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On 1/23/2021 at 2:30 PM, resurrected said:

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Currently at level 62. Not much left to do in the game.

Have you played Valhalla yet?  I got bored with it and put it down to play through RE:7 which really didn't creep me out as much as I thought it would and I really enjoyed it

8 hours ago, molarbear said:

Have you played Valhalla yet?  I got bored with it and put it down to play through RE:7 which really didn't creep me out as much as I thought it would and I really enjoyed it

I beat Valhalla, and let me say this, it was a chore. More glitches than I could count. Two side quests completely glitched out and wouldn't let me complete them. Then, when they put out a patch, it took away my max amount of arrows, and every time I started, or fast traveled, I started off drunk. It was just released too early in my opinion. I have beaten Odyssey now, and am onto playing Syndicate again. Valhalla had the potential. A good story line and all, but they rushed it. RE 7 was better than 5 and 6 in my opinion. I don't play horror games, but I did watch disco beat it. RE 2 remake was fun to watch, but RE 3 remake seemed incredibly short.

On 1/26/2021 at 8:04 AM, resurrected said:

I beat Valhalla, and let me say this, it was a chore. More glitches than I could count. Two side quests completely glitched out and wouldn't let me complete them. Then, when they put out a patch, it took away my max amount of arrows, and every time I started, or fast traveled, I started off drunk. It was just released too early in my opinion. I have beaten Odyssey now, and am onto playing Syndicate again. Valhalla had the potential. A good story line and all, but they rushed it. RE 7 was better than 5 and 6 in my opinion. I don't play horror games, but I did watch disco beat it. RE 2 remake was fun to watch, but RE 3 remake seemed incredibly short.

There's still some glitches but I think they fixed most of them.  My problem was it seemed like I was just doing the same missions over and over, and I got burned out.  I partially beat the RE:2 remake but haven't finished Leon's 2nd campaign, I don't like the idea of being chased constantly during a video game

On 1/28/2021 at 12:16 AM, molarbear said:

There's still some glitches but I think they fixed most of them.  My problem was it seemed like I was just doing the same missions over and over, and I got burned out.  I partially beat the RE:2 remake but haven't finished Leon's 2nd campaign, I don't like the idea of being chased constantly during a video game

Same missions over and over again? Sounds like every Assassin's Creed game ever. A damn question mark every few centimeters. 

9 minutes ago, resurrected said:

Same missions over and over again? Sounds like every Assassin's Creed game ever. A damn question mark every few centimeters. 

Nah, you basically go to get allies and they have the same 3 missions with every other ally.  Assassinate someone, find something, and then storm a castle in a situation where no one but you knows how to properly operate a battering ram


I was playing Digimon Cyber Sluts on PS4 but got bored with that shit, back to retro.

Played some N64 with my bro, mostly Mario Party 2/3, MK64, and some Goldeneye. 
Toejam and Earl and Shinobi III on Genesis mini
Afterburner Climax and D&D Tower of Doom on PS3


Quit SRW again for now at Stage 40ish

Been playing Fallout: New Vegas since there was a huge mod coming out. It wasn't out on Steam at the time, so I just decided to play the main game since I hadn't played it since it came out and never played the DLCs.

Also picked up Skul: The Hero Slayer. Only played around 2 hours, but it's pretty dope.


Assassin's Creed 3, and fuck does it suck a big Native dick.

Shittiest assassin so far. He can climb trees. Yay. That's about it. 

Let me collect some feathers. Yeah that's fun. Or Benjamin Franklin's goddamn almanac pages. That's a blast. 

This game sucks, and for the first time in an AC game, I said fuck collecting all the shit. I'm doing the main missions and that's it. Trying to get through this bore fest, shit show of a game.

2 hours ago, resurrected said:

I need to check the NES and SNES situation on the Switch. I haven't looked in a while to see if anything new has been added. 

They have really been drip feeding new additions so unless it's been a year+ since you checked, don't expect much.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I’m upset cause I’ve been playing Persona 5 Strikers, but Royal burned me out so much that I was disgusted as soon as I had to go through the first area in Shibuya and hear all the same music again. It got better by the time they started their road trip to Sendai, but I underestimated how much my Royal playthrough affected me. 

