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thinkin' of trying heroin....give me a chance and hear me out on this

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I figured out the secret to side stepping the downside is just doing it once....maybe a handful of times tops and then go right back to sober living with one less thing on your bucket list


I know what you're thinking....Mix = Genius  ::]::




you have hurt me deeply, CAC


I will remember this when I become desperate and need to rob and rape someone for crack money


me too.


my plan is to wait until i'm like 80 and then basically morph into william s. burroughs.


only, you know, straight.


riiiiiiiight............straight  ;)


When I went through treatment, one of the councilors told a story about the guy who came in and wanted to learn how to use heroin socially...


When I went through treatment, one of the councilors told a story about the guy who came in and wanted to learn how to use heroin socially...


that councilor just laughed at me....what a dick......I was just trying to gather information to give myself the best shot possible...


riiiiiiiight............straight  ;)


yeah. i suppose an 80 year old with a heroin habit isn't really gonna be functional down there anyway so it doesn't really matter where i'm sticking my dentures.  :|


yeah. i suppose an 80 year old with a heroin habit isn't really gonna be functional down there anyway so it doesn't really matter where i'm sticking my dentures.  :|




aww man, 80............how do you not do drugs at 80.......age is so weird....


you have hurt me deeply, CAC


I will remember this when I become desperate and need to rob and rape someone for crack money


You wont find any money here. :(


I came for Mix but got something like Zeni would write (although I know you're not serious.... please don't be serious I'd rather not mourn your untimely young death, you're too pretty to die).


I came for Mix but got something like Zeni would write (although I know you're not serious.... please don't be serious I'd rather not mourn your untimely young death, you're too pretty to die).


i'm a huge heroin fan....don't use it, just like being around it....study it, appreciate it..................use it sometimes  :robot|


Just get some methadone from your local clinic.....It's free




Did you ever know that you're my hero


and everything I would like to be (without the kids, ofcourse, 'cause that wouldn't be good for anyone involved)




Don't you mean heroin money?  -_'


come one....I'm gonna try heroin and leave out crack....passengers on the same bus my friend


Wow, I've never considered touching the stuff before but you're making it sound really cool




cooler than the other side of the pillow, bebeh




I finally got around to watching T2...nostalgic as fuck


What did you think of it? Didn't have the impact of the first one for me but still a solid sequel.


Well I guess don't let me stop you from your love of heroin... just let me be the first inline to get his dick sucked from drug money please... >__>




T2 was fucking great


ahh, it was riding the coat tails...there was no meat to the story, just a nice way to dive back into that world and enjoy the characters one last time


What did you think of it? Didn't have the impact of the first one for me but still a solid sequel.


feel the same....definitely not bad as far as sequels to great movies go


didn't try to over do it....knew what it was and stuck to that road....they could have wrecked it trying to repeat the success of the original....


ahh, it was riding the coat tails...there was no meat to the story, just a nice way to dive back into that world and enjoy the characters one last time


I loved it dude.


I originally pulled it up on plex as background noise thinking "it's a sequel it's going to suck" and ended up sitting down, watching it, and enjoying it. 


Be careful. I'll admit I expirimented with meth about a year ago mainly because a younger skater I let hang with me

would offer it alot..and always seemed to have some on him. He started begging me to buy it and do it with him

after he got to know me a little and i actually did it a few times so he would shut up.. That shit fucked me up I know

the herion high is a lot different than that though. It's a downer, and you basically doze or "nod" for most of the high

from what I've heard right? Anyway I only did that shit a little bit, and I gotta admit I think I might have been starting

to get used to it right before I stopped. Luckily that thought alone was enough to make me steer clear of meth, and

anyone that's using it.


Say what? Marijuana is totally my thing.. 


Sucks though that if I really want to get blown I'd need some potent ass dro.


or dabs, but when it comes to drugs I've always lived by the rule that  :420: and :brownbottle: :beer: :brownbottle: :brownbottle:

are the only thing safe to do on a regular basis..since theres plenty of health risks there already. I've tried cocaine here

and there and I do like the high, but it's a real money pit. Not as bad as meth I guess if you get hooked, but it's not

something I would feel good about doing if I did it on a regular basis.


Say what? Marijuana is totally my thing..  Sucks though that if I really want to get blown I'd need some potent ass dro.


or dabs, but when it comes to drugs I've always lived by the rule that  :420: and :brownbottle: :beer: :brownbottle: :brownbottle:

are the only thing safe to do on a regular basis..since theres plenty of health risks there already. I've tried cocaine here

and there and I do like the high, but it's a real money pit. Not as bad as meth I guess if you get hooked, but it's not

something I would feel good about doing if I did it on a regular basis.


nvr mind...thinking about someone else entirely.....


Say what? Marijuana is totally my thing.. 


Sucks though that if I really want to get blown I'd need some potent ass dro.


or dabs, but when it comes to drugs I've always lived by the rule that  :420: and :brownbottle: :beer: :brownbottle: :brownbottle:

are the only thing safe to do on a regular basis..since theres plenty of health risks there already. I've tried cocaine here

and there and I do like the high, but it's a real money pit. Not as bad as meth I guess if you get hooked, but it's not

something I would feel good about doing if I did it on a regular basis.

I'm done trying to make that look semi-deccent.  :|

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