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Everything posted by EmpressAngel
Ace and I are very happy together.
.....Your problem is that being bullied hasn't turned the main character into a hateful bag of dicks? I mean yeah the kid is getting picked on by a gaggle of douchebags with powers, but he lives in a world where 80% of the population is also super-powered. He knows plenty of people with powers who are kind and friendly and it's obvious that the gang is assholes regardless of their abilities. That'd be like your local ginger going berserk and waging war on every non-redhead in the city because a couple of blonde kids gave him a wedgie.
But my sexy One Piece boyfriend pillow is cool, right?
Y'all know you can enjoy more than one superhero series, right?
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- Well this kid's adorable. The moral of this story is that kids are jerks. These heroes seem fun. I wish I could get out of work because of super villains. Helloooo giant lady. Okay some of these powers are freaking me out. Fuck off, douche boy. So he's like Asta only actually enjoyable instead of god-awful. Hi there, shrimpy dude. Ohhhh I am into this big Jojo-looking motherfucker. I'm gonna fight this douche gang myself. Hi there hot mom. This flashback is cute. ALL MIGHT, MORE LIKE ALL NIGHT AM I RIGHT? Damn, screwed over by your own toes. Please give this kid a hug. In the present time, ohhhh noooo. I'm uncomfortable with this. Damn that shirt is just painted on. Oh come on his attacks sound like porn titles too? He's a giant buff dork and I love him. KID NO. Oh fuck he's dying isn't he. It's okay kiddo you're a hero to me. Please hug him and then me, All Might. Jojo- Get your fiddle skills ready, Avdol. Jotaro really should have just bet on the order of the cards instead of poker. Hope you didn't like that finger, buddy. Now break his spine for good measure. Avdol can come get me and I'll handle anything he wants. If you break enough fingers he'll be too distracted to focus on the game. Well you've only got one soul to bet, make sure you get Joseph back first. Thank god for this narrator because I don't know shit about poker. Awww Avdol's such a good dad to this random kid. Dude, the serious glare is the only look he can manage. Aw fuck that's half your soul. Huh, that's an interesting strategy. Wait no don't just borrow my husband's soul! Avdol you can literally see the future and make your living by reading cards how are you bad at poker. I love my husband and his faith in his friends. AW FUCK HE'S CHEATING. No really, you can keep Polnareff's soul. Oh that sounds like a bad idea. Yeah sure, Kakyoin is probably down for that. Star Platinum pops out of nowhere to light his smoke. That kid is freaking the hell out. Dude's gonna break his own brain on this. Where did he get that drink. Rrrrrrrrrrrraise the pot?! Oh no if you put Holly on the line you better win. Ohhhh that's brilliant. Calm down Avdol, that codpiece must be too tight you should take it off. D'arby broke. I feel like I know less about poker now than I did 20 minutes ago. Yaaay grandpa's back! Oh my god Jotaro. Y'all should at least loot his wallet before you go. Oh hey Iggy nice of you to join us. Hunter- KICK HIS ASS KIDDO. Fuck off, douche brother. Meanwhile, call the cops on this lady. Oooh that's pretty. Please don't hurt my son. Gon honey that's a stick. Okay that's a really pretty stick. LITTLE HELP HERE, GUYS. Yeeeah you're not gonna get Kite back to normal. Aw fuck she's crazy again. Alright this time you shoud probably listen to your creepy brother's advice and get the hell out of there. Awwww Killua come here let me hug you. Uhhh what the hell? This would be so sweet if he wasn't about to get mauled. I'm gonna go fight his creepy brother myself. Good job son now kick that rabbit right in the dick. GOOD JOB I'M PROUD OF YOU. Ohhh fuck where's Gon? What the fuck. WHY IS THIS BITCH SO GODDAMN CREEPY. Gon is way too chill about this. What in the shit is this? Oh hey it's that one dude. Here bitch, focus on the dude your own age. Well thank god that whole child dating thing is over. Tiny robots! I love it when my kids are happy. Fuck you, Thundercat. I don't know why Knuckle needs to be shirtless when he fights but I appreciate it. Oh goddammit did I just get Knuckle killed. Clover- This is gonna be stupid and annoying, I can tell. Yeah just go ahead and fight here, really fuck up the Wizard King's dining room you dumb shits. Who am I supposed to root for when everyone fighting is terrible? Your name is Nozzle and your hair is stupid, you don't have room to talk. I'm so tired. YOU PARTY RIGHT NOW. Well hey, this dude might actually be almost decent. Okay Boobs here is alright. Girl every time you compliment him my opinion of you goes down. And then everything was on fire. Of course it's zombies. You gotta destory the brain don't you idiots know anything. Yeah sure that model's cool but you could have probably just looked out the window. YOU'RE WHEREVER IT'S LOUDEST. Food girl being here has literally nothing to do with the episode. Buddy I guarantee you that I hate everything here more than you ever could. Naruto- Sorry kids the honky abandoned you. I wish I could be in a coma for this show. She really shoud have beat him harder. Y'all realize that Sasuke is a massive douche and you're better off without him, right? Incorrect, both Naruto and Sakura and desperate to gargle Sasuke's asshole. Oh great, the one even worse than Sakura is crying. Shikamaru is so much better as a main character. Again, y'all could just accept that Sasuke is the worst and let him pay for his crimes. Yes Sakura you're awful and it's nice to see you finally accept that. I'm voting for the angry dude here. Yeah well maybe you should have bought stronger desks. I'm glad that someone else realizes this is bullshit. There sure are a lot of Uchihas for a clan that's almost extinct. HI there! Well at least somebody's enjoying this meeting. Sasuke is still thinking about breaking the record for most dicks in one mouth. Yes Sasuke is garbage and the sooner you realize it the better things will be. Oh great, this asshole is here. -
