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Hypothetical question for you straight boys...

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On that note, I am a horror buff, having reviewed numerous blockbuster and indie horror films. I love watching them and analyzing depth or meaning, and whether or not it's actually frightening.


I admittedly have never seen teeth, nor will I ever intentionally watch any part of that movie, as it is relevant to this conversation.


I was actually thinking about that earlier, as turn about is fair play. I don't think I would personally. My reasoning for such is not that it would make me straight however, I just personally detest the aesthetics of the vagina. It is unpleasant for me to look at one, and the few times i've actually been near one in person were rather nauseating moments.


I don't mean that to offend you fine ladies, it's just a rather peculiar quirk about myself. I can not stomach the sense of vagina in close proximity. The organ itself not necessarily who it is attached to. As ridiculous as that sounds I think I am something of a vagina phobe, as it presents similiar feelings of unease in me as one would expect to hear of someone's fear of spiders. I also happen to be claustrophobic, and I can say that it is a similiar feeling for me.


I'm sure there are other gay males who are not as peculiar towards the vagina as I am though.

Thank you for your honest, albeit quite offensive answer.


Follow up question, what knowledge are you trying to gain from your question?  Is a straight male allowed to say, "No, I wouldn't suck her dick" without being pegged as a homophobe?


Thank you for your honest, albeit quite offensive answer.


Follow up question, what knowledge are you trying to gain from your question?  Is a straight male allowed to say, "No, I wouldn't suck her dick" without being pegged as a homophobe?


No, I'm not making any moral judgements based off these types of questions, I wouldn't ever do such a thing unless we were specifically having a debate on the rationalization process that people that identify as anti-gay use to discriminate.


This is just something of curiosity. Contrary to popular belief, I am pretty philosophical and tend to think alot about many different things in great detail.


If it's any consolation Buddy, I would personally be honored if you called me "my faggot", also don't be surprised if I'm also a little turned on.


If it's any consolation, I don't want to call any gay man a faggot as I do understand that would be hurtful to some, even if not yourself personally......I reserve it for video game spammers, heterosexual trolls, and old women who use paper checks.  I'll make sure I let them know you said it's ok though.


No, I'm not making any moral judgements based off these types of questions, I wouldn't ever do such a thing unless we were specifically having a debate on the rationalization process that people that identify as anti-gay use to discriminate.


This is just something of curiosity. Contrary to popular belief, I am pretty philosophical and tend to think alot about many different things in great detail.

That's a relief, it seems in some circles, people aren't allowed to have preferences anymore.


i could remain their friend but i wouldn't be able to do anything sexual with them


Isn't that your relationship, though, with everyone regardless of genatalia


Isn't that your relationship, though, with everyone regardless of genatalia


that's not true, he very recently asked me to suck his dick....out in the open and everything....he's growing bold  :)


First off, I don't give white people a jump-off point to use the word, and any black person who refers to you as such is doing it of their own free will.  Does not excuse the weaponized factors of it.


Look, if I use f****t, I don't spend several posts trying to defend it's use and wonder why someone is upset I said it.  In fact when Sorce asked me a week or so ago why I would say it, I replied "because I'm an asshole"......I'm fully aware of why people say I shouldn't use it, and if I use it I don't question the backlash I get.....I used a derogatory term, and wether or not I used it in a different context, I know there are gay people that saw me say it.  If you throw a rock, don't be a pussy and hide your hands.


White people are so privileged and entitled, it hurts their little feefees to the core.  "why cant I say it, he said it, he even said it to me, I was just singing a song, why are you taking my teeth out of my head".......It's that unbridled ignorance that makes it so white people can NEVER use the word because they don't understand for 1 iota of a second why it's wrong.  If you want to use it, at least admit to being juuuuuuuuust racist enough that you need to be able to use a racist term because you just need some small excuse to get away with it unchecked.


I kinda forgot about this thread, and it looks like I missed Sandy calling me a "n***a" for some awkward reason.


I somewhat agree with the the sentiment that it's not so much using the word as it is acknowledging the consequences of using that word are something that the speaker can not control.  The problem with that word (or f****t,or r****d) is that there is a cultural component.  A white guy, for instance, might not believe that black people are still suppressed and using the word shouldn't have the same effect as when a slave master is beating the crap out of his property but will tacitly acknowledge the fact that black people are as a whole disadvantaged by the economy.  In general, there is no situation where using that word doesn't elicit institutional racism as a matter of course.


I shouldn't talk though.  I use r****d as if it isn't offensive to the many people who suffer from developmental disorder.


Let's assume you are dating a girl, you really like this girl and she's pretty (at least to you). After several dates she decides to get sexual.


You go back to your place, she's getting naked, you're getting naked. And suddenly you realize, she has both a penis and a vagina (of sorts). While this is pretty rare (even for an intersex person) it is not totally unheard of.


