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Post cringey things you remember saying as a teenager

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I once made an entire website all about my favorite people from the [asmb] back around 2008-2010. I happened to stumble upon it a year or so ago and the whole thing was so cringe I think I gave myself a stroke.

10 minutes ago, Athena 92 said:

I once made an entire website all about my favorite people from the [asmb] back around 2008-2010. I happened to stumble upon it a year or so ago and the whole thing was so cringe I think I gave myself a stroke.

Was I on it?

2 minutes ago, ITasteLikeSex said:

Was I on it?

I don't think so

If I recall correctly I didn't even remember like half the people that were on the list. And like, none of the people that I still talk to now were on there. Like I'm marrying an IBer in about 5 months and we're having like 3 other IBers at our wedding and not a single one of those people were on the list. So if anything being on the list was like, a curse or something.

17 minutes ago, Athena 92 said:

I don't think so

If I recall correctly I didn't even remember like half the people that were on the list. And like, none of the people that I still talk to now were on there. Like I'm marrying an IBer in about 5 months and we're having like 3 other IBers at our wedding and not a single one of those people were on the list. So if anything being on the list was like, a curse or something.

I see how it is


Got banned on an IRC chatroom for constantly confessing my love of my two bishies, Legato Bluesummers and Kakashi Hatake. Brought it with me to the boards in 2003. Luckily my...artistic endeavors of the time never went online. 

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when I was in 8th grade a girl that sat with us at lunch was passing along a piece of paper and everyone was giggling someone was trying to slide it past me and the teacher doing lunch grabbed it and read it

Apparently she had printed out an AIM conversation where she got another popular girl (who I had a huge crush on) at the school to admit she had kissed another girl on a dare

I watched in horror as the teacher walked over to said girls, showed them said print out, and pointed directly at me

Neither one of them ever spoke to me again but the girl that printed it out was like her BFF again a week later

To this day I don't understand how they thought I somehow got a printout of their AIM convo with a completely different person

56 minutes ago, Mix said:

in order to protect me, my brain has erased large chunks of my time as a teenager so I can't really think of anything

You were probably fapping in those blank moments

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, molarbear said:

You were probably fapping in those blank moments

oh no, I remember those B|

I once humped a couch.......that couch and I had some good times 

Edited by Mix
Posted (edited)

Me and my gamer friends used to have our own little words for shit.

Like when something was awesome, we said it was Zesty.

Sometimes we would just go "Eeddybeedycheedyweedy".....It was a sound in Kelly Bundy's head on an episode of MWC

We used to go "Ah yeah" like in a Beavis voice when we realized something.

Chicks with big tits were all called "Mai"

Sometimes we would randomly whisper to strangers "MHRAB".....Which means "Monkey has a red bottom"....It's a 7th Saga reference.

so much more that i can't just recall off hand

But the really cringey thing about it all was I lived in the hood, so while it was cool to say around my nerdy friends at their house or in the arcades, I would sometimes slip up when hanging on the block and my hood friends would look at me like 


Edited by cyberbully
  • Haha 2

I dont remember SAYING anything. i DID cringey stuff. 

Like for my senior goodbye statement or something I dissed another student really bad and he read it and knew it was about him and was upset LOL My whole senior year was cringey and sucked ass. Fuck that year. 


bESides everything

We would online roleplay harry potter but I couldnt say penis cause it was too embarrassing so I could call it a ducky
I glomped people, I wore two skirts over my jeans, I wore eyeliner on my lips to be edgey, we had a barcode gang and wrote barcodes on ourselves to show we were just apart of the SYSTEM

We live action roleplayed in the woods


Ah yes, the teenage years when I went through my phase of obsessing over vampire fiction(Interview with the Vampire, Lost Boys, The Last Vampire, etc.).

"Oh my god, you guys! We could totally live in New Orleans by a cemetery, and always dress up and wear fake fangs! It'd be so fucking awesome if vampires were real!"


girl i was crushing on hard calls me for no reason out of the blue. 

we talk for like an hour. 

she ends with something like, "i'd like to get to know you better."

i'm like, "uhm, yeah that would be great."

it never occurred to me that she wanted me to ask her out. 


Ooohhhh i just remembered something EXTRA cringey that i did in highschool 

Horrible senior year. This really cute blonde girl use to flirt with me trying to say she liked this boy. Well she did i guess. She talked about him so much everyday. She sat in my lap and scribbled his name in my notebook. Matt. She said she loved his blue eyes.

Well i worked at McDonalds right across from the school.

One day this gorgeous guy walked in his with little brother and big sister and my fucking psychic abilities go haywire (i was a legit strong ass witch back in those days) and i just KNEW IT WAS HIM. I took this as a sign that i had to tell him about my girl and try to get them together. 

Well i blab like crazy to this guy and he pretends to go along with it. Ugh poor kid. Couldn't even go to McDonald's. He never came back and my girl was piisssssed. She forgave me but i embarrassed the fuck out of her.

Wouldn't be the last time my preternatural senses fucked my life that year either.

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