I like that All Might's attacks sound like porn titles, and he can Texas Smash me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, it really doesn't. Acknowledging that you're stabbing me in the ear with a screwdriver and then continuing to do it every single week does not make it funny just because you know you're doing it.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Probably just a giant buff dude passing out and then a poker chip dropping out of nowhere while the rest of these dudes scream weird shit at each other. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I AM UNCOMFORTABLE. Jojo- I love the narrator. SPHINX. Welcome home, Avdol. Oh no Holly. I'm also thirsty here. Avdol you live here, don't you have a street map or something? You look like an Old West Saloon-themed prostitute, sir. What is that crap all over his face? Guys, he's definitely evil. This is an obvious trap. Joseph is way luckier than most people, who else could survive four plane crashes? Well if any of them are going to get tricked into killing themselves here I'm glad it's Polnareff. POLNAREFF YOU STUPID FRENCH BASTARD. Wow what a shock this dude was evil all along. Quick, someone challenge him to a fiddle contest. I'm glad it was the one I care about the least. I hope Iggy fights that cat. Set him on fire, Avdol. Nobody cares about spelling, douche. Angry Avdol is doing things for me. Hey that day was eventually my birthday. Just cut your losses and leave him. I would like some chocolate, thank you. Joseph drinking isn't gonna help you here. Don't bring science into this! Joseph the hell kind of bet is that? Y'all should probably just listen to Avdol here. Oh your word as a gambler, that's worth a lot I'm sure. Oh you showoff. Joseph is cheating and I love him. This is going too well. Calm down Donnie. NO DON'T TAKE SEXY GRANDPA'S SOUL. The moral of this story is to listen to Avdol, goddammit. Make a bet about what the hell Avdol's pants are. Punch him, husband. Oh you dick. Look at all those sound effects. Whelp that was a bad choice, I sure hope Avdol's an expert fiddle player. Gundam- I'm sure this finale won't be depressing at all. Yeah sorry that kid is dead as shit. Kill them all, Mika. He's probably the oldest one left of the child soldiers, he might as well be the new leader. Blow that shit right up. I got zero faith in Mika surviving but the buff one might get out alive. I fucking hate this guy, let him do a suicide mission. Thank god someone finally hugged that kid. Ohhh that looks bad. Mika bout to lose the rest of his limbs here. Please kill this douche already. "Let me AXE you a question!" Please kill him already. FINALLY, THANK GOD. Aw crap the buff one's dead. Girl you are a real shitty judge of character. Aww I'm glad the adults survived. Is there any greater reason to live than getting your own harem? Well this sure is depressing. Fuck you and everyone you care about, bitch. At least the child fucker died and his legacy is hated, and I can appreciate that. Oh fuck you, asshole. Oh it's a time skip I guess. She looks good with short hair. Good, the hot redhead survived. Who woud have guessed that things would turn out so badly for the child soldiers. Kick him in the dick while your'e there. Hmmm her bodyguard there sure looks familiar. Shut the fuck up, girl. Yeah you sure killed a whole bunch of young kids who never had a home. Does your dick work in that chair, dude? Well i'm glad things worked out for the kids who managed to survive. Kill him while he's on the toilet, it's the death he deserves. Jesus this kid didn't fuck around. Aww the adults have kids. Atra got cute. Awwww he's adorable but has a terrible name. Clover- Bird is still the best character. I still can't understand you, Manson. I did not miss the creepy sister fucker at all. I do love those sheep chefs. I definitely don't drink enough during this show. Hey there Captain Sexy. Nobody likes you, sister fucker. I hate you both and that stupid sparkly face you make. You can repay her by shutting the hell up. What the fuck girl, have some standards. Bitches be crazy, glasses dude. Kneel, you dimwits. Shut the fuck up you did nothing. Oh jesus he has the creepy sparkly eyes too. I fucking hate you so much. Uh you should probably let go of that sword. It's also about knowing how to shut your goddamn screaming mouth. Maybe the super knights will use them as target practice. Hi there, boobs. Those are bitchface's siblings I guess. What the fuck kind of power is glass magic? I don't give a shit about any of these people. Shut the fuck up. Oh she's been eyeing some meat alright. I mean yeah, he did win thanks to Luck. Y'all suck at insults, you unoriginal fuckjockies. Now this dude's got some salt. I like that her own family hates her even more than I do. GET OFF THE TABLE YOU ASSHOLE. No please god, just be quiet. You're never done talking and that is why everyone hates you. Hunter- These strippers seem nice. I'm probably not gonna feel too bad about this guy dying. Ohh I don't like your odds here, dude. I do enjoy the cat puns. He has a point, humans are pretty terrible. No don't kill the strippers. Thank you, catdouche. Ohh this won't end well. MEAT ORCHARD does have a nice ring to it. Oh no not that crazy bitch. Is...is Bisky dead? Oh hell no you stay the fuck away from my son. Bitch he's twelve I'm calling the police. All this time I was worried about Hisoka showing back up but really I should have been worried about this nutty bitch. Gon what the fuck. CHILD NO NONE OF THAT IS OKAY. Obviously Gon needs to take Killua out on a date. Oh hey Knuckle. Honey no, Kite is not okay. Look out for terrifying fuck monsters, and not just the creepy lady trying to bang a sixth grader. Run away, bitches! Well that did not go well. That news report doesn't sound good Oh wow she actually looks pretty, but still way too old to be dating a goddamn child. Use the creepy woman as a human shield. Oh crap it's Speedo Rabbit. KICK HIS ASS, KIDDO. Naruto- They just followed the gravity of that lady's huge boobs. That dude's gotta be freezing he doesn't even have a shirt. Your friend is a dick and needs to pay for his crimes. He gives no shits and I can respect that. No Sasuke's kinda been an insufferable douche since the beginning, vengence didn't change him that much. I enjoy watching Naruto suffer. Were they ever even friends or did Sasuke just quietly hate him for years. This guy is great and a rare character that I might actually like. Gaara laying the smackdown on these guys. Oh right, that rapping dude is his brother. FIGHTIN TIME. I feel like the entire cloud city was formed mostly out of my own salt and hatred for this series. Man I miss gay snake Blum. Don't cry lady I'll comfort you and your rack. I genuinely don't remember if the audience knew that already or was supposed to be surprised by that. See, if you all hold hands and hug it out you can beat the enemies! I hope you put the giant angry guy in charge. Booooooooooooo. -
