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What does rectal cancer feel like?


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8 minutes ago, Mix said:


how often?

its like a painful stretch and a really annoying itch, and at the same time some hair gets ripped out.  but it happens spontaneously without warning or cause.

"sometimes......?"  id say about 4 times a year

Edited by mumbo13
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8 minutes ago, mumbo13 said:

its like a painful stretch and a really annoying itch, and at the same time some hair gets ripped out.  but it happens spontaneously without warning or cause.

"sometimes......?"  id say about 4 times a year

a stretch and an itch? Do you have hemorrhoids?

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1 hour ago, mthor said:

Any blood? No Any change in consistency or shape of stools? Yes Any dark or tarry stools? No Any family history? Idk Any change in appetite or unintended weight loss? I've put on 20 pounds in 4 months

I could keep going, but you won't really know until somebody looks at it, and at the very least sticks a finger up your butt, but not in a recreational way. uhhh :/


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13 minutes ago, nameraka said:

based on your thorough description and my complete lack of expertise, i'm gonna say you definitely have ass cancer. 

...or are developing some kind of ass-based superpower...


ooh, number 2 please....

I wonder what my superhero name would be?

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1 minute ago, Poof said:

its probably time for your first colonoscopy anyway

haha, but that's for old people...........oh no O.o......Poof, ol' buddy ol' pal, am I old people now?

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3 minutes ago, Mix said:

haha, but that's for old people...........oh no O.o......Poof, ol' buddy ol' pal, am I old people now?

you should get your first one when you turn 30. are you 30? is 30 old? (yes)

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2 minutes ago, Poof said:

you should get your first one when you turn 30. are you 30? is 30 old? (yes)



i'm 28....not long now before the grim specter darkens my door.....why gawd why 

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Anal Cancer is farely unlikely, most cancers that occur in that region are prostate and colon cancer. Prostate cancer is very treatable if you catch it early. Colon cancer less so, it's what killed Fara Fawcett and from what I hear it is one of the most excruciating forms of cancer.

It is not usually a form of cancer that attacks younger people though. You should go see a doctor if the problem persists or worsen and you should probably have a prostate exam soon anyways.

BTW 30 is not old, and definitely don't let embarrassment keep you from life saving treatment.

There are plenty of causes for sharp sudden pain in the an us though, it is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, why do you think gays like it so much? 

Hemroids, polyps, colitis, and a whole host of other medical reasons.

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23 minutes ago, Sandstone said:

Anal Cancer is farely unlikely, most cancers that occur in that region are prostate and colon cancer. Prostate cancer is very treatable if you catch it early. Colon cancer less so, it's what killed Fara Fawcett and from what I hear it is one of the most excruciating forms of cancer.

It is not usually a form of cancer that attacks younger people though. You should go see a doctor if the problem persists or worsen and you should probably have a prostate exam soon anyways.

BTW 30 is not old, and definitely don't let embarrassment keep you from life saving treatment.

There are plenty of causes for sharp sudden pain in the an us though, it is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, why do you think gays like it so much? 

Hemroids, polyps, colitis, and a whole host of other medical reasons.

thanks, I feel much better about my possible ass cancer....[insert the more you know rainbow]

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20 minutes ago, Sandstone said:

It could also be something as simple as severe constipation mixed with dehydration.

nah, I drink a gallon of water a day and i'm pretty regular....

to be honest, I'm not really concerned, it was just a weird one time occurence - he said as ass cancer ravaged his body

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6 minutes ago, Mewn said:

Sounds like you have a gay ghost poking around for some bussy.

right......look I was originally gonna post this, but I was told it was insensitive and highly offensive....

I just....I just don't know any more :|

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2 hours ago, Vamped said:

Probably feels like 3 gerbils fighting for air 

Idk, saw that show in Mexico and the guy seemed to enjoy it....

probably have to work your way up to it though....start with a baby gerbil or something.....not that I'd do something like that <.< '>.> 

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