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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. I've never even seen the show but the ending of "Newhart" is the greatest in television history.
  2. Feels like 2007 scheduling all over again. Nostalgia block indeed.
  3. In lighter news: https://fxtwitter.com/JustinAHorwitz/status/1813331276348412149
  4. Well that's going to haunt my dreams for the rest of my life.
  5. ...and since I posted that it's changed to episode 20. Clear as mud.
  6. No disrespect, but there are absolutely people on this planet who would substantially improve it by instantly dropping dead. I feel zero remorse for believing this.
  7. Yeah, everything looks as it should.
  8. Okay, I don't know where that screencap in the tweet is from, but my Xfinity scheduled recordings are showing the correct "S1E8: The Oath of Pain" airing on the 19th.
  9. Seriously. I don't even like the franchise all that much and that fight kicks ass.
  10. Why would they skip the actually-good Zabuza arc to jump to the blatant Hunter Exam ripoff arc?
  11. Hell yeah. I love my idiot fire children.
  12. Works for me. Sailor Moon is the main reason I'm watching.
  13. Hopefully they got it early enough that the chemo nukes anything else in there.
  14. I saw that part of the decision said something like, "If presidents were not immune, then nearly every president would face prosecution after they left office." Me: "I see no problems here."
  15. The fact is that people who are experts in a particular field should be allowed to use that expertise to apply regulations relating to said field. Hell, in my fantasy dictator-for-a-day scenario, only experts would be able to craft policy related to their field in the first place. Certainly not dumb rednecks elected by other dumb rednecks.
  16. Pretend I posted the Fry "I'm shocked!" gif.
  17. At this point the franchise is so obscenely overhyped and under-delivering that part of me is hoping we don't get the rest. I've read ahead on the ANN episode reviews and it sounds straight-up torturous.
  18. How did so many of you willingly sit down and watch this? I don't know if I should be impressed or put in a welfare call on your behalf.
  19. You could not pay me enough to watch this.
  20. Looks like it's an over-the-air option here but not on our cable lineup unfortunately.
  21. I mean I went to Catholic grade/high school, so I think you're going to get a much smaller rate by default there, but even with the non-Catholic kids in my neighborhood, I can only think of one whose parents were divorced. It's why I've always been shocked by that 50% statistic, because I always think "Where were all of these people?"
  22. I think a lot of it is a matter of perspective. Even growing up I knew very few people with divorced parents. Most of the people I worked with had been married for a long time. I have two brothers who are happily married, and another one who's about to get married next month. There are about 500 reasons why I'll never get married, but I dunno, I never saw anything wrong with it.
  23. We just need the "Guy Love" song from Scrubs playing in the background.
  24. Awww, they're adorable together.
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