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One of my biggest concerns is he absolutely does not know the meaning of the word diplomacy. If he ever gets in an exchange with other world leaders, which I'm sure he will, shit can really hit the fan. That's also one of my biggest fears.


One thing I've always been confused about is the muslim ban. How the hell do you ban a religion from a country? Like a middle eastern guy comes off the plane, and some security guys asks him, "What's your religion?" And he's a muslim but he goes, "Oh, I'm Jewish." Then the security guy goes, "Ok, welcome aboard." Or, maybe the guy really is Jewish, and the security guy goes, "Nice try, you look muslim, so you are muslim! Back on the plane you go!" And for that matter, wouldn't this be a flagrant violation of freedom of religion in the first amendment? "Sorry bud, you can't practice Islam here." "What about freedom of religion?" "Fuck that shit."


Another thing is when he said Mexican immigrants were rapists. We've all heard the "immigrants are taking our jobs" argument 50,000 times, but I legit never once in my life heard anyone accuse Mexican immigrants as a group as being rapists until Trump said that. And I pictured in my head a possible scenario to explain it: One day Trump finds his wife in bed with their Mexican gardener. He goes "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???" Then his wife goes, "Uh... he raped me. Yeah, that's it." BAM! Mexican immigrants are now rapists in his mind because his wife didn't want to admit she was cheating on him.


One of my biggest concerns is he absolutely does not know the meaning of the word diplomacy. If he ever gets in an exchange with other world leaders, which I'm sure he will, shit can really hit the fan. That's also one of my biggest fears.


One thing I've always been confused about is the muslim ban. How the hell do you ban a religion from a country? Like a middle eastern guy comes off the plane, and some security guys asks him, "What's your religion?" And he's a muslim but he goes, "Oh, I'm Jewish." Then the security guy goes, "Ok, welcome aboard." Or, maybe the guy really is Jewish, and the security guy goes, "Nice try, you look muslim, so you are muslim! Back on the plane you go!" And for that matter, wouldn't this be a flagrant violation of freedom of religion in the first amendment? "Sorry bud, you can't practice Islam here." "What about freedom of religion?" "Fuck that shit."


Another thing is when he said Mexican immigrants were rapists. We've all heard the "immigrants are taking our jobs" argument 50,000 times, but I legit never once in my life heard anyone accuse Mexican immigrants as a group as being rapists until Trump said that. And I pictured in my head a possible scenario to explain it: One day Trump finds his wife in bed with their Mexican gardener. He goes "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???" Then his wife goes, "Uh... he raped me. Yeah, that's it." BAM! Mexican immigrants are now rapists in his mind because his wife didn't want to admit she was cheating on him.


first point, yeah it will be sad watching him work with the other global leaders. he is not known as a team player and i could see him souring our relations with other nations.


second point, the muslim hate is only there to make people ok with the idea of us bombing their countries. thats how it always goes, dehumanize the people and then we can do whatever we want to them.


the mexican hate is only there for political resons as well. we are part of the reason why this country is shitty. get rid of them and everything will be ll fixed.


this thread is just to give you guys a voice abd to share your opinions about our new president trump.

what are your thoughts, concerns, fears?


ive gotten thru 8 yrs of bush i can get thru 4 yrs of trump. hes not the first bad president ive had in my lifetime.

it sucks he won, but i think it woulda sucked too if hillary won. neither of them woulda done any good for this country.

hillary was a crook who cheated bernie outta being the democrat nominee and she wanted to go to war with russia.

trump is well...hes trump..hes a dumbass pedo asshole.


it was nice having obama for 8 yrs, he barely fixed the mess bush made, but all good things have to come to an end.


idk, honestly i think that ppl are waaaay over exagerating esp over on tumblr and reddit. hes not gonna build a wal they wont allow it, im pretty sure theyl veto whatever wierd laws he tries to make if any.

also theres a thing called impeachment, which if he turns out as bad as ppl make him out to be then yeah hes gonna get impeached. theres ppl to keep the president in check.

ppl seem to think the president can do what he wants and when he wants and yeah he holds a lot of power, but theres still a lot a president needs to go through to make things happen.



anyway, it doesnt matter hes president now and nothing we can do about it.



ive gotten thru 8 yrs of bush i can get thru 4 yrs of trump. hes not the first bad president ive had in my lifetime.