EmpressAngel replied to The1gairon's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
He looks like he could launch my pelvis through a brick wall. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -
EmpressAngel replied to The1gairon's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I know exactly one thing about this show and that's enough to make me watch. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
All I know about this show is that the big guy is gonna be my boyfriend, and thus I fear for his life. Jojo- I AM SO UNCOMFORTABLE. This is where the others burst in and beat his ass to death, right? Whelp now you're going to die because your hair is stupid. Ewwww. Where's the lady? OH THAT IS FUCKED UP. Okay so definitely avoid that shadow. I hope Joseph comes in and gets turned back into Youngseph. Wrap this up quick because that fetus is freaking me out. It's kinda pathetic that a toddler is giving this dude so much trouble. Tiny Chariot is adorable. Now would be a great time for Iggy to pop in and save the day. HERE'S JOHNNY. Aw crap he's in the bear isn't he. THAT WAS A NICE CLOCK YOU ASSHOLE. Okay where the hell is this kid? Smolnareff wherever you are just stay there until he leaves. Oh damn that's brilliant. Now stab him in the dick and run! I'm kind of ashamed of Dio for hiring a dude whose specialty is fighting kindergartners and is still losing. How is that lady still alive? Oh hey Jotaro. Please punch him to death. Yeah this is believable. Just tell him your name he'll figure it out. Oh hell not again. Awww tiny Jotaro is so cute. Heeeeee he does the ORAs himself. I like that Holly has all these memories of Jotaro being a sweet kid and yet at seven he was able to beat up a full grown dude. Polnareff got dressed super fast. Looks like Alessi's blasting off agaaaaain. Thank you narrator. Oh good the hot lady's okay. Sorry your house is wrecked. If Polnareff ain't gonna hit that I volunteer. Oh hey Joseph and my husband. Iggy could not give less of a shit. Now please get some breakfast. I like how Avdol just keeps cameras in his sleeves for Joseph to smash. I am slightly disappointed it's not another sexy picture of Dio. Gundam- Whelp this is gonna be depressing. Somebody go hug Mika. Y'all better dig that tunnel faster. Oh you stupid idiot kids. Fuck that shit, get in the tunnel. Do not challenge Mika he'll just fucking kill you. Meanwhile, dickwads. And sometimes adults are child rapists and deserve to die. Get out of here with your missing arm. Awww, I hope the only two good adults in this show get out of here alive. So all these kids in the robots are going to die. Yeah, crazy how the child soldiers who were trained to fight to the death are gonna fight to the death. That's surprisingly decent of you, child fucker. Aw fuck why is Hitler still in this show? I hope you manage to kill some of these assholes. Oh hey it's the little girl. No, he's a grown-ass man who is responsible for his own problems and you're a goddamn child who has nothing to do with this shit and needs to run far away. Whelp so much for Mika's fanboy. Oh no it's over for you, there's more blood outside of you than inside. Maybe these two can just kill each other. And then everything blew up. That looks painful and I'm glad. Y'know I'd probably feel any kind of emotion here if he wasn't trying to bang a kid that still has to hold hands when crossing the street. Enough talking, let him die now. And nothing of value was lost here. This will not end well. Clover- Can the power of friendship pull a goddamn spike out of your intestines? CRAAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIN, THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEEEEAL. Blah blah tragic backstory I don't care, show. And that's how he got his Frankenstein book. Yeah Asta sucks and is terrible but you are rapidly wearing out your welcome here, buddy. No, you can and should let him die like this. And now he can freeze time I guess. Oh what the shit is this? Thanks, naked fairy child thing, I guess? You idiots should probably behead him or something to make sure he's not coming back. Forget the injured dipshit, save that treasure at all costs. I'm with glasses douche, leave the guy who's been trying to murder you for three episodes. Wait where's the bird YOU GOTTA GO BACK FOR THE BIRD. Oh hey, she actually hit a target. Now if you can just find a magic trinket to fix her garbage personality. Oh goddammit none of these assholes died. Well you survived but I'd call that mission a solid failure since you lost all the treasure and didn't kill a single douchebag. I like her flower wings they're pretty. THANK GOD THE BIRD'S FINE. Stop with the awkward hugging. This is painful to watch. Hunter- Just let my kids be happy, show. So uh did that freaky lady kill Bisky since they lost? Instead of that, maybe just call in a nuke and end this show now. Why is grandpa wearing an old gym uniform? Wow, don't fuck with grandpa. Ohhhh that is not a good observation. Gonna suggest again that you call in Killua's sexy dad and pay him a ridiculous amount of money to kill things. Oh hey, Gangster Koala's here. Beard Cthulhu is the closest thing to a doctor they have. You're a good dude...turtle...thing, Buzzkill. Oh hey she's not dead yet. Your son's a dick, lady. I did not expect to feel sympathy for a terrifying murder bug but yet here we are. Wow that is a terrible name. Why are you crying you baby you don't even know that thing. Oh what the fuck is that my first instinct is to kill it. What is with all the fetuses tonight. This is weird I wanna get off this ride now. Man, it is gonna be heartbreaking when Gon realizes that Kite's not coming back. Student loans are the bane of all our existence. Kite was a great guy I'm sorry he died. Yeah just keep rubbing salt in that wound, show. I got a real bad feeling about this creepy monster cave, you guys. Ohhhhh this is not gonna be good. THAT IS NOT GOOD AT ALL. Naruto- Oh hey it's the better version of Naruto. That old man seems as salty as I feel every time I watch this show. Is Gaara the only one here who's not older than dirt? OH DAMN HI HOT LADY. I like her but I am already sick of this boy's shit. There was a door, dude. Is there anybody in this show that doesn't have a goddamn sharingan? Oh great, that bratty kid is here too. Kid the trick here is to make the tits as big as possible. I enjoy this girl and her hatred of everything. Oh no, very tiny seeds. Yeah nothing will endear you to them like stalking them to their hidden location. HIII HOT LADY. I also have a fever, please nurse me back to health. I'm gonna throw this kid out a window. Shit I'll marry you instead. Meanwhile, not even Travis can make me care about Sasuke's team. Man, this weather must suck for all the women in their fishnet clothes. