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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. You're a girl, you wouldn't understand. Girls don't poop.
  2. One time I told him I was rooting for the hockey team that his favorite team was playing against. He blocked me on Facebook and sent me a PM telling me to fuck off. What a bitch, right?
  3. Well, plenty of folks stuck around after the raid. Lots of people subbed to her and gave her some donations. So at the very least, she made more money this month than she did any month prior. That's never a bad thing. I gave her a follow, and I'll pop in now and then. She's talented.
  4. I was watching a Twitch stream with Jesse Cox, who has a pretty sizeable fan following. After he was done playing, he had us fans raid a much smaller channel, which he often does. The goal is always to "make them cry," but in a good way. We want to get them so excited and happy for all the new subs and follows that they cry tears of happiness. Tears don't always happen, but this time it totally did! She was blown away by the raid. Tears were shed, and good vibes were had in chat, and it was all very very sweet. I love stuff like that.
  5. What if this thread ended up being the reason that the company that makes Whisps shuts down? That would be pretty funny. I don't want them to shut down, though. I just want them to make better snacks.
  6. Legitimately one of the worst snacks I've ever eaten. They don't have enough flavor, the little bit of flavor they DO have is not particularly pleasant, and they're completely unsatisfying to eat. Every once in a while I find a snack that makes me think, "Why does this even exist?" This is one of them. Absolute trash-tier. Could not recommend it less.
  7. The lens flare above her really puts it over the top. She looks like a blessed goddess. In reality, she was a goofy goober.
  8. Out of the choices given, Bart, I guess. But everyone knows deep down that Ralph Wiggum is the best character on that show.
  9. That's all you can do sometimes. Also, this reminded me of this awesome picture I got of Piper, my ex-roommates' cat. She was the best cat I've ever known. "Piper, everything the light touches..."
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that.
  11. I think the criteria varies from person to person. It comes down to what you personally value in a poo. Whether it's consistency, amount, or just how satisfying it was/how relieved you felt afterwards.
  12. Shut up, I'm going to ask you anyway. So listen up, fuckface. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your most recent poop? Personally, mine was was a good 7. Feel free to share to share yours. Also, I'm sorry I called you a fuckface that one time.
  13. Franklin? The question mark is imperative.
  14. God? Jesus? Franklin?
  15. Munchos are an interesting one. I don't encounter many people who are super into Munchos.
  16. Original Lay's are a great shout. Especially with some French onion dip. Big time summer vibes.
  17. Fritos Honey BBQ Twists don't get the respect they deserve. Top 10 for sure in my book.
  18. I like Mount Rushmore as a concept. The fact that half of the guys on the actual mountain were slave owners is a bummer, but that's why it's fun to make Mount Rushmores out of less problematic things. Like chips.
  19. Don't know if it's been addressed, but are the lenses completely necessary for the costume? Like, could you not just remove the lenses and just wear the frames? If I were cosplaying a character with glasses, or doing it for some kind of bit, I would just take out the lenses. Then again I don't even know if you can do that. I've never worn glasses.
  20. I've never hand-fed one, but every year we have some squirrels and birds that get very comfortable near us. I'll be sitting on my steps having a smoke, and one of the squirrels will just rock up to me like, "Yo." They'll come within a foot of me if I don't move too much. It's pretty tight. Next year I should try to make it happen and get them to take food from me.
  21. Bold of you to assume that I am "of" this place, but all the same, good night.
  22. Not here. It's like 50 degrees outside right now and I am so fucking here for it. Fuck hot. I hate hot.
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