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god i never play those things but i have to say i'm tempted to throw $2 in the garbage and buy a ticket



i dunno...that kind of money is unfathomable...I would no idea what to do with it or where to start


Someone is going to die if I have that kind of bread....Either someone I hate, or me ODing

I'm not waiting for you to get that kind of money for us to do that killing spree but if you happen to get that kinda cash I'm voting for the Thelma and Louise send off in the most expensive Bentley your $$$ can buy.  Cuz let's face it, nothing says,"fuck you" like plunging an expensive Bentley into the

Grand Canyon  :catlol


come on let's be honest, if you just won 650 million you'd do the same


fap? Na...I would figure out how long it would take to get that money cleared into my bank account then probably make appointments to look at some $350,000 houses...then organize who my debt is through and who to pay at a time...


dont ppl sign contracts?


Not always. Sometimes people just keep track of who pitched money in the pot and one person buys all the tickets and is responsible for making sure everyone who participated gets paid. Most people are pretty honest about things but there have been times where someone didn't pitch in on a given week, their group won and then they turn around and try to sue for their share since 'they were part of the group [except that one winning week]' .


I win the lotto, I'm gonna buy me a condo and a Cuisinart, and one of those t-shirts with the alligator on it.


its getting tempting


Do you not understand that the odds of winning are so infinitesimally small that Taylor Swift would be more likely to marry her ex-radio show groper than you would be to even hit half of the numbers needed to win this lotto?



I thought you were more analytically reasonable than this, "Mr. Scientist".



i dunno...that kind of money is unfathomable...I would no idea what to do with it or where to start


I know exactly what id do.


Start allocating funds to help the needy and homeless. Especially single moms. I know i cannot help everyone. Donate to my old highschool, move back to Charleston, find a church that has Gods spirit, donate to church and get every member of the church out pf debt. Start a charity to continue this work. Finish my writing and produce my own movie it. Start my own band. Not giving shit to family except Madison.


Do you not understand that the odds of winning are so infinitesimally small that Taylor Swift would be more likely to marry her ex-radio show groper than you would be to even hit half of the numbers needed to win this lotto?



I thought you were more analytically reasonable than this, "Mr. Scientist".


Cant win if you dont play.


Do you not understand that the odds of winning are so infinitesimally small that Taylor Swift would be more likely to marry her ex-radio show groper than you would be to even hit half of the numbers needed to win this lotto?



I thought you were more analytically reasonable than this, "Mr. Scientist".

but the people who win are the people who tell those people to go fuck themselves. besides for a stupidly large jackpot, i'll throw in $2 why not, it's $2 and i do it once every year or so


I know exactly what id do.


Start allocating funds to help the needy and homeless. Especially single moms. I know i cannot help everyone. Donate to my old highschool, move back to Charleston, find a church that has Gods spirit, donate to church and get every member of the church out pf debt. Start a charity to continue this work. Finish my writing and produce my own movie it. Start my own band. Not giving shit to family except Madison.


but really though




I bought two tickets. I play if the jackpot is super high because that's the only time that wasting money on the lottery feels worth it to me.

Likewise. I also bought two tickets earlier tonight. Because, well, why the hell not?


I know exactly what id do.


Start allocating funds to help the needy and homeless. Especially single moms. I know i cannot help everyone. Donate to my old highschool, move back to Charleston, find a church that has Gods spirit, donate to church and get every member of the church out pf debt. Start a charity to continue this work. Finish my writing and produce my own movie it. Start my own band. Not giving shit to family except Madison.



ew church... besides those places are "for profit"...they don't even pay taxes....the only reason they would have debt would be lack of partitioners....and a lack of followers means it's a shitty church....ALL HAIL THE FLYING SPIGHETTI MONSTER!!


i don't call your religion a bunch of brain-washed loud mouths so don't call non-believers "demons". people are allowed to believe what they want to believe. don't act holier-than-thou just because you subscribe to a certain book's fan club


I meant debt of the people who go to the church and yes i know all you folks here are devil worshippers full of demons so of course i didnt expect you to understand the church part.


...I'm not a devil worshiper...I believe in facts..not alternative facts...


I meant debt of the people who go to the church and yes i know all you folks here are devil worshippers full of demons so of course i didnt expect you to understand the church part.

Hail Satan  :catlol ::spin::  |:: :barf:



i dunno...that kind of money is unfathomable...I would no idea what to do with it or where to start

  What I win that pile?  I know all about a children's charity hospital that will get a $350m sister property in the U.S.
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