it sucks he won, but i think it woulda sucked too if hillary won. neither of them woulda done any good for this country.

hillary was a crook who cheated bernie outta being the democrat nominee and she wanted to go to war with russia.

trump is well...hes trump..hes a dumbass pedo asshole.


it was nice having obama for 8 yrs, he barely fixed the mess bush made, but all good things have to come to an end.


idk, honestly i think that ppl are waaaay over exagerating esp over on tumblr and reddit. hes not gonna build a wal they wont allow it, im pretty sure theyl veto whatever wierd laws he tries to make if any.

also theres a thing called impeachment, which if he turns out as bad as ppl make him out to be then yeah hes gonna get impeached. theres ppl to keep the president in check.

ppl seem to think the president can do what he wants and when he wants and yeah he holds a lot of power, but theres still a lot a president needs to go through to make things happen.



anyway, it doesnt matter hes president now and nothing we can do about it.


I hate that the House went all Republican, tho.

That would've been a way to combat more evil ~_~


yeah i was kinda hoping it go democrat.

but eh i dont even think republicans care much for trump.


since i was at work i didnt get to hear his acceptence speach and whatnot, i am now.

its....not as chidish as i thought it would be. i thought trump woud come on stage being like HAY HILLARY SUCK IT!!!!!!!! I WON HAHAHA U LOOOSE LOOOSSEERRR

like some grade school bully concidering how he was while running.


i dunno, hopefully hell calm down  and take this presidency serious bc hes not gonna resign, his ego wont allow it.




Well hes fucking worthless. So my biggest concerns are he didnt offer any real ideas or plans just a bunch of shit and hate speech

Hes not even a charismatic speaker he just captured the burdens of American society (the reason why america wont be great)

I feel bad for those barely getting by because its going to be an uphill battle for them also along the lines of people who are already discriminated against


My thoughts... He should stab himself in the neck and choke on his own blood



Well my "proposed" contract was set to hit 120k by may has actually dropped to 78k as of now.


yeah i was kinda hoping it go democrat.

but eh i dont even think republicans care much for trump.


since i was at work i didnt get to hear his acceptence speach and whatnot, i am now.

its....not as chidish as i thought it would be. i thought trump woud come on stage being like HAY HILLARY SUCK IT!!!!!!!! I WON HAHAHA U LOOOSE LOOOSSEERRR

like some grade school bully concidering how he was while running.


i dunno, hopefully hell calm down  and take this presidency serious bc hes not gonna resign, his ego wont allow it.


I think it went Republican because even the Republicans didn't think this would happen =\


Well, he legit just read what someone wrote for him, sooooo.

He knows enough not to act like that...he'd only act like a bully if he lost.


I'm hoping for impeachment. >_>


He has a child rape case coming up in December.


Honestly? I'm not surprised. I wish I could be, but with how horrible humanity is, I'm not. I could make strawman arguments about how this country is awful because we let an elementary school classroom full of children die to a maniac with a gun, but I'm not.


Trump actually did it. He didn't need a ground game, a competent strategy, enough campaign advertising, or even hope. He just said "Make America Great Again!" and everyone followed. He wasn't even dented by the people who forgot to vote. I think that speaks to us, as a nation, as a planet, and as a species. We value meaningless platitudes in front of genuine action. We have more in common with the GamerGate trolls with anime avatars wanting women to be burned at the stake than any supposedly "good" person. This election has made morality meaningless, for the only true morality we have is predetermined.


But maybe this doesn't mean that there are enough bad people in the world to vote for Trump. Maybe we have to find meaning in the meaningless and turn something into nothing by examining ourselves at the corporeal level. This is not on the same level as 2000 when about 500 voters in Florida ruined it for the rest of us; this is a systemic problem. It must be solved through any way possible, even if it's in ways we don't know. I think humans are inherently evil, but that doesn't stop me from trying to make change in different ways because it's what gives me pleasure. I've never really thought about what my pleasure might to do change the world, but I hope that it will, because blind hope is really the best thing for any human being.


