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Oh noes!

1938 Packard

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4 minutes ago, 1938 Packard said:

That's what they all say.

Unless the parents happen to be spoon fed invalids who can't be left unsupervised and the live at home kids have overtaken the entire operation from getting every single bill paid to keeping the house in good repair, that excuse doesn't wash.

Do you have any joy your in life?

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1 minute ago, 1938 Packard said:

Not at all the case.  When you can't afford to buy that house in Newport, Rhode Island, shoot for an apartment.  Can't afford the apartment, either?  Two options... rooming house or crowd renting.

But you just said living with parents is out, that's roommates.

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1 minute ago, 1938 Packard said:

That's what they all say.

Unless the parents happen to be spoon fed invalids who can't be left unsupervised and the live at home kids have overtaken the entire operation from getting every single bill paid to keeping the house in good repair, that excuse doesn't wash.

When you have adult children and have mastered real-life family dynamics, it might be possible to take you seriously. Until then, you're just making noise.

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2 minutes ago, mthor said:

When you have adult children and have mastered real-life family dynamics, it might be possible to take you seriously. Until then, you're just making noise.

His only close relative is apparently a brother with a PhD who manages to be only a smidge smarter than our resident fossilized skidmark.

Edited by naraku360
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39 minutes ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Ok so which policy under the trump administration made this possible. I'm not trying to be facetious, but I want to know how Trumps administration..while dealing with his dumb ass twitter comments and irrational interviews..has had time to actually make this happen. Wheres the legislation Ginguy? I will surely shut my mouth when I see that. I've had a hard time finding it amongst the backwash I guess. :|

@Ginguy this is a better example:


At least thats helping people... after he put them in the situation, but still.. 

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49 minutes ago, Ginguy said:

Thanks for giving me something to chew on Ginguy. Mainly because since these are tax ;aws and values I'll have to comapre them to previous years , and dissect the wording yada yada good shit though.

See this man isn't all talk.. Still I want more from a man that struts around like his shit doesn't stink even if this is an improvement. Good show though sir.

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
MY edit wouldn't submit for whatever reason.
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49 minutes ago, Ginguy said:

Thanks for giving me something to chew on Ginguy. Mainly because since these are tax laws and values I'll have to compare them to previous years , and dissect the wording yada yada good shit though.

See this man isn't all talk.. Still I want more from a man that struts around like his shit doesn't stink even if this is an improvement. Good show though sir. (Not you Ginguy President Trump)

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15 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

Does every confirmed idiot here have a well off uncle that they use to somehow falsely prop themselves up.....Seems to be a constant.

Uncles are natural youung male mentors.  I miss my own that's for sure. He only became a role model for me after he became my late uncle anyway..

Tis a shame. 


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47 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

Does every confirmed idiot here have a well off uncle that they use to somehow falsely prop themselves up.....Seems to be a constant.

I had an uncle who was laundering money for the IRA, does that count?

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5 hours ago, PhilosipherStoned said:

Previous point being Ginguy can argue republican politics.. 

I still think Donald Trump is a mad man. 

He is sometimes, but not everything the president does or says is detrimental. Liberal bias, and yes, I'm a liberal, but I'm not fooled by the anti-trumps

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I think it's important everyone HAS money, and those who don't need a voice, like social media to keep the economic balance, especially in the United States, where people pretend money matters to them, or they actually care.

If you don't have any money, people should be aware of it, even if it's only in self-admission.

Just remember, SOME people having money is not ALL PEOPLE having money. BIG DIFFERENCE

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6 minutes ago, cyberbully said:

My uncle cheats elderly people out of money and property.

I'm the cool uncle I think. But I don't know that I'll have a great story for them in time though.

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40 minutes ago, 1938 Packard said:

My mother didn't raise any boomerangs.

Instead she raised a dipshit whose "change and growth" ability equates to staying in the same miserable, dead end job for 30 years.

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