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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. He had just gotten fired that morning, so he went out and bought some of those big, gross "high gravity" beers. Earthquake, I think it was. Anyway, he was just sitting there, drinking and ranting about how his boss was a fucking piece of shit, and how one of his coworkers was a "flaming fag," in his words. And I was just sitting there listening politely, because what the fuck am I gonna say, right? So at a certain point, as he starts to wind down the rant, this jogger goes running by across the street. And my man just points at him and goes, "Look at this dude, look at him... Lil' joggin' ass bitch." Shit KILLED me. He said in a way that I think was supposed to be under his breath, but he was hammered, so he said it in his regular voice. And it was just SO judgmental, dude. The utter disdain in his voice, and the way he phrased it, made me laugh so fucking hard. I was weeping laughing. Anyway, that's my time, enjoy the rest of the show. I'm Kevin Hart.
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  2. Of time gone by?
  3. Why does the Pink Panther somehow look more naked than the rest of them?
  4. Heard about that yesterday. The Road Warriors were a bit before my time, and I was too young to fully appreciate them as LOD when they were in WWF. But I respect the hell out of Hawk and Animal as a team, and everything they accomplished in every fed they performed for. The triad won't be complete in the afterlife without Precious Paul Ellering, but I hope he doesn't go any time soon.
  5. I do find it interesting that there are people who my penis has been inside of that I will never speak to again. A funeral, though? Nah. That's a family/close friend thing. Funerals are overrated anyway. Personally, I don't want a funeral. Mostly because I don't want anyone to pull some shit and put my dead ass in a suit. I've never worn a suit in my life, and I'm never going to.
  6. Stop going through my personal pictures please.
  7. But if you don't like biscuits and gravy, you are objectively a piece of shit. No disrespect intended. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. But if you don't like biscuits and gravy? Fuck you, you're a bad person and you should die. But I mean no disrespect. Nothing but love. But also die. <3
  8. Because my hair tie is just too tight and I have trouble picking it off my wrist. And it's not really "hard," it's just easier the way I do it.
  9. Is it slightly racist that I'm just imagining her sending you a text that says, "I showed you my ankle pls respond"?
  10. Yeah, but I care way more about comfort than style. I'll wear just about anything if it's comfy.
  11. That's what I'm saying! Keep the pinky out. I find it works better than when you have the whole thing on your wrist. Easier to grab.
  12. Seeing as this is a public forum, where anyone can clearly view one's reply to this topic, all I will say is that I have no opinion about this. I am completely neutral. Please leave me alone, the CIA.
  13. IT WAS FOR ME AND THIS TRICK CHANGED MY LIFE I'm gonna make a fake ad with a picture of me that says, "Stylists HATE him!" and then you click on it, it just goes to a picture of my hand with a hair tie on it.
  14. Do you do the technique where you have the hair tie on your wrist, but part of it is between your pinky and ring finger? Because I just figured that out, and it makes the process way easier, and I'm a little annoyed that no one ever showed me this amazing technique before.
  15. I like the idea. My arms don't get too cold, but my body does. So a lot of times I'll be wearing a jacket with the sleeves pulled up. A sleeveless hoodie would be more practical.
  16. I use water too. Not warm water, though. That just seems like an invitation for bacterial diseases.
  17. Someone should let him know that being superstitious is unlucky.
  18. I was joking, my dude. Also, Peytonio's 6-picker was actually in 2007 against San Diego.
  19. All the bad food forces me to make more acid. It's fine tho
  20. I dunno, man. That Swayze fella has an awful lot going for him in the looks department. Have you seen the trailer for that Road House movie coming out soon?
  21. What did I miss? Is John Stamos not the hotness anymore?
  22. Dude, you know I'm sensitive about that.
  23. Channing Tomatomatum.
  24. First of all, any player who turns the ball over six times in one game should be disqualified from the Hall of Fame. Yes, that means Peyton Manning is out. At least he'll always have Nationwide. Mike Alstott not being in by now is absolutely criminal. Olin Kreutz and Jeff Saturday deserve to be in. I personally think Donald Driver should get in, but I'm biased, and also the Hall of Fame fucking hates receivers for some reason, so it won't happen. Besides, he won't get in before Hines Ward, Torry Holt, or Reggie Wayne. Gary Anderson deserves to get in because of his perfect season alone (never mind that miss in the playoffs that doesn't matter). Plus he retired as the all-time leading scorer, and he played for like 37 seasons. Throw him in. Herschel Walker is a tough one. Stats aren't really there. No ring. But he was a tremendous dual-threat guy. I don't thiiiink I would vote for him, but I could be swayed.
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