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Toyotaro under scrutiny (some spoilers contained within)
EmpressAngel replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Genuine question, is it actually plagiarism when he's drawing over panels from the same thing he's being paid to work on? Like I could see the issue if he was tracing a picture of Toriko and then changing the hair and calling it Goku, that'd be one thing. But if he's got a panel of Vegeta looking pissed off, and it turns out that it came from a previously-drawn panel that was also Vegeta looking pissed off, that doesn't sound nearly as serious. -
I can't imagine they'd run a marathon on the 30th if they already knew the next week was getting hijacked. Plus I'd assume that if they had any plans of doing a July 4th marathon, it would have been on the 7th anyway since that seems to be the weekend most of my local places are doing their extra stuff. Man, blocking Zeni was the best decision of my life. Now I only see his comments when people are already throwing insults at him.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- I fucking hate that kid. I bet the last kid to do it was Saitama. Please hug my kid. I'm so proud of my son. All Might could completely wreck my body as well. God that shirt is just painted on isn't it. Please hug your mom. That's a big door. Maybe we'll luck out and they'll kill each other. You're not so bad, glasses kid. Aw yay the cute girl is here. THIS KID IS THE WORST. I wish I could go to work like that. Oh honey that suit is still terrible. You're never getting that ball back. Okay so these kids are a bird, some alien girl, and I'm pretty sure Plank from Ed Edd and Eddy is there. This girl is adorable and I love her. She's a frog. Navel laser sounds lame. Bakugo is still the worst. Your power is like an Easy Bake Oven, kiddo. Please leave my son alone he's trying. Do it for your cute mom! DO IT FOR DAD MIGHT. Wait what why did he stop him? What the fuck, teach? Hiiii boyfriend. Fuck you, teacher. Haa, French kid. Throw that ball right into his dick. I'M SO PROUD OF HIM HE ONLY BROKE ONE FINGER. FLCL- Uhhhh what the fuck? Her mom continues to be adorable. She's right, adults suck. Uhhhhhhhh what the fuck? I wish we'd set our school on fire. Haruko is my favorite teacher. Giant Spider Park seems like a terrible place. Oh hey, creepy eyepatch pervert. What in the fuck. I have no idea what's going on. Fat Caesar knows what's up. Kid he's just gonna shoot you and take your gun. Gangsters don't really work with the whole poetic metaphors thing. Way to kill the mood, mom. Aww this is cute. I'm glad Haruko's having fun. Tongue-twisters! STUDENT LASSO, GO. Man that boy is having a rough week. That is a really cool car. Okay do you mean you're like, metaphorically one or that you're literally one person split in half? I don't think that was supposed to happen. Okay now she's a robot and I'm pretty sure that boy is dead. No touchy. That's a very good question Haruko, what did just happen? That was so much effort for some homework.I have no idea where this journey is going but at least I'm enjoying this ride. Jojo- I goddamn love that they gave Iggy a Brooklyn accent. I hate this fucking bird please don't kill my dog. Owwww his paw. Y'all probably shouldn't have waited for sunset to fight the evil super vampire. Avdol knows what's up but waaaay too late, honey. Oh thank god he's alive. On the bright side, that automail's gonna look super cool on him. What I'm getting here is that birds are terrible. Iggy use your head what the hell else would be attacking you here!? Eat shit, bird douche. OH FUCK THIS BIRD. Shit you're gonna need that air tube. Oh how the fuck did that bird get down there! Kick his ass, Iggy! Ouuuuch. And then they blew up. Why does this show keep trying to kill my loved ones? Oh no not a flashback, he's doomed. Hiii flashback Avdol you're lookin nice. Man, his design really changed over the season didn't it. He didn't even get to torture Polnareff one last time. Oh thank god for this kid. Don't worry I'm pretty sure Iggy won't be running anywhere for awhile. Oh goddammit is it Hol Horse again. Iggy is a good dog please pet him and give him all the gum you have. You're right, Iggy's the kind of dog that causes accidents instead. Oh hey Kakyoin nice shades. Ohhh that dog is pissed now. Follow that dog. Fuck you and your douche bird, Dio. Kakyoin is also here to save Jotaro's hot mom. Avdol is the only one who's here just out of the goodness of his heart. Well that's not ominous at all. Guys just burn the entire building down. Who's this douchebag? Why does he have that weird shit on his face like the other guy did. Hunter- It's about goddamn time they got serious about these bastards. Aw crap they made it to North Korea. Good job kids, one step down. This place sucks. Sorry, Gon broke. Thank god Killua knows what he's doing. Oh fuck, everyone's dead. That's a disturbingly good idea for the murder monsters. Please help him, math is hard. Kite just makes me sad. It's always great when the plan is "FUCK SHIT UP." Alright cool, we're going with the chaos plan. Oh no don't split up. Ohhh no they're being followed. You're right, Killua will fucking kill you. You're gonna die, Karma Chameleon. I do like the fancy music. Who's this