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKERS. I'd tell them to use the girl as a shield but I want most of them to die. Nope no talking just beat his ass. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I like her she understands my rage. Jojo- Show me Joseph and Avdol again. These kids are cute. This guy automatically makes me uncomfortable. Wow, what an asshole. No he hasn't forgotten who he's talking to, he just knows you're an idiot. I love this dog. HI JOSEPH AND AVDOL AND MARIAH. Meanwhile, Iggy could not give less of a fuck about any of them. Alright Polnareff, stab him in the face immediately just to be safe. Polnareff you stupid fuck. Oh no what now. Aw fuck he's a toddler now. Aww he's actually adorable. That shirt just looks ridiculous without his giant tits to hold it up. Oh crap he doesn't remember him. Jotaro come on put the clues together no one else would have that hair. STEP AWAY FROM THE SMALL CHILD, CREEPY MAN. Ohh that's gotta hurt. TINY CHARIOT IS SO CUTE OH MY GOD. Stay away from that shadow. Thank you, convenient sword projectile. Oh hey she's hot. Aww she's so nice. You get the fuck out of here, creep. Uhhh lady he can bathe on his own. GOOD LORD. Regular Polnareff would kill for this. He's sad about his tiny baby dick. I'd be lying if I said that wouldn't be my reaction to those boobs too. This is awkward. Ohhhh fuck. I AM REAL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS. Wait where's the hot lady? I bet whoever had to censor this episode had a bad day. Gundam- Yeah sure y'all got plenty of righteousness to show off here. Mika does not give a fraction of a shit here, child fucker. Oh sure this plan to fake your deaths will definitely work. At least you all still have faith here because I absolutely don't. Shut up child fucker, nobody likes you. Don't talk about your plan in front of him he's going to sell you out for a can of Mountain Dew. Don't trust him he will absolutely fuck you over. Shes like four feet tall just throw her over your shoulder like a sack of flour and go. Boy are you guys out of the loop. I really hope she gets her harem ending she's earned it at this point. No, you fuck the hell off and leave him alone. "Hey remember when you almost shot me? Good times, huh?" Oh no he definitely has to worry because you are probably gonna die. Okay the bit with the girls was cute. Aw fuck it's that douche again. God I hope he dies first. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll kill each other. I know we're not supposed to like that one guy but he's right about everything. Whelp y'all are fucked, ya better dig that tunnel faster. Oh hey it's that kid. Oh hey it's the wives! She looks good in that suit. This is going suspiciously well, something is about to go horribly wrong. Wow, the shit sure hit the fan quicker than I expected. That looks like a whole lot of blood. Why do the cute ones always die on me. Clover- Please kill him, ice golum. No, actually the Wizard King lives to watch his employees nearly die on missions while never lifting a finger to help. Someone please just hit him in the throat as hard as you can. What the fuck are you eating? Way to be an unlikable bitch, girl. Dude she conjured that robe out of thin air she can fix that in 20 seconds. STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHIT. I hate this show so, so much. I hope there's a very angry dragon in there that's about to set him on fire. Yeah that's a great idea just jab at the mysterious magic bubble with your damn bare hand like a dumbass. I don't think the disco scroll was supposed to happen. That bird continues to be the best character. Gee maybe you goddamn idiots should have had someone guarding him instead of rushing off and forgetting all about him. Alright that's one terrible character out, now aim for the screaming moron. I like seeing Asta get hurt. I hesitate to say I like anyone in this show but plant girl is definitely one of the most tolerable. So basically this flashback is telling me that Noel was always an unlikable bitch. Good job you can't do anything here. Quick, use your terrible cousin as a shield! Y'know what, just let her die. Of course the sword is fueled by the power of friendship now. I am happy with this plot development. Hunter- Loans continue to be the most soul-crushing battle of all. Childbirth is a horrifying and terrible miracle of life. My uterus is cramping out of sheer terror. It looks like Mewtwo fucked a Ninja Turtle. PENGUIN NOOOOOOOOO. Dude stop killing all your servants that's just bad business. Oh right, these jerks are here. Buddy she just had a full-sized adult explode out of her she's not doing so well. Wow what a shock they're just gonna leave her to die. Uhh are you gonna ask the humans for help because they're not gonna help you. This douche has some beautiful wings. This one does not. You ungrateful bastard. Y'see the problem with rares is that they're pretty uncommon. DUN DUN DUN. What did you expect he was gonna be like? Okay really, how is there anyone left in this country to eat. RIP small child. Now that's a bitch slap. "Your face can take a real beating, I respect that." Oh hey titscorpion. Sounds like it's time for a mutiny. I do not want any seed being spread here. Okay so they can also turn into psychotic rape monsters, that's terrifying to know. I like Gon's new cat buddy. Uhhhhh yeah Gon, we got some bad news about Kite. Don't worry student loans make me cry too, kiddo. Please hug Gon. I love my adorable kids please don't separate them. Naruto- Fuck off, Sasuke. When does buff Travis turn back into an adult so I have something to look at? Well that's creepy. Are you wanting to test out how many dicks you can fit in your mouth because I think you're close to breaking the record on that. Naruto ruins everyone's day. Beat him up, new girl. No, he betrayed you all and is actively working against all of you and does not deserve your forgiveness. I mean, didn't Orochimaru used to be one of you too until he turned into a massive dick? Naruto is the fucking worst, please kick his ass. Oh I like her she feels my rage. And then I get distracted by the jiggle. I don't care how strong he gets, the kid with the godddamn ninja flash cards will never seem like a threat to me. Don't be a buzzkill Sai, I have a lot of rage to vicariously work out. Did Sasuke's personality do a complete 180 for awhile in the first series that made him a fairly likable person or something? I'm still not satisfied with this beatdown. Hi boobs! Hit him again for his insolence. I have not heard a word this lady's said I keep getting distracted. They keep trying to save Sasuke because they're both desperate for his dick for some god-awful reason. Boy you just sit the fuck down and stay out of the way right now. For a clan that's almost extinct I sure can't keep track of all these Uchihas. This is a stupid as fuck idea. -
