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Top Gun

Helper Elf
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Everything posted by Top Gun

  1. So like, first question, why the goddamn fuck is the military doing ANY sort of training flight in the near vicinity of one of the busiest airspaces in the country? What, you don't own bases in enough swaths of Bumbefuck Nowhere?
  2. Procrastinators of the world, unite! ...tomorrow.
  3. Doing things is so overrated.
  4. Nah fam, we'll just run Saquon down the Swifties' throats.
  5. Fuck it let's go straight to guillotines.
  6. Don't worry, no one's parading there this year.
  7. I had this realization when in a Discord conversation that MAGATs have pulled off a brilliant long con over the past decade-plus. They spouted off all sorts of threats and batshit insanity over things that were not physically happening and in fact could not happen, and they got called out for it as such. Now the positions are flipped, we're calling out the actual existential threats happening right now, and they get to sit back and say "Well you called us crazy for years, so you must be crazy too!" ...well I'd say it was brilliant, but most of the dumb bastards probably fell ass-backwards into it. I'm sure there were a few evil genius motherfuckers behind the scenes though.
  8. Not sure if I'll bother with this run since I just watched all of it on Rewind, but I had so much damn fun with it. I'm several episodes into R, which is rare for me because I suck at watching stuff on my own.
  9. Hell they seem to do an excellent job of melting down themselves.
  10. MD why don't you just come out and say "I hate brown people." It'd save all of us a lot of time.
  11. "Well ackshually..."
  12. If someone starts going around attacking CEOs, so be it. I mean, get over it.
  13. MD jilling off to racism and fascism, check.
  14. Wow, Twitter's so terrible now that even Russian disinfo wants out.
  15. Yesterday was literally the first time I'd seen him since election day.
  16. Also at some point picking on a plainly mentally disabled person starts to feel a bit unfair.
  17. Senile former janitor quotes the same message and writes the same response twice. Fucking lol.
  18. Motherfucker who pushed a mop and picked trash for a living for decades is attempting to explain national financial policy. Fucking lol.
  19. I mean I feel like China has a more recent reason to be distrustful of China...
  20. I feel bad because I have basically zero exposure to any of his work, so this doesn't hit me at all. I know he was an all-time great though.
  21. C'moooooon William Henry Harrison.
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