douchebag? You should kill him after you get what you want from him. Hiiii Knuckle. Just take off your shirt and punch him until you feel better. Meanwhile, please don't hurt my adorable son. KICK HIS ASS, CHILD. Aw fuck it's Cobra Kai. Gon gives no fucks. Uh kid make sure you behead him so he doesn't kill anyone else. Okay Batgirl's got a cool design but she has to die. Clover- At least somebody here is having a good day. Save the cake at all costs. Ha, you're old. Oh, she's discount Biscuit. Congratulations, we have a new winner for Least Terrible Character here. Luffy would be proud of her priorities. That looks so comfy. Sheep magic turns out to be the best magic in the show. Meanwhile, Wizard King continues to fuck off and ignore the problem. Eww, those are dead bodies dude. Aw fuck I forgot we're not allowed to have decent characters. Somebody might wanna go find that plant girl to put his arm back on. You could just pull a Mustang and cauterize his bleeding wound. Get your shit together, kid. I don't think I'm lucky enough for them to kill each other here. Oh come on how did that not slice his entire damn head off. It's just sad when Asta is the strongest one here. Oh what the fuck now. Stabbing yourself always works I guess. Someone please just hit him in the throat. Naruto- Oh boo hoo, you have to take out the douche who's constantly backstabbing your village and causing trouble. Does this look like a man who can remain calm and listen to a bastard? At least Sasuke has fucked off for the moment. Oh my god don't sit down we don't wanna hear another explanation from you. Nope I am checking the fuck out of this story time. Alright math isn't my strong point but I'm pretty sure that all adds up to 45 tails an not 10. Got it, y'all gotta blow up the moon. I'm with this kid, this shit is bananas. Gonna suggest that "blow up the moon" plan again. Whelp it sounds like this war arc is gonna be stupid long and annoying to watch. What's with the absolute silence, did they forget to turn on the background music? Kakashi is the only person that everyone likes. It's nice that they're all united in telling that guy to suck a dick. I agree, keep Naruto as far the fuck away from the action as possible. Oh right, fish dude exists. Boy no fucking way is that guy human. Oh hi there buff shirtless dude how you doin. -
So did I. It was a disorganized clusterfuck. Remember when Mayuri wasted three fucking months fighting a disembodied arm? Cookiebones? Ichigo being absent from his own series for like a solid year there?
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- You can do it kid I believe in you. This girl is adorable. Shut up glasses douche. Dude look at your hair you have no right to call anyone else a loser. God I wish I could swallow that DNA. Clench that ass, my son. Find a robot and punch it, quick! Oh she has gravity powers, that's fun. I don't like that mysterious button they just pushed. That's a fucking gundam. Save the cute girl! Clench those cheeks and make All Might proud. Aw crap his legs don't work. And then he died. Oh hey thanks girl. Please get that boy to a hospital. Leave him alone he's trying. You're a good dude, glasses douche. Oh sweet, Pinako brought gummy bears. Give granny a kiss, sonny. Okay I love grandma. I think he broke. His mom is so cute. I also want All Might to call me. Honey that suit is terrible take it off now. Awwww this is so sweet. All Might is the best sorting hat. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'M SO PROUD OF OUR SON. FLCL- However this goes, it's still guaranteed to be better than half the block. I like her headphones. Is that Sandwhale? I sure hope that's Canti. False alarm it's just a dream. I like knife mom. Nice car. That scooter sure looks familiar. This kid totally isn't lying. Bitches love art. This one boy looks like a fat kid version of Caesar Zeppeli. Is the teacher Haruko or does she just have her voice. What in the fuck. Best class. Avocado parfait sounds awful. Pay for that disdain, dudes. Hmmmm. And then she died. Sorry your kid's still alive, lady. I agree, she was real cool. YOUYUBE. Hi there. Oh hey it's that boy. You're a good dude, pervert kid. HI HARUKO. Save that car at all costs. Don't give her a ride home or anything. WHELP. Awwww yeeeeah this song. Haruko or not she's the best teacher. Four wheels are for chumps. FUCK YEAH HARUKO. Jojo- If Holly dies we riot. Polnareff's tits get their own jiggle. Of course the French one smells bad. Never steal a hobo's corner. Avdol is best dad. Dang, hobo's stylish as fuck. Oh boy an Iggy episode! Fuck off, dogs. I don't trust that bird. WHELP. I do like his little hat and fancy scarf though. Oh this is not gonna end well for that guy. ICE TO MEET YOU. Did they give Iggy a Brooklyn accent? Kick this bird's ass, Iggy. Dumbass Iggy is cute. Can confirm, birds are dicks. Oh no kid run away. Oh my god you stupid kid. That bird is fucked up. IGGY SAVES THE DAY. This is the best and weirdest fight. Watch out for that ice. Shut up Polnareff. Iggy is the world's saltiest dog and you will respect him. Poor puppy let me pet you. