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Well, yeah. When I was FINALLY able to get into it long enough to look into the code, you broke the character limit that Lithium could successfully handle, so technically, yes, YOU broke it. :D


Well, yeah. When I was FINALLY able to get into it long enough to look into the code, you broke the character limit that Lithium could successfully handle, so technically, yes, YOU broke it. :D


Odin's reaction that day was priceless. :D

  • Haha 1



sort of. but i was hoping he was gonna' throw all kinds of pics up of the amaze ball stuff i made him.


OH and i made a baymax for...shoot i don't remember her board name.  S:


but, you've seen them all.  also, i have no idea what the hell i'm doing.


like...seriously. this is a little overwhelming..or i'm a little bit too herbed? either way.  ::D:: :D :D




sort of. but i was hoping he was gonna' throw all kinds of pics up of the amaze ball stuff i made him.


OH and i made a baymax for...shoot i don't remember her board name.  S:


but, you've seen them all.  also, i have no idea what the hell i'm doing.


like...seriously. this is a little overwhelming..or i'm a little bit too herbed? either way.  ::D:: :D :D


I got you


I had like 7 kids over when Bendy showed up so excuse the disarray



  • 1 month later...
Guest The Hound

lol, remember this?







lmao 2014 you guys are dorks  :D :D :D





lol thats funny as fuck tho

Guest The Hound

I had stored the vast majority of my board days on a 1tb hdd that now is defunct as the backplate is torn off and needs to be replaced. pretty sure the data is still good on the plates tho - and my old original viperslayer server which i lost access to for various reasons.



my best ban was for "Tea bagging my corpse"  by odin back during halo 3. Lmao he banned me for 40k


I had stored the vast majority of my board days on a 1tb hdd that now is defunct as the backplate is torn off and needs to be replaced. pretty sure the data is still good on the plates tho - and my old original viperslayer server which i lost access to for various reasons.



my best ban was for "Tea bagging my corpse"  by odin back during halo 3. Lmao he banned me for 40k

That sounds funny

Guest The Hound

That sounds funny




no wait it was for 60 minutes



and the 40k was for making "6 fart threads in the span of 6 minutes"


that was probably bast and bast can go fuck themselves for that one to this day still  :D



fart threads




Guest The Hound

I want to find the one that got all my names banned, I made a screen name of westparks IP address then post flooded.


Every name got popped for that one.



how did you phish his ip if you don't mind me asking


I want to find the one that got all my names banned, I made a screen name of westparks IP address then post flooded.


Every name got popped for that one.


When was that?


Guest The Hound

We all have our tricks.

he couldn't have been stupid enough to click a link that someone you know hosted



Guest The Hound

Well, you say that.






I never saved any of my ban screens, as all my bans happened before I learned Snipping Tool was a thing, but I'll share all the bans I got.


#1: A temp ban on my original account, PokeNirvash. I posted a thread in Rants directed at Crunchyroll for taking down Welcome to the NHK! when it was only halfway through posting the episodes, and I may have mentioned a couple of illegal streaming sites in it. I don't know if I threatened to use them or claimed that I wasn't gonna use them, but either way, for that, I got my first ban. Lasted three days, don't know who gave it.


#2: PokeNirvash's permaban. I watched the season 3 finale of Venture Bros. on [as] Video and was so shocked at 24's death that I just wouldn't shut up about it, even posting twice on the "Dear Adult Swim" boards if he really died or not. (Considering his flaming head landed in 21's hands... yeah.) The first of those posts was deleted with a warning, but I didn't listen so I got permabanned for spoiling too much. I learned to keep my mouth shut after that day. IIRC, Bast gave me that one and I think I tried asking her if I could get it appealed. I never heard back from her on that. [sigh] If only I had considered 24 coming back as a ghost...


#3: My first alt PokeNirvash2's permaban. I'm not sure how, but I might've bragged about how I cheated the system so I could use the personal messaging function while being under 18 - it was so I could submit fanfic character information to J-Dubb's Death Note story as per his standards; terrible mistake, considering he killed me off six chapters in at the hands of everyone's fave - so that one got nerfed also. The fact that I learned I was permabanned from that one shortly after being banned from my main was rough, but not as rough as when I tried to appeal it to Nayru, and she said that I'd never be getting it back. Long story short, she's on my enemy list now, right between J-Dubb and the giant demon baby from episode 1 of Shakugan no Shana.


#4: Temp ban #1 for my third account, Takkun4343. No reason was given, and it lasted a week. Not sure about that one, be it the reason or who issued it.


#5: Temp ban #2 for Takkun4343. I got into a heated argument from some asswipe with an Ichigo icon, so I responded to his stab at my response to him with something along the lines of "Would "what the hell" suit you better!?", and then I got a ban for flaming. Don't know if it lasted two days or five. Don't know who issued that one either.


#6: Takkun4343's permaban. I saw some bogus article on Sankaku Complex about how hackers could remotely turn your computer into a bomb, so I tried to warn people about the fake news on IB or something. I posted the link to a site that was different from the obviously hentai-infested Sankaku, but I got banned for linking to a site with hentai images anyways. Go figure. |:: Not sure who issued that one either.


Ever since creating Poke_Nirvash, I was ban-free.



Really sucks that I never got any cool ones like the rest of you guys did. :(


I feel like I was temped...once maybe?  Or maybe not even.  If I was it was banal enough that I don't even remember it.  I do fondly remember getting warned for spamming the hell out of the reviews folder with a few other people the night [as] fucked up and skipped an episode of a show rerun.


my best ban was for "Tea bagging my corpse"  by odin back during halo 3. Lmao he banned me for 40k

That was, man. BEST. Ban. EVER. I laughed SO hard at that when it happened.

I feel like I was temped...once maybe?  Or maybe not even.  If I was it was banal enough that I don't even remember it.  I do fondly remember getting warned for spamming the hell out of the reviews folder with a few other people the night [as] fucked up and skipped an episode of a show rerun.


You need to control your temper. You flipped out a lot and upset quite a few people...


RzYycMel.jpg < favorite should've been a permanent but wasn't


spoiler contains the actual images  >:D  :fap: Phillies[/member]







Sawdamizer[/member] Rogue_Alphonse[/member]


Man fuck pers so hard with rusty knives


he did lay off on me after I nearly tried taking my own life twice

my family {dad} sent a warning via lawyer to [AS] about it


Ooof... yeah he was a worthless piece of shit... and this is coming from former mods too.


if everyone hated him why wasn't he forced to quit?

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