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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. I sort of remember bucket being a gemini. Either way, happy birthday!
  2. Happy birthday, Rogue!
  3. I’m allergic to a lot of things, but this feels different. I usually get hives if I’m allergic to something. It feels like my hands and feet are swelling during the night? Or maybe my liver is failing? Idk. I’m dying.
  4. The soles of my feet and palms of my hands get so goddamn itchy when I wake up. It’s like I can’t scratch the itch, and I just want to claw my flesh off and get to the itch underneath.
  5. My brain can’t comprehend what I just watched. I NEED ABSOLUTES
  6. I wish I could! I know I’m lucky as fuck rn. Boy is also ultra handsome and good in bed. (I’m just bragging now. Please excuse me.) I think it’s good karma from dating a cheating shitbag for 7 years. Or it could be that he’s too good to be true and will eventually cut my tits off before burying me alive in our backyard. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Life’s a mystery.
  7. the requirement is a GED. I think I stand a chance. ;shrug;
  8. Noooo! Nope. None of that! No nay saying allowed in here! Really though, that’s good to know. I do think the backwoods nature of my town might be in my favor for once though. Here’s hoping.
  9. I do. I’m getting fucking bored.
  10. @Ginguy, Yeah, if I wanted to be head librarian in charge. I live in a small town though, and I’m certain I’ll be more qualified for these positions than most.
  11. I do like library. I also have fiancé who says I don’t need to work at all, so I can do pretty much whatever.
  12. I want one. If I can waste time and post about it here, I am forcing myself to take the time and write a cover letter and adjust my resume for it. Won’t know until I try. 🤷🏼‍♀️ There are computer lab positions open in town and a young adult coordinator position open a few towns over. If a BA in English was ever going to help me, now would be the time.
  13. They’re pretty fuckin rad tho
  14. I won’t until I know that the water runs to the house itself. There is a mysterious water spigot near a garden that might be hooked to the city. It’s weird cause the bill is only for 2,000 gals of water, but we have definitely used more than that. There’s so much confusion.
  15. Yeah, it’s the title
  17. We have a pressure tank in the basement that clicks on when our water is used. We have sediment in our hot water heater. Well water. Boom. Okay. Cool. We can’t find our fucking well anywhere though. Called local water company to see if city water had ever been ran up to the house cause we might want to switch to something more familiar. They say no. Never. It’ll cost 900 just to tie in at the road, not even considering the seven acres of piping. Fuck me, right? Well I’ll be goddamned if I didn’t get a bill from the water company saying they’re going to shut our water off. WHAT? HOW?! Lady says that we have to pay the bill before they come show us where our water lines are ran. Mind you, we called and they said water had never been ran up our mountain. So do I have well water? Do I have city water? If they turn off the water, will I still have water? I’m going to find out. Tldr: I’m a toddler homeowner. I hate the incompetence and inconsistency that I’m experiencing. I’m about to go politely yet firmly speak to someone in person until I cry about the confusion and make everyone feel real weird AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  18. couch: obtained and comfy cats: fat and numerous quilt: gift from my grandmother and BEAUTIFUL self: stoned and big eared
  19. I’m the same way! I have blackout curtains in the bedroom. There is a bed in my living room because the couch I bought hasn’t been delivered yet.
  20. It’s still pretty gay.
  21. Better start prepping those headshots.
  22. I bought some privacy film for the windows on my door cause I didn’t want to lose all the natural light with a pair of blinds. IT MAKES RAINBOWS
  23. Valentina black label or Cholula
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