Aside from that, I’ve been playing Guilty Gear Rev2 a lot for killing time. I got the Danganronpa two-pack and Odin Sphere for cheap recently so I’ve been playing those games on my off time as well. 

Waiting for Venti to come back in Genshin Impact, but I might just pull on the Hu Tao and Xingqiu banners. 

1 hour ago, Kudasai said:

I've been playing Biker Mice From Mars lately. Does anybody remember this cartoon? I had no idea that this show exisisted back in the day,

I do but only vaguely, didn't watch it much. The game looks decent but I haven't tried it yet.

I'm playing Tactics Ogre at the moment, and Ganbare Goemon 3.

  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished Kirby Super Star. My pick for the best mini game is The Great Cave Offensive. My least favorite mini game is Milky Way Wishes because unlike The Great Cave Offensive where searching every treasure was fun searching for every power up was pain in the ass to the point where to me it just wasn't worth it. Maybe it was better in Ultra but that game just really got on my nerves. 

Posted (edited)

Downloaded and started playing Pac-Man 99 this morning.  Great game but I suck at it.

Somehow I managed to get to 7th or 8th place once but most of the time I finish around 35th place or lower.

Edited by blueraven1999
On 3/3/2021 at 9:58 PM, Ric said:

I'm playing Tactics Ogre at the moment

I only made it an hour or two into that, decided a strategy game on handheld just wasn't what I wanted at the moment.

After that I played The Ninja Warriors and Mega Man X. Last few days I've been on Final Fantasy V.


On 4/6/2021 at 2:57 PM, Kudasai said:

Just finished Kirby Super Star. My pick for the best mini game is The Great Cave Offensive. My least favorite mini game is Milky Way Wishes because unlike The Great Cave Offensive where searching every treasure was fun searching for every power up was pain in the ass to the point where to me it just wasn't worth it. Maybe it was better in Ultra but that game just really got on my nerves. 

Out of the main games on there for me it was Great Cave Offensive > Meta Knight's Revenge > Dyna Blade > Milky Way Wishes > Spring Breeze


I was playing baseball again, and had a runner on first and drilled a double. But the fucker on first kept running into left field. It gave me two outs for it and the batter that came up was not there. Had to restart the game after I was winning 5-0. Damn glitches.

2 minutes ago, resurrected said:

I was playing baseball again, and had a runner on first and drilled a double. But the fucker on first kept running into left field. It gave me two outs for it and the batter that came up was not there. Had to restart the game after I was winning 5-0. Damn glitches.

Isn't MLB The Show on Game Pass now?

Posted (edited)

Slowly getting better at Pac-Man 99.  I got 6th place twice last night and third place

once.  I'm rank 26 now and just got 2nd place in my last battle.  So close.  One of these days I'll

get first.  I know I'm probably in the minority but I like Pac-Man 99 a lot more than Mario 99.


I've already played Super Mario 1 a lot before Mario 99 came out but I hadn't played a Pac-Man game

(Ms. Pac-Man) since at least 2010.  I love Pac-Man.  I didn't get the NES until I was 10 in 1989 so I ended

up playing Ms. Pac-Man and other Pac-Man games a lot from 1985 until 1990 at Chuck E. Cheese. 

I played Super Mario Bros 1 there too but I played Pac-Man and Donkey Kong Jr. the most.

Edited by blueraven1999

Just finished Persona 5 Strikers. It was a nice side game. I started enjoying it more once they got on the road and started touring around Japan.

The story was kinda slapped together since they were rehashing some of the same story beats as the old game. But I did enjoy the new characters they introduced like Ichinose, Zenkichi, and Sophia, and the gameplay was fun. It also knew when to finish because it didn’t drag on for longer than it needed to. 

Don’t know what I’ll go for next, but I know I gotta finish up Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Pokémon Sword, and Yakuza 6. 


I got Horizon Zero Dawn from the Play at Home promo on PS4, so I’ve been switching between that and Yakuza 6. Also popped in the Street Fighter anniversary game to play some Third Strike. 