So basically, fuck humanity. Only do what you think will change the world, and don't ponder how nihilism makes your actions meaningless. Some day, maybe you'll cast the deciding vote that brings peace and justice to the world without knowing it. Do the power, and do the pleasure. And if you're evil or you at least think you're evil, shake it off. Just hope that you can be the one who does the impossible, because, as I'm sure many fictional works once told us, kicking the curb and doing the impossible is something humanity loves to do, even if they don't know if it's possible... because fuck those guys.




ive gotten thru 8 yrs of bush i can get thru 4 yrs of trump. hes not the first bad president ive had in my lifetime.

it sucks he won, but i think it woulda sucked too if hillary won. neither of them woulda done any good for this country.

hillary was a crook who cheated bernie outta being the democrat nominee and she wanted to go to war with russia.

trump is well...hes trump..hes a dumbass pedo asshole.


it was nice having obama for 8 yrs, he barely fixed the mess bush made, but all good things have to come to an end.


idk, honestly i think that ppl are waaaay over exagerating esp over on tumblr and reddit. hes not gonna build a wal they wont allow it, im pretty sure theyl veto whatever wierd laws he tries to make if any.

also theres a thing called impeachment, which if he turns out as bad as ppl make him out to be then yeah hes gonna get impeached. theres ppl to keep the president in check.

ppl seem to think the president can do what he wants and when he wants and yeah he holds a lot of power, but theres still a lot a president needs to go through to make things happen.



anyway, it doesnt matter hes president now and nothing we can do about it.


yeah i gotta agree that a hillary presidency would suck as well. honestly this was the dnc election to lose when you look at all the candidates they put up. they backed up hillary instead of going with the person that most likely would have beaten trump in the first place. and no matter how they trump is, she lost to him. that should tell people something right there.


im under a different opinion of obama. while i do agree that the republican party left him a mess when he entered office, he clearly didn't deliver on most of his promises he originally ran on. not that i believe he would, and yes he did face a lot of opposition, but the guy did do a lot for big wall street.



honestly, im not sure whats going to happen. to me thats the most curious part. with clinton i was expecting pretty much more of the same. the average citizens life gets incrementally shittier and the wealthy get wealthier. with trump we might get the status quo but who knows. one thing for sure is with majority republican control, he should have an easier time passing legislation.


reading about protests now.  like - massive anti-trump protests and student walkouts.  LA, Chicago, NY and many many other cities.


Perhaps strangely, I did not expect this either.






Well hes fucking worthless. So my biggest concerns are he didnt offer any real ideas or plans just a bunch of shit and hate speech

Hes not even a charismatic speaker he just captured the burdens of American society (the reason why america wont be great)

I feel bad for those barely getting by because its going to be an uphill battle for them also along the lines of people who are already discriminated against


My thoughts... He should stab himself in the neck and choke on his own blood



Well my "proposed" contract was set to hit 120k by may has actually dropped to 78k as of now.


explain more about your contract. that sounds pretty shitty now.


and for the rest of your post, i gotta agree with the charismatic part. the man is hard to listen to without feeling like youre losing brain cells. but hey, he promised people that our nation will be great again. whatever that means.


reading about protests now.  like - massive anti-trump protests and student walkouts.  LA, Chicago, NY and many many other cities.


Perhaps strangely, I did not expect this either.


guess i should have seeing as emotions were running pretty high the whole day yesterday. when emotions get that high theres always going to be a response. lots of people scared for their lives.




Honestly? I'm not surprised. I wish I could be, but with how horrible humanity is, I'm not. I could make strawman arguments about how this country is awful because we let an elementary school classroom full of children die to a maniac with a gun, but I'm not.


Trump actually did it. He didn't need a ground game, a competent strategy, enough campaign advertising, or even hope. He just said "Make America Great Again!" and everyone followed. He wasn't even dented by the people who forgot to vote. I think that speaks to us, as a nation, as a planet, and as a species. We value meaningless platitudes in front of genuine action. We have more in common with the GamerGate trolls with anime avatars wanting women to be burned at the stake than any supposedly "good" person. This election has made morality meaningless, for the only true morality we have is predetermined.


But maybe this doesn't mean that there are enough bad people in the world to vote for Trump. Maybe we have to find meaning in the meaningless and turn something into nothing by examining ourselves at the corporeal level. This is not on the same level as 2000 when about 500 voters in Florida ruined it for the rest of us; this is a systemic problem. It must be solved through any way possible, even if it's in ways we don't know. I think humans are inherently evil, but that doesn't stop me from trying to make change in different ways because it's what gives me pleasure. I've never really thought about what my pleasure might to do change the world, but I hope that it will, because blind hope is really the best thing for any human being.