Assuming you didn't pass out, or run out of the room screaming like a little boy, do you think you would consider it gay to suck her cock (the intersexed girl that you like, and who was born this way biologically)?


If she was really fucking hot and in love truly then I wouldn't care if she was like that. Idk about the sucking part but I'm sure eventually you would at some point.


If it's any consolation, I don't want to call any gay man a faggot as I do understand that would be hurtful to some, even if not yourself personally......I reserve it for video game spammers, heterosexual trolls, and old women who use paper checks.  I'll make sure I let them know you said it's ok though.


It is ok for me personally, because I don't reason that words hold any inherent power themselves beyond what we instill in them as a society. I have held this understanding for a long while now, you can take that as a coping mechanism with modern society or whatever. It is just how I personally view language. It stems from my view of the world that most people in general use too much energy worrying about things that are deemed abnormal by others. This is of course an instinctual adherence to cultural norms as it is ingrained in us from a very young age. If everyone wast just allowed to do whatever they wanted to do without any fear of reprisal we'd have absolute chaos wouldn't we?


I think I have just finally come to the point in my life where I don't really care if I'm judged by other people, as long as it's not directly impacting my ability to live freely and isn't an immediate danger to my person. I'm not saying "don't judge me", you can and should if that is how you feel. I just don't really care if other people judge me about holding different ideas and view points than them, anymore.


If she was really fucking hot and in love truly then I wouldn't care if she was like that. Idk about the sucking part but I'm sure eventually you would at some point.


Well during such experiences I think things tend to wander around all over the place, whether a person realizes it's happening or not. Also another topic of rather fascinating intrigue - do you actually remember that much about what you did during sex after it's over?


Well during such experiences I think things tend to wander around all over the place, whether a person realizes it's happening or not. Also another topic of rather fascinating intrigue - do you actually remember that much about what you did during sex after it's over?


I guess not every detail.


Well I mean we can't ever please everyone with our use of language. To be honest these days I find the use of youth slang to be more annoying than I do pejoratives. I'm not going to justify my language, because I don't feel I have to. Just as I don't feel I have to justify the use of Faggot, Cunt, or any other trigger word offensive term people have.


They are just words to me, and while I do understand that many of them carry history of serious prejudice and discriminatory (even violent) behavior in different historical eras, I just don't believe at this point in my life that it is worth fretting over the parsing of such language.


Congratulations, that's called white privilege and being an asshole.


I personally believe intent behind actions and words is the only important thing about their usage. This was just a playful joke on my part during a moment of being silly, nothing more nothing less.


That's a cute thing to believe, but that's not how slurs work in language. You don't get to disregard the historical context of words just because you feel like it, especially when there's a very current context of racism in the lgbt community.


That's not how slurs work in language. You don't get to disregard the historical context of words just because you feel like it, especially when there's a very current context of racism in the lgbt community.




Words don't lose their meaning over time; the meaning is simply modified through addition as time goes by.


Congratulations, that's called white privilege and being an asshole.


That's a cute thing to believe, but that's not how slurs work in language. You don't get to disregard the historical context of words just because you feel like it, especially when there's a very current context of racism in the lgbt community.


I think words are the least of our problems in the LGBT community, I think too much effort is given towards the policing of language and not much or no effort towards the policing of actions and intent. That's probably due to the fact that most people are incapable of separating outward appearances from actual meaning in context. I.E. focusing on language use as the pivitol problem for discrimination is not only unhelpful but lazy (imo). If people want to really make a difference in public perception of LGBT people and other minorities in general they need to actually take action instead of just pointing out when they are uncomfortable at the use of someone elses language choices.


I would liken the over abundance of focus on language based identity politics in today's society as being akin to worrying about condiments when there is no hotdog (and I for one like my condiments on my hotdogs  ;))


I wouldn't dump her.  We'll have some stuff to talk about and I might need a little time to adjust to the situation.


But I ain't sucking a dick.


Seems like a reasonable handling of the scenario, it is perhaps one of the most mature ways of handling it that I've read.


Congratulations, that's called white privilege and being an asshole.


That's a cute thing to believe, but that's not how slurs work in language. You don't get to disregard the historical context of words just because you feel like it, especially when there's a very current context of racism in the lgbt community.


This is all very akin to Crapshot's old "colorblind" ideology that made him a target for sly.......I like my racism slackjawed and wearing a hood.  This "I choose not to see it" shit is the worst.


This is all very akin to Crapshot's old "colorblind" ideology that made him a target for sly.......I like my racism slackjawed and wearing a hood.  This "I choose not to see it" shit is the worst.


