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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. "Trump called for a total ban on immigration from multiple Muslim-majority countries, but guys he's totally gonna help us out if he wins, trust me!"
  2. Just to post a contrasting view to whatever the hell MD is throwing out: https://app.vantagedatahouse.com/analysis/TheBlowoutNoOneSeesComing-1
  3. I'm going to direct this question at MD knowing that I'll never get a satisfactory response, because she never backs up what she posts here, but still: what the hell is your angle here? Why are you so gleefully obsessed over every action Israel takes during this war? Like Christ, I could almost understand it if you actually lived over there. What you said would still be gross as shit, but at least you'd have a personal stake in it. Or even if you had some family members or friends living there, but as far as any of us know you don't. You're just some random person living halfway across the planet who gets a bigger ladyboner every time Israel murders more innocent Muslim children. And that leads me to one inescapable conclusion about your motivations. You know who has a real stake in all of this? The families of the hostages. And you know what? They fucking despise Netanyahu, because they see him for what he truly is. They know he's completely ignored their pleas for a cease-fire because he doesn't give a single shit about whether their family members live or die. In fact, he'd prefer them dead, because then he can use them as martyrs to kill more innocent Muslim children.
  4. Somewhere Jingo is in shambles.
  5. I really need to watch Dynazenon. Gridman kicked total ass.
  6. I like to call those people "pussies."
  7. I try to mentally reconcile Trump's unwavering base as the product of generations of inbreeding, and that's only partially tongue-in-cheek. Because while it may not be true biologically, it sure as fuck is intellectually. It's a fundamental inability to look beyond your own failures, to recognize what led yourself and your community to this point and what can get you out of it. No, it's far easier to hang on every word of a drooling idiot who promises the world but doesn't give a flying fuck about you. I have exactly zero sympathy for that level of willful ignorance. Let them rot.
  8. Honestly I thought that was a really solid last episode. They finally let things breathe a bit and moved at a reasonable pace. The visuals weren't quite up to episode 1, but they looked pretty good overall. Putting the production issues aside, if they either had twice as much runtime or didn't try to cram in what I'd assume was every single bit of the original manga, I think it would have been much better off. Still managed to freak me the fuck out on numerous occasions, so overall it was a good time.
  9. Well that was...certainly a finale. Out of all the shows I've watched, this was surely one of them.
  10. I'd assume they're rerunning Blue Exorcist there with the expectation they'll air some of the new seasons next year. Unexpected pick-ups, but I've heard good stuff about Mashle.
  11. Probably less than 1000 right now.
  12. "Have no fear, we've got stories for years!"
  13. That "Are we the baddies?" meme keeps ringing truer.
  14. I can't stop laughing at that.
  15. The only time I used a drop box was in 2020. Every time since I've just stuck it in the mailbox. Gets there in a couple of days.
  16. ...where are you finding that list of "animation directors"? It doesn't even make sense, there are several company names on there.
  17. Did that episode...almost make sense? And attempt to explain past events? Like a functional narrative?
  18. I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person. I've watched plenty of good mindfuck shows and had a blast trying to piece together what's going on and what will happen next. But it's hard to think of another series I've seen that's as perpexingly, willfully incoherent as this one. I said it elsewhere here, but on a moment-to-moment basis I've often found it impossible to figure out how each scene connects with each other. Which version of Rick is that? Are we in an alternate universe? A flashback? A flash-forward? Is this just going on in that VR helmet Morty was wearing? When was his waifu an alien, and when did she look human? Who knows! I keep thinking at some point that it'll try to tie some of this disparate nonsense together, and a couple of episodes ago it almost seemed like it was trying to, but nope it went straight back to the plot puree again. I figured going in that I'd be at a bit of a disadvantage due to never having watched the original series before, but not only does it seem like it's relying on some super-deep cuts from that (which is an odd choice if you're trying to chase a new audience), but that even if you are super-familiar with the original it still makes no sense. So...who is this for exactly?
  19. Top Gun


    I'm one millennial who just...doesn't get why people are so into Halloween. At all. I didn't even like it all that much as a kid, beyond the free candy. Once you age out of that it just feels pointless.
  20. *looks around at overflowing shelves and unopened boxes and gives them a bit of a hug*
  21. I'll admit I didn't recognize the name, but he had some really influential roles.
  22. If a streaming service shuts down, and no one knew it existed in the first place, does it make a sound?
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