So basically, fuck humanity. Only do what you think will change the world, and don't ponder how nihilism makes your actions meaningless. Some day, maybe you'll cast the deciding vote that brings peace and justice to the world without knowing it. Do the power, and do the pleasure. And if you're evil or you at least think you're evil, shake it off. Just hope that you can be the one who does the impossible, because, as I'm sure many fictional works once told us, kicking the curb and doing the impossible is something humanity loves to do, even if they don't know if it's possible... because fuck those guys.




trump might be stupid but the dnc did everything they could to lose.


the other part of your rant got a bit more philosophical which i cant really answer much  ;D


  • 2 years later...

and yet none of the doom and gloom has come to pass....




























Epstein didn't kill himself....














*honk honk*


  • Like 1

You mean the guy who was a close personal friend of trump and would find underaged girls foe him to fuck didn't kill himself?


Also, fuck you jingo you neo nazi sack of shit. 

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Ginguy said:

and yet none of the doom and gloom has come to pass....


On 11/9/2016 at 3:47 AM, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

One of my biggest concerns is he absolutely does not know the meaning of the word diplomacy. If he ever gets in an exchange with other world leaders, which I'm sure he will, shit can really hit the fan. That's also one of my biggest fears.

Happened on several occasions

One thing I've always been confused about is the muslim ban. How the hell do you ban a religion from a country? Like a middle eastern guy comes off the plane, and some security guys asks him, "What's your religion?" And he's a muslim but he goes, "Oh, I'm Jewish." Then the security guy goes, "Ok, welcome aboard." Or, maybe the guy really is Jewish, and the security guy goes, "Nice try, you look muslim, so you are muslim! Back on the plane you go!" And for that matter, wouldn't this be a flagrant violation of freedom of religion in the first amendment? "Sorry bud, you can't practice Islam here." "What about freedom of religion?" "Fuck that shit."

Yeah it went down pretty much like that.

Another thing is when he said Mexican immigrants were rapists. We've all heard the "immigrants are taking our jobs" argument 50,000 times, but I legit never once in my life heard anyone accuse Mexican immigrants as a group as being rapists until Trump said that. And I pictured in my head a possible scenario to explain it: One day Trump finds his wife in bed with their Mexican gardener. He goes "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???" Then his wife goes, "Uh... he raped me. Yeah, that's it." BAM! Mexican immigrants are now rapists in his mind because his wife didn't want to admit she was cheating on him.

Well that scenario didn't necessarily happen, but anti-immigrant hate crimess did skyrocket so...

On 11/9/2016 at 4:16 AM, Distortedreasoning said:


first point, yeah it will be sad watching him work with the other global leaders. he is not known as a team player and i could see him souring our relations with other nations.

Relationships with other nations did sour. Especially the ones he's currently attempting to illegally collude with.

second point, the muslim hate is only there to make people ok with the idea of us bombing their countries. thats how it always goes, dehumanize the people and then we can do whatever we want to them.

Remember the absolute chaos that he caused when he actually tried to implement the muslim ban? Then they of course ruled he couldn't do that, so it was all for nothing.

the mexican  is only there for political resons as well. we are part of the reason why this country is shitty. get rid of them and everything will be ll fixed.

Yep, that's still happening too.

@Ginguy this post aged really well it was smart of you to bump it.

On 11/9/2016 at 11:30 AM, Cidz said:

idk, honestly i think that ppl are waaaay over exagerating esp over on tumblr and reddit. hes not gonna build a wal they wont allow it, im pretty sure theyl veto whatever wierd laws he tries to make if any.

also theres a thing called impeachment, which if he turns out as bad as ppl make him out to be then yeah hes gonna get impeached. theres ppl to keep the president in check.



Ok, those are the only predictions I found in this thread. 

Honestly I don't see why you bumped this thread.

Need any kind of feeling even remotely like a win, no matter how small, these days, eh?

  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)

Ginguy has already told us he is a Republican political operative, that is literally what he does for money, that's not me saying that those are his words, he's a total piece of shit fully dedicated to this hell vision of the world. Helping Republicans win elections is what he does during his only life on the planet. Trash shit person, complete evil, waste.

Edited by NaBones
  • D'oh 1

@Ginguy i wanted to address the *honk honk* too.

