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The holiday isn't affecting my work or life in any way


Gonna crack open some cold ones with the boys tonight and probably sleep all day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday with some overnight shifts in between.


Eh... I thought about supporting some realtor in the area here at open houses.... but fuck that.


They will go wanting.


Make some calls and get some loans moved to closing.


Actually, I am going to shake up a martini right now and prep dinner so the woman doesn't think I just drank and played GTA all day.


Got a few parties, and some work to do.


Some GTA V probably.


Have been feeling like shit lately tho.... idk.... might just masturbate and eat freeze pops.


Prepare for a future party here.






Can I bring the lady or is everyone else going to be licking my shaft for the weekend?


Did I invite you to the thing? Either way, I did say a friend or signiff other was welcome.


I have my own shaft(s) to lick.


Oh, celebrate a friend's birthday tomorrow night, celebrate my birthday Sunday with friends and family, and probably visit my dad's gravesite on Monday.

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