So there's this package of wipes sitting on the shelf in the bathroom. On the package, it reads "Personal cleansing cloths." And all day, I kept looking at this package whenever I was in there, and I would think, "How the fuck did they misspell that word? How do you just forget the E in the word 'clothes'?" Then finally, about an hour ago, it finally occurred to me that, in fact, "cloths" is correct, as it's referring to "cloths" as in more than one cloth, and not "clothes," which would be clothing. It also occurred to me that I've been awake since Friday night and my brain is literally mashed potatoes right now.
But I mean LITERALLY mashed potatoes, though. Like if you took a saw and cut off the top of my skull, all that's in there is a bunch of thick, buttery mashed potatoes with a nice turkey gravy.
There it is. Funniest story ever told. Just toss the trophy in my fucking coffin.