In case you haven't noticed, frenworld and clownworld have been abandoned because the nazis using it figured out everyone caught onto their bullshit.

So not only are you throwing out nazi propaganda, you're throwing out outdated nazi propaganda. 

It must suck to be that far behind the 88-ball.

  • Haha 1

I like what he's done for the economy & jobs, but considering nearly everything else, that's roughly akin to what they said about Mussolini with, "Well, he made the trains run on time".

We do need some sort of change in immigration, not to forcefully exclude any group or person (unless warranted), but to keep track so that we know they haven't been taken advantage of because of being undocumented.  

I don't think we necessarily need to be part of the Paris accord, instead we should go beyond it & lead the world.

I worry that, as far as the economy & jobs go, the Dems will get elected & "fix that".  I don't see anyone so far in either party that I want to see as POTUS, but I have no idea who the Libertarians or Greens are this time around.

I don't want the Gov't involved in healthcare beyond reigning in costs.  Legally abolish the pricing menus used by hospitals & put extreme limits on what Big Pharma can charge for life saving meds.  Gov't has never been any good at running businesses.  Same goes for Insurance companies - a good deal of healthcare costs are inflated because if a procedure really costs $X, the insurance company comes along and says "we're only going to pay you $X - Y", so the healthcare provider boosts the cost to $X + Y to recover the difference.

10 hours ago, tsar4 said:

I like what he's done for the economy & jobs, but considering nearly everything else, that's roughly akin to what they said about Mussolini with, "Well, he made the trains run on time".

We do need some sort of change in immigration, not to forcefully exclude any group or person (unless warranted), but to keep track so that we know they haven't been taken advantage of because of being undocumented.  

I don't think we necessarily need to be part of the Paris accord, instead we should go beyond it & lead the world.

I worry that, as far as the economy & jobs go, the Dems will get elected & "fix that".  I don't see anyone so far in either party that I want to see as POTUS, but I have no idea who the Libertarians or Greens are this time around.

I don't want the Gov't involved in healthcare beyond reigning in costs.  Legally abolish the pricing menus used by hospitals & put extreme limits on what Big Pharma can charge for life saving meds.  Gov't has never been any good at running businesses.  Same goes for Insurance companies - a good deal of healthcare costs are inflated because if a procedure really costs $X, the insurance company comes along and says "we're only going to pay you $X - Y", so the healthcare provider boosts the cost to $X + Y to recover the difference.

Trump didn't do shit for the economy other than a tax credit that offset his poorly planned trade war.... and is all but certain to bite us in the ass in another couple of years.

2 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

Trump didn't do shit for the economy other than a tax credit that offset his poorly planned trade war.... and is all but certain to bite us in the ass in another couple of years.

Guess you'll be able to gloat then.



10 hours ago, tsar4 said:

I don't want the Gov't involved in healthcare beyond reigning in costs.  Legally abolish the pricing menus used by hospitals & put extreme limits on what Big Pharma can charge for life saving meds.  Gov't has never been any good at running businesses.  Same goes for Insurance companies - a good deal of healthcare costs are inflated because if a procedure really costs $X, the insurance company comes along and says "we're only going to pay you $X - Y", so the healthcare provider boosts the cost to $X + Y to recover the difference.

The only way to reign in costs is to make it so health care is not free market.  You can arbitrarily put limits on things like pharmaceuticals, ancillary services or, even, legal liability (curtailing medical malpractice is an absolute must), but the more you limit what can be negotiated for profit, the more likely you are to have collusion which bumps up prices.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for reminding me, I wanted to break this reply down

10 hours ago, tsar4 said:

I like what he's done for the economy & jobs, but considering nearly everything else, that's roughly akin to what they said about Mussolini with, "Well, he made the trains run on time".

The economy and jobs are doing worse under Trump. We're racing towards another recession, Trump got us 1.5 million less jobs than Obama, debt is up over 23 trillion, farmers declaring bankruptcy is up 24%...

We do need some sort of change in immigration, not to forcefully exclude any group or person (unless warranted), but to keep track so that we know they haven't been taken advantage of because of being undocumented.  

Sounds like we need to make it easier to become a citizen so immigrants can be afforded constitutional rights (technically the constitution states that non-citizens have lots of rights too- the framers were careful when selecting the word "citizens" vs. "people" for that intent. Or maybe at least don't have children killed in for-profit concentration camps.