I'm taking a break from Super Mario RPG as I'm starting to get bored with this game, who knows when I'll pick it up again. In the mean time I've decided to start playing the Donkey Kong Country trilogy. Just finished beating the first game which I must say for the first I'm just now noticing how incredibly short this game is and I've been playing this game for a long time. I do plan on taking my time with DKC2 as I plan on going for the best ending this time around.


I finished up Final Fantasy V a few nights ago. Also played through a beat em up called Fight'n Rage, it was pretty good. Also more Slay the Spire runs.

Posted (edited)

Currently playing Secret of Mana. I finally exorcised some childhood demons by beating the third boss that fucking Spikey Tiger. Now that I got that monkey off my back I can see the rest of the game:D 

Edited by Kudasai
On 5/5/2021 at 7:43 PM, Chapinator_X said:

Finally playing Odin Sphere because I loved 13 Sentinels. Amazing game so far.

I’m tempted to get the new Pokémon Snap and Famicom Detective Club.

Ended up getting both of the Famicom Detective Club games. Really enjoying The Missing Heir for its retro charm and laid back atmosphere. I’ve gotten so used to trial-and-error mystery VNs that it’s a relief that these games give you more liberty to explore a bit before you get to where you need to be.

I’m also playing Yakuza 6 which has been providing me with much of my J-drama fix with its soap opera-y plot. I also finished the Valkyrie chapter of Odin Sphere and loved it, but I still need some time with the Pooka Prince chapter.


Castle of Illusion on Genesis
some more Slay the Spire
and tried out Super Bomberman R Online tonight, pretty fun game and it's free with crossplay

Posted (edited)

I've been playing Miitopia on the Switch ever since it was released.



Originally I had myself, Shaggy, Scooby, and Smiley Bone (who I made myself.  It's not very good).

Gave Shaggy the pop star job since I thought it was funny.  Either Scooby or Smiley Bone was a thief. 

I don't remember anymore.

Now besides myself I have Pikachu, Isabelle who I made myself, and Spider-Man. 

Pikachu is a cute mage and I gave Isabelle (a dog character) the cat job.  Because I think it's funny.

Also I customized a horse and named it Applejack.  It's light yellow with a light blue mane and horse tail.



Edited by blueraven1999

Still playing Miitopia and I'm past the desert area where I was lost for a bit.

I'm starting my third group of friends and I made a Mii of Reese from Animal Crossing and

Rocket Racoon from Guardians of the Galaxy.


Reese doesn't look too bad but Rocket looks horrible.  I did my best with them though.

Also I made K.K. Slider from Animal Crossing as a background character.  It's too bad the ears I made

him don't stand out since he's an elf.  K.K. Slider looks the best out of all the miis I made.

  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of at a standstill since I beat Yakuza 0, Tekken 7’s story mode, and Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir.

I’ve mostly been playing games for completionist stuff at the moment like grinding through Hades to smash Thanatos or reunite some of the other separated couples.

I’m also in the process of trying to get the costumes for the PS4 Spider-Man game, and want to try New Game + for P5 Royal. 

In the meantime, my backlog is looking like Pokémon Sword, Odin Sphere, BotW, and FDC: The Girl Who Stands Behind. 

  • 1 month later...

I've been revisiting Unreal Tournament 2004 as of late. It's even better with the Ballistic Weapons mod installed. Once you've used that mod, there's no going back to the vanilla weapons.

I had played Fallout: New Vegas a while back but have taken a break from it. I like to plan my playthroughs, but I have a solid M.O.: Do all the DLCs before the main quest and side quests. There's one playthrough where I started Dead Money at level 1, but that's not my current run. I also have a bunch of mods installed, mostly weapons and armor.

  • 1 month later...

Took a break from games for quite awhile except for Tetris 99 but

last week I went back to playing Miitopia.  I finished the main game and now I'm playing the aftergame.

Finished finding the four jewels so I can fight the darker lord last night.  I'm currently in the castle.

Also last week I reached the 2 star rank in Tetris 99.

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