Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Not really sure what the hell is going on, but really messed up dreams of people I know dying... a lot. Never the same person though and not really people I even care about. This morning I had a dream that this lady I did a mortgage for died, stabbed. She means nothing to me, and I watched her die....... The other night I had a sexy dream that turned in to her getting killed, not sure how she died, just remember seeing the news and her parents were super upset at her current husband. I am sure all of this means I need to go get laid or something.
1pooh4u Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 It's probably deeper than just needing to get your dick wet.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 It can't be about the depth.... it really can't be. I may need to just fuck the sides up a bit.
André Toulon Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Jesus dude, it's almost like fate that you made this thread.......I seriously wasn't even going to bring this up because it was kinda weird, and funny in the end, but I had a dream YOU died last night. It was weird because all of our little FB friends got the news while we were seemingly at someone else's funeral.......Someone started passing out pamphlets with your face on it with RIP across them. I was incredibly sad.......LIke not to be a dick, but more sad than I thought I would be......We sat there through services and in the back of my mind I was like "he said I have to speak at his funeral" but I could never reach the podium......It kept moving or some shit....Don't remember.......It was funny because after the service I opened my pamphlet and it said something like "today we put to rest, Trevor Sanchez, if you feel you've gotten this message in error call *random numbers*"......So I called it, and it was you......Fucking laughing and calling us bitches. I tried to stay asleep so I could hunt your ass down.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 Jesus dude, it's almost like fate that you made this thread.......I seriously wasn't even going to bring this up because it was kinda weird, and funny in the end, but I had a dream YOU died last night. It was weird because all of out little FB friends got the news while we were seemingly at someone else's funeral.......Someone started passing out pamphlets with your face on it with RIP across them. I was incredibly sad.......LIke not to be a dick, but more sad than I thought I would be......We sat there through services and in the back of my mind I was like "he said I have to speak at his funeral" but I could never reach the podium......It kept moving or some shit....Don't remember.......It was funny because after the service I opened my pamphlet and it said something like "today we put to rest, Trevor Sanchez, if you feel you've gotten this message in error call *random numbers*"......So I called it, and it was you......Fucking laughing and calling us bitches. I tried to stay asleep so I could hunt your ass down. Trolling even in death. Sounds like me. You would have to assume that any news of my death would be a ruse, at least at first.... until you see a body. Jesus, the people that would show up though..... the girls would all be grilling eachother, I would need you in that space to kind of damage control shit, or not... I would be dead, let them tear eachother apart.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I try to not attribute any meaning to dreams because even when they seems so clear, I think our memories upon waking up are inaccurate anyways. But you should probably still stick it in something if its been long enough that you're considering it a problem.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I try to not attribute any meaning to dreams because even when they seems so clear, I think our memories upon waking up are inaccurate anyways. But you should probably still stick it in something if its been long enough that you're considering it a problem. Now where oh where will I find a piece of punch meat at this hour? I think I will just make some calls and have myself some chicken nuggets.
Distortedreasoning Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 i think its a sign. dreams are always a sign of your unconsciousness trying to tell you something.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Now where oh where will I find a piece of punch meat at this hour? I think I will just make some calls and have myself some chicken nuggets. Thats supposed to mean something... but I haven't the slightest.... so now I'm just assuming you gonna holler at a mcd's manager.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I think I need real food actually today. Freeze pops and chicken nuggets haven't really been getting me the nutrients I need. Oh, no hidden meaning either.... I don't think at least.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Well good, it not just my foggy sleep brain. Why not hit a decent restaurant and leave the waitress a good tip. Two birds one stone?
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I'm not fucking with waitresses or bartenders anymore. I learned that lesson a few times now.
Distortedreasoning Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I need more obvious messages. the brain works in cryptic ways. sometimes it will be clear but most the time it doesn't make sense. you maybe should look into something that might be bothering you irl. though the dream could also end up being nothing.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I don't really have much going on IRL, this month has been a strong sales month for me and got a nice amount of coin coming my way because of that. Don't really socialize much anymore outside of networking and work stuff, so other peoples crap doesn't really have much weight in my life. This are good, I'd imagine the death stuff is change? Idk....
Distortedreasoning Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 its probably nothing and you just need to get laid then since everything else looks good.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 If only there was a way to just pay for sex and then they just leave after an agreed upon length of time......
Derackthehunter Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I have some weird dreams and they seem to be increasing in frequency. There's usually done death involved some more graphic then others, but it's the locations and what we are doing that makes them werid or downright creepy. The death part doesn't bother me
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 Maybe we aren't masturbating enough?
Phillies Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Psych meds definitely cause that... also drug/alcohol withdrawal.
