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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. I just washed my bong for the first time in a while. As it turns out, the resin was the only thing keeping it together, and now it’s extra leaky. That’s what I get for being such a gross stoner. RIP lil blue
  2. I have always been told Kirsten Dunst. Someone on here told me I looked like “a bitchier version” of Natalie Dormer, and I like that.
  3. Ever had it pickled? Fucking delicious
  4. What are you eating?
  5. it is happening
  6. High enough to do laundry but not so high that I don’t want to do the laundry
  7. That’s cute. I need to get my husband some of these. I always pack him lunch, but I usually send it in a Tupperware in a Walmart bag. 😅
  8. are the worst. I can tell my period is coming by the smell of my own farts way before I can feel the cramps or some boobs. Happy Tuesday.
  9. A lot of people from the south moved north for factory jobs and created a southern diaspora. ^^
  10. - coffee, water, and a ginger ale - two fried chicken livers - a bowl of butter beans, cornbread, and chow chow with a side of greens - fresh strawberry and blueberry cobbler - all dressed chips
  11. Nothing yet cause I don’t get hungry till like 3 or 4. Yesterday: - a pot of coffee -two chorizo breakfast tacos with fried potatoes -a bowl of vegetable beef soup with cornbread - a piece of white cake with buttercream frosting that tasted like ass.
  12. Husband and I bought a house a few months back. Yard work sucks, but privacy is one of life’s greatest joys.
  13. Apple cider vinegar and water is supposed to be good for stubborn dandruff. Also, I am very white, and I put oil in my hair often. Treatments and leave-ins.
  14. I want my cat to stop eating my fucking plants while I’m asleep. Little asshole.
  15. The mall in my town just demolished over half of the building. It’s weird cause I spent a large chunk of my teen years mallratting, but kids just don’t do it anymore. No one does. The old people don’t even do their speedwalking. Target wants to build nearby, but they don’t want to attach themselves to the failing mall. Rumor is that they’re going to share a parking lot. If that happens, the whole mall will get torn down, and everything will be turned into a strip, which I think used to be the preferred mall layout anyway. (?) Anyway. Failing malls are fascinating but also hurt my nostalgic heart a lil bit.
  16. that’s all
  17. You can.
  18. I LOVE boiled peanuts, but for some reason, I’ve never been able to make them at home. The little old men on the side of the road always have the best ones, and I can’t ever replicate them. My go to sweet snack is Reese’s, and I like sour cream and cheddar ruffles for salty snacks.
  19. In my experience, it’s always the ugly dicks that get sent all willy nilly. Husband never wants to send me dick pics, and he has a very photogenic penis.
  20. I was thinking wild cherry, but that’s really just a shot in the dark. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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