I think I need to clarify this, it's not that I don't see it. I see it, I understand that such language has emotional implications tied to discriminatory practices for alot people. I also disagree that it is important enough to spend energy to redirect other people's language, when such energy could be used and probably should be used to pursue more effective areas of equality campaigning (or whatever other term you choose to give such endeavors) which actually have a much higher chance of producing results that are positive to the end goal. Shaming people into not using certain terms because they carry racial undertones is in today's society proving to be very ineffective, if not counter productive. I.E. this type of argument is ineffectual and a waste of valuable social capitol in changing people's minds about social discrimination.


My take on this process is a social anachronism to the old colloquial saying "Choose your battles wisely". I look at it like someone would from a logistics stand point, what is the end goal of striving for equality in today's society? Then I weigh each action that might be related and relevant against that goal in terms of what the cost is to relate it to the average citizen, and have such a topic accepted by them. This is what I mean by "social capitol". If you look at it from this perspective like I do, then you have to budget out how and when and why you attempt to change someone's ideas, beliefs, or actions to suit your goal.


So in conclusion, it is not that language in the general sense which has been previously associated with discrimination is unimportant or irrelevant, it is that this is super ceded as a priority for the end goal because: 1. It has been shown to be ineffective, 2. It requires the expenditure of social capitol which could be used to campaign for equality in terms of civil rights and safety, and 3. It does not lend itself well to the message of equality of human beings, when you are dictating to others what they can and can not say because you simply don't like it or it is an emotional word to you -- this is not a good enough reason to police the speech of others.


You may not like this reasoning, but it is not a blindness to what you are inferring is an insensitive language problem, it is merely a different rational in approaching those types of issues that I have spent a very long time thinking about and learning from my own experiences.


This is the last post I will make in response to this subject here btw, as it's not relevant to the OP (my fault for inadvertently starting the topic, but that doesn't really justify the derailment). I'm more than happy to discuss this type of topic and my world view if you so desire elsewhere, whether that be in another thread with relevant OP, or in DM, or at another location. I have no malice in my heart on such issues, but it takes more than just attempts at shaming me into thinking a certain way to change my mind nowdays. I experienced plenty of that growing up, and it is one of the reasons I have cut ties to that way of justification and reasoning.


This too shall be my last post on the matter and I'll be succinct. Language is exactly the root of bigotry because a child doesn't learn to beat gays, or burn crosses, or lynch blacks, or practice anti-semitism.....They learn words of hatred first and foremost.  The cycle will never end as long as we continue to use and teach the language because that's the first thing a child who may become bigoted will pick up on.  It's learned behavior.  If you feel free and vindicated for your brand of speaking, then I'm all for whatever works for you, but that too is counterproductive.  I'm not even trying to shame you out of it.....I was making a point before this snowballed.


Nah, I'm not sucking her dick....Just to be on topic.


Let's assume you are dating a girl, you really like this girl and she's pretty (at least to you). After several dates she decides to get sexual.


You go back to your place, she's getting naked, you're getting naked. And suddenly you realize, she has both a penis and a vagina (of sorts). While this is pretty rare (even for an intersex person) it is not totally unheard of.


Assuming you didn't pass out, or run out of the room screaming like a little boy, do you think you would consider it gay to suck her cock (the intersexed girl that you like, and who was born this way biologically)?




This is all very akin to Crapshot's old "colorblind" ideology that made him a target for sly.......I like my racism slackjawed and wearing a hood.  This "I choose not to see it" shit is the worst.


I never understood why Crapshot said that, but Sly got him dead to rights.


To be clear, the topic of this thread is stupid.  So...


This too shall be my last post on the matter and I'll be succinct. Language is exactly the root of bigotry because a child doesn't learn to beat gays, or burn crosses, of lynch blacks, or practice anti-semitism.....They learn words of hatred first and foremost.  The cycle will never end as long as we continue to use and teach the language because that's the first thing a child who may become bigoted will pick up on.  It's learned behavior.  If you feel free and vindicated for your brand of speaking, then I'm all for whatever works for you, but that too is counterproductive.  I'm not even trying to shame you out of it.....I was making a point before this snowballed.


I guess it's been so long, that the last time I went on a tangent about word origin was on Lithium.  There will always be certain words that can not be anything other than what they are.  The word n****r was created to be dehumanizing to blacks, not just an existing word adapted to be dehumanizing (like f****t).  In this case, it's a bastardization of "negro," being transformed in the process of being converted to English based on the sound of the word rather than the meaning.  I know this isn't exactly you point, but it's worth mentioning that the word can never be used is because its impossible to redefine a word to completely eliminate its original usage.  Language adapts by building on to a word's definition - a etymological chain is created where the word's definition is expanded by a change in context that has some logical connection to the base definition.


Crapshot has a great heart, but a really lame brain.  I just think he couldn't get it if he tried.


I guess that always made it harder.  The kind of work he put in to better himself was nothing to make fun of, but he just was not a smart man.

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