Phillies Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Maybe we aren't masturbating enough? Silly question.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I don't take meds and my alcohol consumption is on point.
Derackthehunter Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Is that possible? Like how much more would we have too?
Phillies Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Also caffeine use late in the day, eating during the night, near bed time, hot sauce even (yes spicy foods can do this), a fully bladder can also stimulate this, so if ur waking up and pissing 40 of beer at 4 am, yet strangely alcohol seems to diminish dreams.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I don't really fuck with caffeine, might be the food thing though... I eat a lot of spicy food.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I'm not fucking with waitresses or bartenders anymore. I learned that lesson a few times now. Literal food poisoning? 0.o
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 Basically. And they be shady ass bitches.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 that sux, I didn't actually believe that when I asked. I did both of those things once. Couldn't hang tho cuz I wanted to strangle people at the bar. Too many rich dudes traveling through the hotel were creepy touchy douche bags. I wouldn't put stock into those dreams though. Part of them may be triggered by recent occurrences or stress but by and large its just random thoughts and memories. We try to make sense of them by remembering them as stories but its all a warped mind trick. There really isn't a reason to rationalize them with meaning. Thats just my opinion tho based on some of the stuff ive read and learned.
Skiles Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I have dreams all the time where I'm killing people or being killed. Usually the other person involved is someone I know and/or love, too. It's either that, or innocuous random bullshit. Eeeeeevery so often I get a sweet sex dream, but not often anymore.
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 I get a lot of sex dreams. I've had sex with a lot of you.... just saying.
Rumb0 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I had a dream where George Costanza turned into a meme obsessed weeb after he built a computer. It was weird because all I remember is that George was sitting at his Win 95 computer with an arcade stick and Timbs on his desk while he was laughing at may Mays on Tweeter.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Last night I dreamed Mike Judge (creator of Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill, in case there are people here who don't know that) had his own potato chip line. And they were really good!
Skiles Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I get a lot of sex dreams. I've had sex with a lot of you.... just saying. I used to. Maybe it's the fancy medication I'm on, but that shit stopped.
SwimModSponges Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Last night I dreamed that somebody removed all the teeth from my cat's lower jaw.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Last night I dreamed that somebody removed all the teeth from my cat's lower jaw. I used to have dreams all the time where some of my teeth fall out. I used to think that was my subconscious telling me to take better care of my teeth (because I don't take very good care of them at all), but apparently according to mainstream psychology, those dreams are very common and mean something very different (I can't remember what though). Sometimes I also used to dream that my teeth don't fit in my mouth right by being way too big and they are precariously hanging from my jaws, and are on the verge of falling out.
SwimModSponges Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I've heard dreams about teeth and hair falling out were supposedly about financial stress, but dream interpretation hasn't really been much of a scientific thing since Freud.
Master-Debater131 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Had a dream last night where all of my tables had disappeared. I have absolutely no idea what that could possibly mean.
Master-Debater131 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I've heard dreams about teeth and hair falling out were supposedly about financial stress, but dream interpretation hasn't really been much of a scientific thing since Freud. Ive had this one to. I bet that this is one of the more common dreams people have
Skiles Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I've heard dreams about teeth and hair falling out were supposedly about financial stress, but dream interpretation hasn't really been much of a scientific thing since Freud. I think Freud said that was about being sexually repressed. I've talked to a therapist about it, and he said it was a pretty common thing for people with anxiety.
SwimModSponges Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Freud said everything was about being sexually repressed. The field has moved a loooong way since then.
Master-Debater131 Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Freud said everything was about being sexually repressed. The field has moved a loooong way since then. Now its about different kind of sexual repression
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 I think Freud said that was about being sexually repressed. I've talked to a therapist about it, and he said it was a pretty common thing for people with anxiety. Freud was a big believer in dreams being a window to a person's subconscious. Almost all of his theories have since fallen out of favor, including his dream interpretations; however, a lot of current mainstream psychologists still believe dreams are a window to a person's subconscious, even though they don't at all believe Freud's specific interpretations of specific types of dreams.
Lasty Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Do you ever do any volunteer work around your community, anything like that? Donate to charities?
Sawdamizer Posted January 24, 2017 Author Posted January 24, 2017 You know, if you quoted someone or addressed them directly... it would be a lot easier to answer you.......
SwimModSponges Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 My workplace is essentially a charity organization.
MEXobiologist Posted January 24, 2017 Posted January 24, 2017 Ive had this one to. I bet that this is one of the more common dreams people have yuuuup, except never hair. always my teeth crumbling apart in a seemingly endless fashion. or sometimes chewing on glass and then panicking because i know i need to spit it out before i end up swallowing the glass -_'
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