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Guest Zintar

first thing that came to mind when I read the thread title . .



a long sleeve black shirt and Wrangler jeans and socks with the Lucky Charms cereal leprechaun on them


a black lace baby doll tank top and dark wash jean shorts that come down to the top of the knee


IKR I saw them at a gas station of all places and just had no choice but to buy them


the only fun socks I have are... I have all the sailor scouts...and dragon ball z socks...


Same shit I always wear. A tshirt and baggy pants held up by rope and safety pins.

I obviously don't own a mirror  ::]::

Lies you wear a red shirt with no pants and a pot of honey

Guest The Hound

A lobster bib and men's romper.

i would PAY MONEY to see this

Grey fitted jeans, black socks, blue and white checkered briefs, a snapback that says Karasuno in bold white capital letters, and a pink shirt that says "Heart Breaker."


Dark grey Dickies shorts with a broad variety of ink stains from the wonderful shithole of a place called Dart Container, a lighter grey Robocop shirt from Lootcrate, grey and red DC's, and for Bouvre[/member] grey Jinshi undies with a blue waistline.


Even when I wear work clothes I match :|

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