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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Only knowing Maine from Stephen King novels, that's gonna be a hard pass from me.
  2. Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Cheap, easy, and delicious. Just like me, babeh.
  3. I'm not even joking. I will PayPal you some money to send us some wipes. 😐
  4. That's how I felt about my karaoke DJ job. I wasn't gonna make a fortune, but it was fun as fuck and it put some cash in my pocket.
  5. I'm starting to think that sanitary wipes were a collective hallucination and never really existed, and it's some Mandela effect shit.
  6. Alcohol consumption has skyrocketed since the pandemic started. What are they gonna do, not capitalize on that? Gotta make that money, my dude.
  7. You could say they're SoDumb Hussein. 😐
  8. Joke is solid. However, on the punchline, cut out everything except "An orgasm." You don't need to explain it, the joke is inherent.
  9. So probably not. I don't remember what is "probably not," but I sure copied it. So there ya go.
  10. I can't fault The Matrix for Hollywood chasing the trend it created. That movie holds up in a big way. Fast and the Furious can eat a dick though.
  11. Shit, who knows. He comes into where my older sister works sometimes. So at the very least, he's alive. I tried to look him up one time, but he has too simple/common of a name and I can't find him.
  12. Must be pretty strong.
  13. I don't think I have. If I got it, I was asymptomatic, and I would not be asymptomatic. Then again my aunt got it a few months ago, but she kicked out pretty quick and didn't get hit as hard as we thought she might.
  14. My dude, how big are your drawers? This sounds like you needed a junk storage unit.
  15. When a person is venting to me, I say, "Well, hey, at least you aren't currently engulfed in flames." Unfortunately it won't work if someone ever comes to me and they actually are engulfed in flames at the time.
  16. Dude if this had happened during The Lion King when Mufasa died, I would've been pissed.
  17. So the Black Eyed Peas were, in fact, the ones were 2000-and-late. So suck on that, random guy from that group that no one knows the name of but is a multi-millionaire.
  18. Yeah, me neither.
  19. Yeah, but I don't wanna be those cats. They are very loud and they cause massive property damage. Plus the one with Tigger's voice does a song that's a bit... uh, problematic, shall we say.
  20. But I don't wanna be an Aristocat.
  21. Mission accomplished. I'll just climb into my roflcopter and be on my way now.
  22. You gotta be careful with old folks. They're so fragile that too much coarse language could shatter their bones.
  23. Dude is in commercials, TV shows, movies, he does voice over stuff, he had/has a cooking show with Martha Stewart. It's super cool. Doesn't happen very often to people who were on trial for murder at one point.
  24. Have you ever had to use le epic bacon on someone?
  25. Geez, man, hasn't Seymour been through enough?
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