I don't think we necessarily need to be part of the Paris accord, instead we should go beyond it & lead the world.

Boy howdy, that'd be something, wouldn't it? If we made huge investments into transitioning into renewable energy like say Germany has? Or the UK? I mean, I'm all for saying "we should be the best" but right now I'd settle for not being among the worst.

I worry that, as far as the economy & jobs go, the Dems will get elected & "fix that". I don't see anyone so far in either party that I want to see as POTUS, but I have no idea who the Libertarians or Greens are this time around.

Like how Obama "fixed it" after he got handed the worst financial downturn since the great depression, or how Clinton fixed it after he brought about a budget surplus?

I don't want the Gov't involved in healthcare beyond reigning in costs.  Legally abolish the pricing menus used by hospitals & put extreme limits on what Big Pharma can charge for life saving meds.  Gov't has never been any good at running businesses. They were pretty good about the "installing the interstate highway system" business. Same goes for Insurance companies - a good deal of healthcare costs are inflated because if a procedure really costs $X, the insurance company comes along and says "we're only going to pay you $X - Y", so the healthcare provider boosts the cost to $X + Y to recover the difference. And just because they can, you know, to make money. Because they're a business, and their job is to maximize profit for their shareholders. Hey, wouldn't it be nice if our health and safety weren't dependent on how much money they can make someone? Like, maybe we had a system similar to every other nation that has a system that works better than ours?


Edited by SwimModSponges
  • Like 2
12 minutes ago, scoobdog said:


The only way to reign in costs is to make it so health care is not free market.  You can arbitrarily put limits on things like pharmaceuticals, ancillary services or, even, legal liability (curtailing medical malpractice is an absolute must), but the more you limit what can be negotiated for profit, the more likely you are to have collusion which bumps up prices.

Yeah, because everything else the Gov't has managed has done so well.  Post Office, VA Hospitals, Obamacare...


i made this thread in response to all the protest people had at the time.

3 years has passed, one thing for sure i could say is the fall of our empire has accelerated thanks to trump. not only is the wealth inequality growing but the system has put mankind in peril facing both a climate crisis and other existential threats. conditions are worst for regular people here than they have ever been. a few a you might be lucky enough to have cushy jobs but mostly everyone in the country is struggling. tho a lot of this was true before trump but like i said, things have gotten worse or stagnated for most people since he came into office.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, tsar4 said:

Yeah, because everything else the Gov't has managed has done so well.  Post Office, VA Hospitals, Obamacare...

Herp derp.  So you're saying that your plan of curtailing drug prices isn't somehow government management? 

2 hours ago, scoobdog said:

Herp derp.  So you're saying that your plan of curtailing drug prices isn't somehow government management? 

Herp derp yourself.  Setting ceilings for prices isn't the Gov't taking over the process entirely.


heres the thing about the economy, you gotta look at the whole picture and not just take the unemployment rate and the stock market. a big one to look at is wages. wages for most jobs have remained stagnant since the last recession, while the cost of living has gone up. a good indicator that people are struggling is the polls that shows that a large segment of our population cant cover a $500 emergency. other things to look at is the rising homeless crisis. i know the last 5 plus years in most our major cities has seen a rise in the homeless population. theres tons of reports that show people in some sort of debt, student loan, housing loan, or medical debt all big ones. another big indicator to go by is our gdp rate of growth which has been stuck under 3% for years. tho none of these are really unique to trump since they were also the case during the obama years too. 


the big economic things that trump affected are that he gave the rich a bigger tax rate, his china tariffs, and his decreasing of the federal rate. the tax break to the wealthy didn't do much to stimulate our economy. in fact they mostly just used that extra money to buy more of their stock instead of creating more jobs. the china tariff is probably his biggest blunder. it was supposed to be a move that showed him being tough on foreign policy but has had more negative effects on our country than it has on china. the biggest loser in this china trade war were farmers. specifically the ones that sold soy beans to china who no longer buy from our farmers. this is why he had to bail them out and even then that wasnt enough. the consumer also loses since companies pass on their higher expenses to us by jacking up the prices on the goods we buy. the fed rate is mainly a move that helps banks by giving them a lower interest rate to pay back the fed when they borrow money. a lower rate when things are supposedly are going good economically is a warning sign that something isnt right. 


all these moves are designed to keep the economy afloat but may very well have sped up its crash. 







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