Trying to decide which Toonami shows to watch
EmpressAngel replied to Winter_Rain's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Not sure how many years you've missed but here's some opinions from like, 2015-now Yes: One Punch Man Michiko and Hatchin Kill la Kill Samurai Jack final season Maybe: Hunter x Hunter (good but a real time commitment) Parasyte (started cool but had a pretty meh ending) Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans (I have no strong feelings on this either way) Lupin the Third Italian Adventure (good but probably skippable if you're not already into Lupin) Dimension W (not that good but at least it's short) Gundam Unicorn (it didn't hold my interest at all but I know other people liked it) Trash, save yourself: Akame ga Kill Sword Art Tokyo Ghoul Black Clover -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Jojo- Of all the episodes they could air twice I'm so glad it was this one. I would pay this woman any amount of money for her to shove me in the middle of this. I can't stop laughing this is beautiful. You know I've had this dream before, only usually they're naked and I'm between them. Don't worry Avdol nobody would blame you for giving Joseph a blowjob. They look so happy. And then Avdol rammed into him from behind at the seventh space velocity. Sorry granny no one can resist Avdol's sweet sweet codpiece. He's crying. Hellooooo Mariah. Aw crap that's a railroad. Well hey at least you're not stuck together by the dicks this time. OH NO A TRAIN. Why does this show want to kill my husband so badly? Avdol's so nice he puts the train before their lives. Use your unreasonably buff arms to pull yourselves to safety! I can't even be mad, she's just too pretty. And the day is saved, thanks to Avdol's giant cock. Sorry Joseph she's into this. WELL THEN. I'd also throw myself at them tits-first if given the chance. Lady no that just sounds painful for your own boobs. The Secret Joestar Technique can't save you now. Give me a taste too, Joseph. I like that Avdol's still got a damn railroad track glued to him. Meanwhile, these two really should have figured out something was up. Polnareff using the phrase "major douche canoe" is something I didn't know I needed in life. Sorry random bystanders, you can't get married now. Oh no not the dog too! I volunteer to switch places with Mariah at any time. Aw crap, electricity. Please don't drop a goddamn truck on my husband. I can absolutely respect a woman who stops mid-fight to hit on her enemy. Alright Joseph, you gotta use your dick to save your life. Being slammed by two attractive buff dudes so hard you end up in the hospital, that's the dream right there. You guys definitely earned that breakfast. Next time, Polnareff's gonna go off alone and get attacked again. Gundam- I'm glad the child fucker is suffering. No don't help the child fucker. Aw crap they have no spare parts. Wow what a surprise, trusting the child fucker turned out to be a really bad idea. Yesss, stab him in the back and turn him in. Goddammit why are you so noble. Ohhh it's come down to it alright, squeal on that piece of shit. Whelp, y'all are fucked somethin' fierce now. Hell no douchewad, you stay the hell out of this. Oh no, Snickers and Reeses are sad. Who needs Mika when y'all could just be lesbians? Aaaaand y'all are broke as hell. Aaaand now you're double broke. Y'all should probably take him up on that offer, or you're going to die. He's a douche but I have to agree with him. Jesus, big dude's got some issues. The grownups should take this opportunity to bang while they still can. Man, this just gets more depressing by the minute. Hi Mika whatcha up to-wait what? Well damn, Atra got her harem end afterall. Oh no, you're absolutely going to die now. Ohhhh this entire thing is a bad omen. Man, now it's gonna suck if he didn't get her pregnant and dies anyway. Good, squeal on the child fucker. Oh you dick. You're good kids but very stupid. Well this all sounds too good to be true. Ohhhh y'all are beyond fucked. Clover- Yeah yeah we get it, power of friendship and all that garbage. Oh come on you could at least kill one of them. I'd also rather die than have to spend time with Asta. Yeah you're running around in a goddamn smog bus, that's not easy to track or anything. Meanwhile, a better fight is going on. Aim for his shitty forehead piercings. I'd feel worse about you possibly dying if you weren't such a colossal douche, glasses boy. Well at least you're gonna be klled by a really pretty giant sword. Waste that time with an unnecessary flashback, show. How much of a failure do you have to be when Asta saves your life in a fight. It's always a great idea to turn your back on an enemy. Eat a dick, glasses douche. Oh yeah, let the girl with no ability to aim protect you, that'll work out great. Oh great it's a fucking shadow clone jutsu. Is it too much to hope that they all die? His power is to fail so hard at magic that he manages to succeed. Thank you for beating him. That boy has spent hours a day jacking off to build up his arm strength. Oh great, another tragic backstory ahead. Show you are wasting your time with all these traumatic childhoods because I could not give less of a shit. Hunter- I love Jojo Bisky. Good luck kids I believe in you. Heyyy there Knuckle you're buffer than I thought, how you doin? I don't know what that thing is but it's adorable. Aw fuck, loan interest is the most terrifying power of all. Don't worry Gon, numbers confuse me too. Oh come on, it's unfair to charge him while you're explaining things. STOP SAYING MATH YOU'RE KILLING HIM. Man don't remind me about my student loans. ORA ORA ORA ORA. I wish I could just punch away my bills. Well I hope things are going better for Killua. Kick his ass kiddo you can do it. Dude what the fuck are you arms. I love those heavy-ass yoyos. Oh what the fuck why is your creepy brother here? RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Nevermind, lightning cancelled. Oh no he's doing the Naruto run. I'm gonna go kick the shit out of Illumi myself. Uhhh I don't think eyes are supposed to do that. KICK HIS ASS, KIDDO. Don't listen to your shit brother, fight for Gon. Can you give him the rest of his face back, it's creeping me out. Meanwhile, OH JESUS FUCK. Naruto- Man, that was a great six months where I didn't have to care about this show. I do like that lady who doesn't wear a real shirt. To be fair, Tsunade was a really shitty hokage. Oh hey, I vaguely recall these people. Don't worry kid, there aren't that many cute girls. I do respect this boy's quest to get bitches. This white chick's got a great rack. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. Hi doggy. To be fair, Sasuke is fucking garbage and someone needs to punch him to death. Oh boo hoo, the murderous dickwad who abandoned the village is labled an enemy and will be delt with accordingly. Okay why is it a bad thing if Naruto's confined to the village, since he's constantly losoing control of his powers and is the one that your enemy wants to capture? Nice tongue tattoo, bro. HE TURNED HIS BACK ON SASUKE BECAUSE SASUKE IS A PIECE OF SHIT, YOU MORON. Kill them, new guys. Oh great, it's the garbage squad. Good job dimwits y'all fucked up. Hi, Flytrap Travis. Why are you idiots surprised that Sasuke is a piece of shit? Oh hell no, you sit your little ass down and let people with more than six brain cells do this. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
OH BOY It's a beautiful show that forces all of us to look deep inside ourselves and realize we would absolutely bang a senior citizen. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Clover- I wish he'd fallen off the roof as a small child. Hey show I'm gonna stop you right there, I really don't give a damn about this kid's tragic backstory. I feel nothing here, traumatic flashback. Sorry cute girl but you suck. Y'all are gonna get your asses kicked. Is it too much to hope that they all just kill each other? Use Screaming Dipshit as a human shield. I don't think glasses douche wants to be your friend, Yuno. Well that's a goddamn creepy face. I can respect his decision to want the idiots to fuck off and leave him alone. Sorry dude your mom was a bitch. Kid I would trust exactly one of these people with anything stronger than a potato peeler. FRIENDSHIP. This show would be so much better if Yuno was the main character. At all costs, save that bird. Gee I wonder if they're gonna use the idiot with no magic power to sneak up on this guy that can sense magic power. Didn't need the diagram, we could have figured this out for ourselves. I think this guy wins the dick measuring contest. SURPRISE FLCL- Man these subs are tough to read on my screen. These lesbians are adorable. Any place called the Ham Center sounds delicious. Dude's really committed to finishing his ramen. Everyone knows there's no boning in space. HI HARUKO. Hey girl you got a big forehead, we can use that. I wish I'd spend high school in a lesbian Jenga club. Well now I want Dr Pepper. I am here for adorable rocket lesbians. Diabetes won't wait. Okay, subbed Tom cracks me up. Absolutely put sequins on that rocket. I live the pervert one taking upskirt shots of her friend. It's pretty! And then the meteor hit. Nooo not the rocket they worked so hard on that. That is an enemy stand. HI HARUKO, AGAIN. Choke her with food until she wakes up. Time for your giant forehead to fulfill its destiny. Ohhh that's a big ol' fucker there. Gotta borrow your forehead, kid. Haruko is beating shit up with a guitar, all is right in the world. Oh good they remade the rocket. Well the important thing is that you tried, kids. I still wanted Jojo but this is an acceptable replacement. Mind Game- This is interesting but damn I do not have the brain power to watch and comment at the same time. Y'know what I'll have to watch this in full later, my brain is not equipped to process this at midnight. Suprise Sub Jojo- I assume we're getting the dubbed version of everything next week so I'll do full comments then. This is even gayer and more beautiful than I ever could have hoped, and god do I want in the middle of that. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Oh hell no I better get my quasi-gay shenanigans with Avdol and Joseph. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Clover- That vagintacle monster should have eaten them. Dime-store Griffith is still shady as fuck. Shut up, douche. You're awfully high and mighty for a bitch who can't even aim. Don't fight, you're all terrible. STOP SCREAMING YOU DUMB BASTARD. Excuse you at least Yami is nice to look at. STOP SCREAMING YOU DUMB SHITS. Her plant magic is fun. I'm thinking the first one there is gonna be the one who's not running on foot. I hope they get lost and die. Escape while you can, bird! No bird don't help them they're awful. To be fair, Yami was probably hungover as shit at the time. This diamond guy looks like a douchebag. Wizard King gives no shits about his job. Maybe they'll kill each other and I'll have less people to annoy me. LIGHTNING BOOTS. Oh right, our terrible main characters. Please god be a trap. What in the fuck? God why can't Yami be here to kill everything. You suck, lightning boy. Good job kid you're fucked. Hey now that girl wasn't awful don't kill her. Oh good, another kid who looks insufferable. One of you just die already. Jojo- Oh hey Kakyoin. That's not funny, doctor. Man it's gonna suck if any of them die before Kakyoin sees them again. Show me around the city, Avdol. Do not let Polnareff use the bathroom alone. They blurred the shit. That seems like an uncomfortable way to poop. THE OUTLET IS A STAND. Noooo Joseph don't touch that! Surely that won't come back to bite him in the ass. Hiiii Mariah how you doin? Nah you won the magic manga battle pretty easily. Oh no what did that do to you? Ouuuuch his face. Oh, he's a magnet now. Thank god for Avdol. Calm your tits, Frenchy. Good morning, pantsless Joseph. I'm waiting for Joseph's magnet ass to summon Avdol's giant metal codpiece. This is gonna be a tough day for grandpa. Joseph is all our type, granny. RUN AWAY. Oh no don't get on that escalator. Gee maybe that weird unexplained power outlet in the middle of a rock in the desert was suspicious. Ohhh I'm into this. Joseph calm down it's like