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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Fine, I'll start my OWN damn posse! Comprised primarily of opossums! That's right, it's an opossum posse.
  2. Only if we can call ourselves a posse. I've always wanted to join a posse.
  3. It's pretty cool. I've been reading articles about old presidents on there. I'm up to Polk. I need friends.
  4. Let's start by not jacking off at work.
  5. This is one of the nerdiest threads I have ever read in my life.
  6. It's December. You're legally obligated to enjoy it now.
  7. Roasted.
  8. Try being a karaoke DJ, who also happens to be a really good singer. I lost count of all the sexual favors I was offered, be it in exchange for more songs for them, or just because they liked my voice. I never took them up on it, though. If they're that willing to fuck a stranger, who knows where they've been. I'm not trying to catch an STD.
  9. 0/10 would not listen again.
  10. See, I'm a little annoyed, because I clicked this expecting to hate it, but I don't. I thought it was really good. So screw you for that.
  11. I'll bury my tree trunk for you bby.
  12. Hey, more work days means more fap time for you. Allegedly.
  13. Not with that attitude, mister.
  14. I wish. But my mom had it lopped off. I have baby pictures of me with it. It's cool.
  15. God is doing goatse for us. Praise Him.
  16. That's a weird way to respond to this thread.
  17. That's cheating.
  18. I'm just saying that in recent years, we got Black Panther and Crazy Rich Asians. Name me ONE American movie with an all or primarily white cast. I'll wait. (this is a real thing that actual humans have said unironically)
  19. Also https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DUSE86UbsV8c&ved=2ahUKEwjj8JrV2KntAhUoB50JHUOLAPkQjjgwA3oECAMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3RPkfvS95WvDcNG96qlbHM
  20. Surprise, dude! Damn. Got em.
  21. Underrated: InuYasha: Secret of the Cursed Mask. The game is junk, but the soundtrack is absolutely fire.
  22. Well, if I happen to be taking antidepressants, masturbation becomes work.
  23. Also I was born with six fingers on my right hand.
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