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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. Not yet, which makes sense. They’re not going to drug test on the first round of interviews. I’m just wildly paranoid.
  2. It’s times like these that I realize the extent of my anxiety. No sleep cause I’m too hung up on what I might have said or done wrong. Stabby chest pain. Sore jaw from clenched teeth. Ready for Friday.
  3. A clean house always makes me feel good about life.
  4. I bet when you get in, the boob cups fill up with water and then you’re left with soggy nips the whole time
  5. Shush? Sure? Sus? Sushi?
  6. Not really, but it’s a foot in the library door.
  7. My husband just told me the same thing. I’m definitely going to email them tomorrow and thank them for their time.
  8. It happened. I think it went pretty perfectly??? They already acted like I had the job??? One of the interviewers has the same degree from the same college, and I think she’s on my team??? ??? i’m v self loathing so it’s hard for me to speak positively about myself and my accomplishments, but I think I did something good. Also, it’s world book day. The stars are aligned or something. ???
  9. Well shit. I just tagged you in something. Lol
  10. I had to wash mine the other day, which seems so counterproductive.
  11. So I bought some fancy pants, but now I’m realizing that my tops don’t really look good with them. Here are a few options that I’m not crazy about. Probably have to get an interview blouse. @discolemonade, I need some evaluation, please. 😅
  12. Thanks for all the information, y’all! I live in a v rural area, and I can’t imagine the library gets too wild. Hopefully I’ll get to see for myself though!
  13. man, that job would fucking suck. I remember kids on the bus raising so much hell that the driver would either pull over and call the police to come talk to them or just go back to the school.
  14. https://m.alibris.com/ this is another good one.
  15. Trying to convince myself that it’d be okay to smoke a little bit today. Why is it that weed stays in your body longer than anything else? Fat cells, I know. But like, it’s almost like it was meant to be there, like your body wants it there. I don’t like drinking, and even if I did, I can’t justify day drinking. The chances that I’ll get a drug test during a first interview are so slim, but I still don’t want to risk it. I could get some clean pee, but that’s a task. I just wish this wasn’t a thing.
  16. Bridge and philtrum piercings. My face isn’t symmetrical enough. I have several body mods and am happy with almost all of them. I do regret my eyebrow ring. The hole will never close up, and it collects skin cells and funk. I had my ears stretched up to a 00, and they shrunk back. This fucking eyebrow hole though... 🙄
  17. @DBZ4ever that is super helpful. Thank you so much.
  18. I do have tank tops, but I have tattoos on my chest/shoulder that I’m afraid would peak out. I may try on a few things later this week and ask for your opinions? I think I’ll go with a little wing.
  19. Also, would a nice pair of khakis be as good as some slacks? Really feeling the “I don’t know what I’m doing” rn.
  20. So my tattoos are everywhere, which really limits what I can wear. No skirts or dresses. Maybe a long skirt, but I don’t have one of those. I’m thinking slacks, but I also don’t have those either. I must shop! Would a polo and a cardigan be alright? I have lots of both. That seems library-y. Next question, which is probably just me overthinking it, but eyeliner? I always wear big winged eyeliner, but is that too aggressive? Should I soften my makeup for this interview, or should I just do what I normally do?
  21. Bought a flag, but it isn’t windy enough to see it.
  22. To answer your question though, I’ll probably be cool unless there are children or something.
  23. Thanks everyone. Please tell me what to wear now like y’all did for bucket. Also, @poof, I’m interviewing for a computer lab position, so it’s funny you say that. We don’t have a large homeless population here, but I’m sure that’ll be a thing.
  24. I’d love to
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