six inches away. Thank god for Avdol, again. I love these idiots. That is one lucky statue. Who cares about her face, look at that ass. Is it time for the return of TEQUILA JOSEPH? I like how his first thought is "THEY'RE EATING WITHOUT US" and not that they're being attacked. Sorry Joseph now you're gonna have to bang that old lady. Avdol is having a rough day. AVDOL NO. I volunteer to get between them and separate their pelvises. Ohhhhh this is gonna be FUN. Gundam- Aww that kid never got his whores. Crazy Mika is a hoot I love that kid. He's dead, Jim. No hard feelings lady but you're gonna have to die now. Whelp now Atra's never gonna get her harem ending. Sorry, child fucker doesn't know the meaning of stopping shit when it gets uncomortable. They both suck but I gotta root for the one who's not trying to bang a girl scout. No don't die for him. Man, who would have guesed that things would go so bad for these child soldiers? At all costs, save that hot redhead. Oh hey, the annoying girl's not dead yet. Orga needs a break. Sorry about your boyfriend, kiddo. People just died, you whiny bastard. I hope Atra makes it out of this alive, even if she doesn't get her threeway. Please get these kids some therapy if they survive. Shut up, Fuck E. Cheese. Please punch the pervert. Get off his dick, boy. Oh hey, she's awake. It's nice that there's exactly one decent person on their side. Well that dream sure went tits-up, didn't it? Pretty sure that's called PTSD, buddy. Welcome to space-Alabama, where relatives don't matter. Ohh that's a punch to the gut. No you can't, because most of you are going to die. Well this sure is depressing. Eat shit, fuckboy. Hunter- Thank you narrator we just heard him say that. He's trying leave him alone. Yes let's go with that it sounds cooler. Dude this is a boy who got his own hand blown off, he doesn't care about flaws. Well this could be going better. Please don't kill my son. I guess this counts as a tie? Haaa, tiny baseball Leorio and Kurapika. This is an adorable way to explain things. I'm so proud of him he should just forget about his shitty dad. Whelp you better end this in real time then. Aw crap energy is a harsh mistress. GON NO IT'S A TRAP. You know damn well he's not thinking anything right now. Child what the hell are you doing? Okay that's a new one. Never turn your back on my insane boy. Did...did he knock himself out? Well at least you tried. Killua you are putting a lot of faith in yourself to beat a guy you've never seen before. Now bring back the dogs. Bring out your spa stand, Bisky. YESSS SUPER BISKY GO. Don't waste your aura before the fight. Biscuit is your mom now. I hate Killua's creepy brother. Wow how dare you, he'd never abandon him. Don't you dare split up my kids. I will kick that man's ass myself. God that lady makes me uncomfortable. GOOD LUCK KIDS I BELIEVE IN YOU. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Aw crap I'm gonna have to start watching it again. Clover- Or the king could just handle this shit himself since he seems to be swimming in free time. God I wish I could be that drunk during this show. Holy shit I hate most of these people. That angry bird is by far the best character. I hope most of them die in this dungeon. So are all the kingdoms just named after playing cards then? I can respect how Yami gives absolutely no shits about his job. I want the sister fucker to die painfully and violently. The wizard king sees all but cannot be assed to lift a finger for anything. What kind of dumb fucks only bring one light with them? God you're terrible. Every time he makes that face I lose an hour of my life. On what the hell now. Waste that time it's not like you have a finite number of episodes to tell your story or anything. Please leave them to die. Shut the hell up nobody cares. Of fucking course there's a tentacle vagina monster. No you should have just let the vagintacle monster eat them. Hi, somewhat tolerable character. Jojo- Ouch that's gonna leave a scar. Good job you sliced up an innocent dude back there. Whelp you're fucked. Iggy is great and I love him. Thank god Avdol's the brains of this operation. Aim for his balls. WHELP YOU'RE DOUBLE FUCKED. And you said punching wouldn't work. Run away, generic fat man. Star's real strength is the fact that Jotaro is batshit crazy. Quick call Avdol to melt that thing down. Aw crap it's the cops. POLNAREFF YOU STUPID FUCK. Out of all of them, I'm most okay with Polnareff dying. Aw fuck he can use both stands. Throw Iggy at him, nobody ever sees that coming. Punch him in the balls! Don't let Star Platinum finger you. Well this could be going better. NO NOT HIS ABS. Whelp Joseph is gonna have to bang his way into a new descendant now. EAT SHIT, SWORD. You owe him a new belt. That's called blood loss, buddy. Oh no little kid don't touch that! If only Kakyoin was here, he would absolutely fight a child. Thanks Polnareff that bandaid is really gonna help. HI IGGY. Dude you did A LOT to deserve this cruel fate. OH NO COW. Meanwhile Jotaro is bleeding out here you stupid French bastard. It's fun to watch it suffer. I love Iggy. Thanks for the cultural lesson, narrator. HELLOOOOOOO LADY. Gundam- I have no faith in most of these kids getting out of here alive. I don't really care who wins as long as the child fucker dies. Do it for the promise of whores! Mika is gonna lose the rest of his limbs. Oh you are gonna die, girl. At least she knows that she sucks. Yeah sure this is gonna work out great for you. That's a big goddamn ship. Whelp y'all are gonna die. Wow what a shock the clearly evil guy screwed you over. Oh no, you are absolutely gonna die in a place like this. Joke's on you he's a creepy, creepy idiot. Oh hey that kid's not dead yet. I hope that wasn't your jackoff hand. You're not gonna hear anythig from him, because he's going to get you all killed. Oh what the fuck are you doing. I hope you can pilot that with just one arm. Do it for the promise of whores! So then it's a suicide mission good luck with that. There's no stronger battle cry that "RALLY AROUD BILE!" That man's just trying to get into his pants but unfortunately he's much too old. Well that's a lot of shit blowing up. Isn't this how Harem Man died? Are these two gonna make out? Ohhh you are just spitting in fate's mouth here, kid. Maybe let Atra get off the ship before you use it as a battering ram. Oh yeah get in front of him, you can definitely shield him from the giant ship bomb with your puny meat body. Well that was probably the least surprising