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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. I'll take it all
  2. okay. You first.
  3. I don't think that's what it was. I've seen/heard that during a snowstorm before, and it was wild. What I heard sounded far more menacing tho.
  4. mysterious and terrifying!
  5. you always say the right things. I'd like to carry a tiny little distorted with me everywhere I go so you can explain things to my addled mind.
  6. Please settle your farts. They're startling me.
  7. I just heard the scariest noise of my fucking life. I'm sitting alone in my room, and it's pretty much silent expect for the ticking of my slightly off-balance ceiling fan. I live in the middle of the woods, and it's usually calm and still. Out of fucking nowhere, this loud, almost electrical whirring, airplane roar starts blaring from what sounds like directly outside my bedroom window. It only lasted for 8 seconds, ten seconds at most, but it was so fucking unsettling. And I'm not just a total crazy person. My cats heard it too and were startled awake. (Cause this is a good defense of my sanity) Like I'm still freaking out. It couldn't have been a plane. I definitely wasn't a car. Wtf did I just hear?! I don't want to jump to the alien conclusions so quickly but...
  8. Get a clothesline
  9. what a dad thing to say.
  10. I really like when they respond to "suspicious vehicle" calls cause it usually means there's a white person in the inner city on crack saying "I'm just going to my buddy's house" and when the cops find the crack they're all like "This isn't even my car. That crack must be someone else's"
  11. holy shit. This song.
  12. My heart and my hands are cold.
  13. Neon tie dye
  14. H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y!
  15. That is so exciting. All of the audiobooks are free on YouTube.
  16. I'm not. I'm just trying to live my life by the words of Bill and Ted.
  17. This movie made me cry a little, but probably only cause I was emotional in the first place. It is absolutely beautiful.
  18. Teleportation But I'd probably get teleportation anxiety like I do with cars and planes.
  19. And party on, dudes! This is my number one inspirational quote rn and probably forever. What's something that inspires you?
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