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Cause I never did that. I got my learners and then decided that driving was too scary and stressful for my weak constitution and said fuck it.

But here I am, at the ripe age of 24, finally needing to drive myself places.


I bought a car.

I have practiced driving and parking.

I think I'm ready to do the thing?



There isn't much of a point in this thread except for IM SCARED IM GOING TO FAIL OR DIE


You just have to trust your ability. There might be irrational thoughts that surface while driving that breed doubt, but ultimately, if you know you can keep your eye out on the road for signs and stupid drivers, and obey safety/traffic rules fine, you can use that to boost your confidence that you'll make it there and back without worry. Worrying about worst case scenarios or improbable situations only distracts from simple tasks like "just drive straight" or "just turn here" or "wait for the light".


Drivings a pain in the dick, but it can be more enjoyable by finding more relaxing shortcuts or scenic routes that aren't jammed up with heavy traffic and can help you practice before taking on main streets. Music is also a good way get in the right mindset.


oh man I took my test in the rain....when the roads are wet it makes me feel the most secure about my driving...that being said my favorite thing to practice/do is the parallel park...could do that shit with my eyes closed...


i need to get mine renewed. been driving on an expired license since september. it would be easier if the nearest dmv wasn't 30 minutes away, and was open at times when i'm not also at work.


i need to get mine renewed. been driving on an expired license since september. it would be easier if the nearest dmv wasn't 30 minutes away, and was open at times when i'm not also at work.

You cant do it online? I renewed mine online, they just re-used the same picture from 5 years ago.


OP you're going to do great and be fine but also you will probably always feel a little scared bc driving is a very scary and dangerous thing when you think about it consciously, so try not to do that, once you drive enough your subconscious will take over and it'll stop being a thing. Drive unconsciously, get drunk if you have to.


probably, if i'd realized it was about to expire. once it's expired, it's not accessible online (at least in illinois). also, i get hounded at renewal time because i had a dui 12 years ago. i have had to take either the written or field test at every renewal since then.


take your test in the most rural place you can find. I took mine in the 4th least populous county in NYS, and having no traffic and two lane streets really made it a lot less stressful than taking it in an urban setting.


Cause I never did that. I got my learners and then decided that driving was too scary and stressful for my weak constitution and said fuck it.

But here I am, at the ripe age of 24, finally needing to drive myself places.


I bought a car.

I have practiced driving and parking.

I think I'm ready to do the thing?



There isn't much of a point in this thread except for IM SCARED IM GOING TO FAIL OR DIE




it not that hard  i got my licence when was 21 


You cant do it online? I renewed mine online, they just re-used the same picture from 5 years ago.


OP you're going to do great and be fine but also you will probably always feel a little scared bc driving is a very scary and dangerous thing when you think about it consciously, so try not to do that, once you drive enough your subconscious will take over and it'll stop being a thing. Drive unconsciously, get drunk if you have to.


WTF, dude? NO!


Failing isn't too bad once you get used to it.  I failed three times before I got my license.

That was a long time ago.  I got my license the year I graduated high school in 1999.  I didn't even have a email account yet back then.


Depending on where you live, it's better to get your license in the winter.  I didn't have to do a Y turn since there was so much snow that winter.

I've been driving a long time and have never had to do it.


I had to google a Y-turn. I don't think that is something we do around here.  :D

Thank god though cause it seems intense.


I'm not googling it, but I think it's a synonym for a three-point turn. Three point turns can be extremely useful. Like you want to make a u-turn, but there is not enough room for you to turn that whole U. So you do the three point turn (which kinda takes the shape of a Y).


You cant do it online? I renewed mine online, they just re-used the same picture from 5 years ago.


OP you're going to do great and be fine but also you will probably always feel a little scared bc driving is a very scary and dangerous thing when you think about it consciously, so try not to do that, once you drive enough your subconscious will take over and it'll stop being a thing. Drive unconsciously, get drunk if you have to.

i aint never heard worse advice in my life man

Just thought of some useful advice. 

One's pretty obvious try not to get too nervous. 

The more nervous you are, the more likely you'll make mistakes when you go for your driver's test.  That happened to me.


Two:  This is the main one.  Be sure to check your mirrors often.

The main reason I failed several times was that I didn't check my blind spots.  That was the main thing they took points off on for me.

Even if they don't have a Y-turn you should practice your U-turns.  They're really easy to do though and make sure you drive the speed limit.


I finally had to get an OK license last year because my old one expired.......It was much easier than any state I've ever had one issued in once I passed the eye exam.


I hate having that restriction on my Ls because then police always want to know "where are your glasses"......I mean they are always in the car, but I just feel like it's a dick question.  I normally pass it without my glasses just so I don't have to be bothered, but I guess I'm past that point where I can get away with that.


What are we talking about again?


Just thought of some useful advice. 

One's pretty obvious try not to get too nervous. 

The more nervous you are, the more likely you'll make mistakes when you go for your driver's test.  That happened to me.


Two:  This is the main one.  Be sure to check your mirrors often.

The main reason I failed several times was that I didn't check my blind spots.  That was the main thing they took points off on for me.

Even if they don't have a Y-turn you should practice your U-turns.  They're really easy to do though and make sure you drive the speed limit.

Driving anxiety is one of my top anxieties. I'll try not to let it surface while I do the test.  :D

I definitely needed to hear the mirror advice. When am I supposed to look out my windows and in my mirrors though? Like for the obvious reasons of turning and passing, but are there other times I should be looking?

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm just this dumb.


I finally had to get an OK license last year because my old one expired.......It was much easier than any state I've ever had one issued in once I passed the eye exam.


I hate having that restriction on my Ls because then police always want to know "where are your glasses"......I mean they are always in the car, but I just feel like it's a dick question.  I normally pass it without my glasses just so I don't have to be bothered, but I guess I'm past that point where I can get away with that.


What are we talking about again?

My grandpa told me to take the test without my glasses, but I can't see shit so I don't really think that's the best idea.

You ever got a Georgia license?


I know what it's like to have anxiety issues and drive. I drove around illegally for years before getting my license because of anxiety issues. I'm surprised I was never caught.


This might sound corny, but I think it is worth a shot. Try getting into meditation. Do it for at least five minutes every morning. When you drive your car, imagine yourself as being one with the car instead of you being a person inside a dangerous hunk of steel operating it. It helped me get over my anxieties.


Driving anxiety is one of my top anxieties. I'll try not to let it surface while I do the test.  :D

I definitely needed to hear the mirror advice. When am I supposed to look out my windows and in my mirrors though? Like for the obvious reasons of turning and passing, but are there other times I should be looking?

I'm sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm just this dumb.


You're fine.  Unfortunately I don't remember.  I don't have a good memory in the first place and I took the test in 99, but I know it is pretty often.

I only looked in my mirrors for turning and passing and they took points off me for not checking my blind spots.  I only partly remember because I got really bothered by it.


I think it's every two minutes or so.  Not sure.  I'd try to find out online.  Just check often.

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