death in the show. Hunter- Leave my kids alone you jackass. Christ Bisky, give them the spa stand again. Okay, SHOOT MCMAN is a great fucking name. Real inconspiculous there, buddy. Why are you crying you weirdo. I enjoy this guy and his unmanagable amount of dogs. Bisky is a harsh mistress. That lady is so goddamn creepy but at least she can cook. I am uncomfortable with her being around my children. HE'S SO CUTE OH MY GOD. Lady you stay the fuck away from my son. I'm cautiously optimistic that the hunters are doing well. Welcome to the Thunderdome, fuckers. This is going well you shut the hell up and don't jinx it. Y'all are running out of time to abort that demon fetus. That is still 14 squads too many. This fucking thing just kickstarted my period as a self-defense mechanism. Bisky is being surprisingly generous. This bitch scares me. I love these dogs. Aw crap another one's here. Where the fuck did you learn the violin!? You're gonna have to fix that wall, asshole. Why do you guys have such terrible names? GOOD LUCK KIDS I BELIEVE IN YOU. Aw crap this is about to go terribly wrong for the good guys. Don't talk about my sons like that. Whelp there goes Gon. Ooh them's fightin' words. Sacrifice the big jerk wearing the sunglasses at night. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Aw crap it's already Daylight Savings? Clover- I gotta agree with that boy, kids can't live off of potatoes alone. It's not a dick measuring contest. Don't trust that guy. Yep that was totally a random coincidence and not an obvious ploy by the shady douchewad. And off he goes, surfing on his broom for no reason. Not one of these assassins is competent at their job. How much of this show has not been filler? Just hit him in the face with the book. Oh hey, glasses douche is there too. I'm genuinely surprised that he's not that stupid. Oh hey, her power's actually pretty cool. So are y'all allowed to execute a noble? I'm finding it really hard to give a shit about any of this, show. It's nice to see that all her training in punching an unlikable dumbass has paid off. Thanks for putting an innocent woman in danger for your own amusement, your majesty. Please god no more potatoes. Don't trust Dimestore Griffin here. Whelp so much for this episode being tolerable. Jojo- AVDOL'S ALRIGHT I'M SO HAPPY. Did you get blinded in middle school too? "Remain vigilant" means don't let Polnareff go off alone. It's okay, Joseph is filthy rich. Aww the ladies love Iggy. Iggy is the best character. Shouldn't Avdol be giving this exposition about his own country? Hi cow! Oh hey he's cute. You probably shouldn't pick that up. This is some Sword in the Stone shit. Ouuuch I hope that wasn't your jerkoff hand. Congratulations you're the new king of Egypt. That doesn't look ominous at all. Whelp so much for your dad. I'm no sword expert but I don't think swords are supposed to work like that. Huh, well that's a different kind of stand. You can tell he's evil because he suddenly got ugly lipstick. At least the cow's okay. Do what you must but leave Avdol alone. Oh for fuck's sake, put one of those child leashes on that man. Iggy's here for his gum. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE. It's a good thing that Polnareff heals as fast as a hamon user. I do enjoy his gratuitous French. Dude he is definitely about to pop out of the ground now. And then SWORDGUN. Aww, I liked that guy. DON'T TOUCH IT YOU IDIOT. Iggy to the rescue. Thanks, narrator. Goddamn rats. Surely that's all over and the sword won't be a problem ever again. Iggy fucking hates that thing. Oh yeah that's a great idea, stop for a haircut before you turn in the dangerous murdersword. Can he make your eyebrows grow in? Even Jotaro dropped the ball here. Aw fuck he's gonna go Sweeney Todd on him. Gundam- You sure are saying a lot of words I don't really care about. Please leave that little girl alone. Mika's just here for the candy. I don't remember that fight at all, creep. Oh I guess that was when the one dude turned into a robot. That's no big deal, your child-fucking goals activate my bile too. That sounds like bullshit but I don't know enough about corrupt space militaries to refute it. Everything he's done has been to fuck your daughter before she hits the fourth grade. That hot mechanic girl is the only one here that I hope survives. It sounds like all these people have poor judgement. YESSS LITTLE GIRL STAB HIS DICK OFF. Please kill him, it makes my skin crawl to see them together. Child this is a bad idea. Hand's not good enough, aim for his balls. I sure hope that day in the distant future is when she's a goddamn adult. Someone get this little girl some therapy immediately. Aw crap what's wrong did he lose another limb. That sure is a paradox there, old elf man. Wow what a shock no one wants to help the creepy child fucker. I have no memory of ever seeing this accountant-looking dude before. I'm gonna suggest the therapist thing again, lady. Kid, Mika can take out 2/3 of them on his own. Sorry girl he only has eyes for his mecha boyfriend. THANK YOU FOR PUNCHING HIM. Every time you say "final battle" you dig a grave for another one of these kids. Yes if only you'd grown up as a child soldier instead of a wealthy and privileged diplomat. Awww. I wasn't expecting Atra to actually get her harem ending but good for her. Hunter- That is just an excessive amount of dead people. God, babies are terrifying. I like Bisky's training method of looking at porn and ignoring her students. Have mercy, Biscuit. UNLIMITED FIGHTS, GO. Hi puppy! Please don't hurt my children. Nah my kids are just that impressive. Don't yell at them you asshole! Why are you crying you giant baby? Aim for his dick. My son is so strong and talented. Oh no you scared the puppy. I think you got him, kiddo. Well that was easy. Gon's too nice to just take your scrabble piece and run. Sir that is a terrible outlook, those things are going to murder everyone. I LOVE THAT PUPPY. God she's creepy. Aw crap are they about to die? Welcome to TRONland. I'm glad they're making some progress with killing the murderbugs. I don't like what Meowmix is doing with Kite's dead body. That is too much math for me. Just let them wipe out your problem teams. That sounds good in theory but you're going to die. MORE DOGS I LOVE IT. I'm so proud of my kids they're doing their best. Oh, that must be the other guy. Hold up that's cheating. -
Be cause I'm a pervert who wants to fuck the cartoon people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