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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. Not my bag per se, but to each their own.
  2. Hell yeah. Honestly I think it's a lot more popular than many people might suspect. I've certainly seen more than my fair share of Lois...uh, content.
  3. It's fine to say "these shows were targeted at kids," but pretty much every adult in Japan knows what One Piece is, and a ton of them read it every week. A lot of series "made for kids" wind up being big crossover hits. Personally I don't really give a damn what the target audience of a series is, so long as it's good.
  4. It was straight-up surreal actually sitting down and watching Sailor Moon for the first time. Even after one episode I was having a ton of fun. Usagi is a complete idiot and I'm here for it.
  5. Batman Ninja was way more fun than it had any right to be.
  6. I know this probably won't make a bit of practical difference because this is the fucked-up hellscape we live in, but we can at least get a few minutes of schadenfreude out of it:
  7. I know about half of those but Goatse was the all-time classic.
  8. The ICC is seeking arrest warrants for both Hamas leadership and Netanyahu. Of course it's mostly symbolic, but it's the right fucking symbol.
  9. This sounds like fun. I may have to set my DVR for Sailor Moon (and maybe Naruto if I hate myself). I doubt any of this cost all that much. DBZ Kai is a currently-owned license, and in retrospect they obviously planned to run it here when they picked it up again. For the other two, [as] has been working with Viz for two decades, they're already running Shippuden, and they've run OG Naruto in the past. They probably approached Viz with something like, "hey, we're thinking about doing a nostalgia block, any old titles you could offer for cheap?"
  10. What, you mean there aren't stunning mountain vistas along the Jersey shore?
  11. Same here. And it was beautiful for most of the day too.
  12. I was a physics major, but the class I remember most vividly was the fluffy senior-year elective, History of Rock. The professor was this awesome old coot and the class kicked ass.
  13. Yeah, I'm not sure that one will be covered by this.
  14. Heh, and I just played the full $40 for the Samurai Jack game. Really good news for the devs though.
  15. Hey it's like the State Department came to the same conclusion as most of us: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68984999
  16. Nice to know that MD wants to send more weapons to a war criminal to help him keep committing war crimes.
  17. "You ever wonder what makes Special Sauce so special? Yo."
  18. I don't think people should be protesting outside of Auschwitz. I think that should be a no-go area. But I understand why they're doing it. Netanyahu is a war criminal. In any sane world, he and his inner circle would be dragged in front of The Hague for what they're doing, right along with the leadership of Hamas. Let them all rot in hell together.
  19. I'd say I'm beginning to regret my vote for him more and more, but he was running against a batshit lunatic. Sigh.
  20. "My body is broken. I go to my fathers. And even in their mighty company I shall not now be ashamed."
  21. So uh, guys, I think I know what's coming down the pipe: https://twitter.com/ToonHive/status/1785716178343596163
  22. "I was gonna reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug...but then I got high."
  23. One of their songs was in a THPS game, that's mostly what I know them for.
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