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Favorite Hurricane?


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Katrina.  It took everything from me but it was a pretty cool ride.  Just the first 3 weeks with no AC kinda sucked but once we got power back it was pretty awesome.  Didn't have a job to go to, FEMA cut me a few checks, and I love MREs.


Oh, but there was no weed for a while....That SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED

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Ah that sucks. If I lived around that area for Katrina, I would have been on the roof of my house with my consoles, DVDs, and childhood possessions, Tiger included, and I would have just stayed there because there's no f'ng way this thing is going to submerge my house, otherwise the government would have come and given me some slammin five star fckng accomodations at the White House beforehand.

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