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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. This take is dumb as hell for multiple reasons. For one, how much overlap is there between the Latino men who voted for Hillary 8 years ago, and the Latino men who voted for Trump now? More importantly, is Cenk aware that, y'know, not all Latinos are of Mexican descent? Does he know the gender breakdown of the Mexican presidential election? Y'know, those little inconvenient facts that would even remotely back up his points.
  2. At least there's still someone to laugh at. Good ol' Rudy.
  3. I'm sorry, but needing to go to a notary to vote by mail seems absolutely insane. In PA I can just sign it and mail it from home, and that's that.
  4. Does anyone know a thingy that lets you read entire Twitter threads without having an account? I'd like to take a look at this.
  5. The problem is that the sitting president has been blamed/praised for economic conditions for about as long as the country has existed, and that's probably true for most countries. And considering how global the economy is now, there's less of a connection than ever. But try explaining that to Redneck Bubba.
  6. That fucking background.
  7. Zero sympathy. She had all the time in the world to bail.
  8. If this is how things turn out, then this country is the dumbest bunch of motherfuckers on the entire planet, and we deserve whatever the fuck happens to us. Honestly, if he wins, I hope to God the economy craters. I hope things go to shit, especially for every single asshole who voted for him. This is what you wanted, fuckface. Fucking wear it.
  9. New articles of impeachment every week. Fucking do it.
  10. So multiple groups of people voting directly against their own self-interests for...what exactly?
  11. What a complete fucking joke of a state.
  12. Ukraine's porn industry: "I'm doing my part!"
  13. I don't want to crap all over this, because I didn't think it was actively bad or anything. It's clear from both the content itself and Sketch's interview that the creative team is enthusiastic about it and put effort into it. And obviously they didn't make the call on where it's airing, because even amongst the "crossover" series that have aired on the block in the past, this one above all others feels like it's much better suited for CN proper. But all of that being said, this isn't doing a whole lot for me so far. I won't go quite as far as Jman, but this feels for all the world like it was made by someone who saw a few super-popular shounen series when they were younger and wanted to make one themselves really badly. It's a checklist of tropes I've seen used a hundred times before, and at least so far there isn't much setting it apart. And while I don't claim to have much of a grasp on what The Youth are into these days, I have to wonder how much its target audience even cares about professional wrestling. And I'm sorry, but you chose to have your main character escape her ordained future on...Accounting Island? Really?
  14. We used to go every once in a while when there was still one around here. I liked their Jack Daniels sauce.
  15. You are so fucking desperate at this point.
  16. Friendly reminder that there are 500k people of Puerto Rican descent living in PA.
  17. Trump supporters are garbage and should be told so on a daily basis.
  18. When I used a drop box in 2020 because of the 'vid it was located in the lobby of one of the county courthouse buildings, but every primary and general since I've just mailed it from home and called it a day. They email you when they get it, too.
  19. It would be peak everything if the island that doesn't even get to vote for president winds up tipping the scales towards Harris.
  20. A broken clock and all that.
  21. I feel like the majority of people out there are dogpiling on this far more than it reasonably deserved, mostly by jumping on the "lol episode 2 looked like ass, this whole thing is shit" bandwagon. Do I think it was great overall? Absolutely not, but at the very least I think it was decent, with some truly fantastic moments sprinkled throughout. It certainly wasn't the irredeemable garbage that some have made it out to be.
  22. Anyone else getting the YouTube ads where there's this peaceful wordless shot of a family on a beach or, like, a fucking oil derrick, and then some bullshit Trumpism non sequitur is displayed? They'd be hilarious if I wasn't terrified by how many people have fallen for the message.
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