grabbed up by greedy real estate corporations. They will make lowball offers that people in distress, will be unable to refuse. Tourism is big business on the islands of Hawai’i I’m sure there’s a huge love hate relationship with that fact. 2 1 Quote
rpgamer Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 3 hours ago, 1pooh4u said: People still trying to vacation on Maui are assholes and if the US government doesn’t do the right thing by the people who actually live there full time, property will be grabbed up by greedy real estate corporations. They will make lowball offers that people in distress, will be unable to refuse. You probably meant to use the past tense there. 1 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 16, 2023 Author Posted August 16, 2023 39 minutes ago, rpgamer said: You probably meant to use the past tense there. Omfg rich d bags don’t waste a second to take advantage of tragedy. 2 Quote
viperxmns Posted August 16, 2023 Posted August 16, 2023 is it bad that I keep thinking of the term 'meowy wildfire' which is basically Incineroar 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 17, 2023 Author Posted August 17, 2023 1 hour ago, viperxmns said: is it bad that I keep thinking of the term 'meowy wildfire' which is basically Incineroar Yes, but if it were up to me, I’d forgive you 3 Quote
MasqueradeOverture Posted August 18, 2023 Posted August 18, 2023 I had a pu pu platter joke lined up but it escaped me 2 Quote
André Toulon Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 (edited) I've seen some of the aftermath of this and damn...I can't help but think it was on purpose to see the land....Because who tf can even live in that for fucking decades.....That entire place is an ash tray and I can't be....well I totally believe people are shitty enough to ruin many lives for profit. Edited August 19, 2023 by André Toulon 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 19, 2023 Author Posted August 19, 2023 It definitely wasn’t done on purpose but for real estate d bags this was more of a happy accident than a national tragedy. People want to shift blame because they want to deflect from climate change and failing infrastructure being the main culprits. They have video of the moment they believe the fire kicked off. A power line fell, sparked and then within minutes the fire was out of control 2 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 19, 2023 Author Posted August 19, 2023 If we are all distracted by deep state conspiracies then we don’t notice the government not doing shit about any of the issues creating these tragedies in the first place 2 Quote
André Toulon Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 (edited) 24 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said: It definitely wasn’t done on purpose but for real estate d bags this was more of a happy accident than a national tragedy. People want to shift blame because they want to deflect from climate change and failing infrastructure being the main culprits. They have video of the moment they believe the fire kicked off. A power line fell, sparked and then within minutes the fire was out of control Oh ok, then I can rock with that. I just don't like these stories because after dealing with FEMA after Katrina and the way the insurance companies just bailed on people, shit like this is always sad to me because it's impossible to know just how bad it takes a toll on some people.... All the while there will be people literally working against common decency and think because some people got assisted, a couple grand is enough to rebuild your life. I was going to post a thread about how climate change is literally making insurance companies pull out of some states like Louisiana, Jersey, Florida Delaware. Mostly any states near water. It's like wow, I know people don't matter to these corporations but they are literally going fuck you to entire states now....not just the poor. Edited August 19, 2023 by André Toulon 3 Quote
André Toulon Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 Not the one I wanted but you get the idea. I gotta go find someone to mow my grass https://www.npr.org/2023/07/22/1186540332/how-climate-change-could-cause-a-home-insurance-meltdown#:~:text=Homeowners like Pratt are finding,change fuels more-intense disasters. 3 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 19, 2023 Author Posted August 19, 2023 1 hour ago, André Toulon said: Oh ok, then I can rock with that. I just don't like these stories because after dealing with FEMA after Katrina and the way the insurance companies just bailed on people, shit like this is always sad to me because it's impossible to know just how bad it takes a toll on some people.... All the while there will be people literally working against common decency and think because some people got assisted, a couple grand is enough to rebuild your life. I was going to post a thread about how climate change is literally making insurance companies pull out of some states like Louisiana, Jersey, Florida Delaware. Mostly any states near water. It's like wow, I know people don't matter to these corporations but they are literally going fuck you to entire states now....not just the poor. Our government assists these dbags by giving families a few hundred dollars like that’s gonna rebuild what was lost. During Katrina my understanding was they didn’t get much help but that’s by design. They tried to make NO a corporate playground 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 19, 2023 Author Posted August 19, 2023 1 hour ago, André Toulon said: Not the one I wanted but you get the idea. I gotta go find someone to mow my grass https://www.npr.org/2023/07/22/1186540332/how-climate-change-could-cause-a-home-insurance-meltdown#:~:text=Homeowners like Pratt are finding,change fuels more-intense disasters. Florida has this problem big time. Insurance was never meant to pay for jack shit diddly spit. It was all good when people paid for a jic but now that companies had to actually pay out they take off. The kicker of it all is they know it’s climate change yet companies like State Farm invest pretty heavily in the fossil fuel industry. They perpetuate the crisis and then wanna wipe their hands 2 Quote
katt_goddess Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 All insurance is a a lotto ticket you don't want to win because it's not going to go the way you want it to anyway. Quote
GuyBeardmane Posted August 19, 2023 Posted August 19, 2023 On 8/15/2023 at 8:48 PM, 1pooh4u said: Some conspiracy theories floating around. Haven’t read it yet but if space lasers are involved that’s code for “Soros did it” which is also code for “it was the Jews” https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/maui-wildfires-spark-conspiracy-theories-about-space-lasers-oprah-land-grabs-and-suspicious-trees/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=ru.reactivephone.MobileSearch.OpenInSearchUI ok it’s not a Jewish space laser it’s a government owned Oprah Winfrey borrowed one. People wanna actually believe that Oprah burnt down half of Maui just to grab more land? Fuckin stupid people oh look it IS a Jewish Space Laser Yeah, this is what I heard from my mqm today. "Direct Energy Weapon." Surprised MTG hasn't claimed this yet and demanded the DOJ arrest people yet. 1 1 Quote
1pooh4u Posted August 20, 2023 Author Posted August 20, 2023 I’m pissed that Biden thinks $700 is gonna fuckin do anything. Fuckin clown 1 Quote
Raptorpat Posted August 20, 2023 Posted August 20, 2023 isn't that just what FEMA is authorized to disburse before having to go to congress etc. 2 Quote
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