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. New plan, find Avdol and make it a bird fight. I hate this fucking bird. OH NO. False alarm, kick his ass. Your stand is ugly and you should feel bad. Please don't kill my dog. Aw fuck you're gonna have to bite your own leg off. Hunter- That one guy's gonna need help walking later. For once I agree with this show getting rid of the boobs. That spider guy creeps me right the fuck out. I do like that her vacuum has googly eyes. I really did not need a closeup of that guy's anus, show. Clothes are for the weak. STOP SHOWING ME HIS BUTTHOLE, GODDAMMIT. Make sure you behead him just to make sure he's dead. It's okay kiddo this is your first mission you'll be faster next time. Kick her ass, goth boy. Ouuuch her tail. And then she was the hulk. Whelp, you're boned. Well hey at least vacuum girl's not the only one who lost her shirt. You're too nice for this gang, kiddo. Oh honey you're not gonna get Killua back, he's my adorable lightning son now. Nice outfit. Aw shit y'all better run. Shit's on fire, yo. Oh hey somebody lived. Well if you wanna die you came to the right people. Uh you guys are a little late to attack the real queen. Aww that's nice he gave vacuum girl his dress. Meanwhile, my kids are doing their best. Every week I continue to live in fear that Hisoka will pop back up. Clover- Man why couldn't one of the fire bros be the main character instead. "You have a tiny dick." Just let him die. Oh what the hell. Yes we all like the lesbians. His spidey sense is tingling. And then they became a Philosopher's Stone. Does nobody notice this clearly evil bitch floating right above them? Look on the bright side, if you die you don't have to be in this show anymore. She's got a point, Yuno is the prettiest one here. I'm guessing they're after the Wizard King, who's conveniently fucked off out of town. Aw crap don't take one of the few decent characters. Aw crap she turned him into Helen Keller. Welcome to drugs, boy. And now you have an elf buddy to help you. Naruto- Oh hey it's that one dude. I agree with the octopus, your rapping is shit. Meanwhile, fuck that orange bastard and fuck Sasuke. At least kill the annoying fangirl if nothing else. I like that everyone is united here in their hatred of Sasuke's bullshit. Naruto would have just whined until Sasuke got fed up and ran away. Oh good he's an adult again and not a creepy small child. Protect that hot lady at all costs. Believe me lady you're wasting nothing and sauce boy is gay as fuck. Kill this girl, hot lady. Oh you poor kid you are gonna get destroyed. I'm also in constant pain watching you fuck around, sauce boy. Your standards are depressingly low, maam. Oh godammit what the fuck is this. I agree, they're all idiots. Stop helping Sasuke I hate you. Kick his ass, grandpa. I know I'm not lucky enough for him to actually be dead. I thought I told you to fuck off, orange dick! -
Since Turner no longer cares about ratings....
EmpressAngel replied to Ginguy's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I wouldn't' trust this forum's opinions on what to put on a sandwich. Using us as any kind of serious feedback on programming would be suicidal. -
I can kinda see the logic behind it if I really think about it. If it's a three day weekend, people are probably going out Saturday, doing whatever plans they have that night and through Sunday, and then on Monday getting ready to go back to the normal week. So I guess they figure Saturday is gonna be empty, but by Monday evening most people's plans are over and they're more willing to sit inside and watch TV by then? No clue how accurate that actually is, but I'd guess that's the way they justify it.
Since Turner no longer cares about ratings....
EmpressAngel replied to Ginguy's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
No. God no. -
It's Bleach, it'll still have filler.
Viz licenses Season 2 of One Punch Man
EmpressAngel replied to Jman's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Some of us have room in our hearts for both, you cynical fuck. -
I worked in a Walmart toy section from 2011-13 and I remember us having boxes of leftover Thundercat toys. I think most of them were some kind of Panthro's car playset thing, but my memory's pretty fuzzy on the exact items. I'd put dozens of them on the clearance shelves and I think we sold a grand total of two of them. I'm pretty sure by the time I left that job there was still an entire pallet of unwanted Thundercat toys shoved in a corner of the back room. Also this entire thread is cringy as fuck, y'all.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I'm back. Hero- I wish All Might would catch me like that when I swoon. No seriously how am I supposed to recover from that "SWALLOW MY DNA" line? This new girl is cute and this dude is very loud. Texas Smash those robots, son! Jojo- I love watching Hol Horse suffer. Really wish my husband hadn't gotten hit by yet another goddamn truck. I enjoy Mondatta doing his best Solid Snake impression. Don't worry Avdol I'll nurse you back to health. Polnareff continues to be the worst. His total failure makes me feel better about myself. And then Iggy mauled a small child. Hunter- Wait isn't that Killua's sister? Welcome to Trash Island. Well fellas this here is some fucked up shit. Sorry Titscorpion while I can definitely appreciate that outfit I'm rootin for the other guys here. Protect that kid at all costs because you don't want Killua's hot dad to get mad. Ooooh this is a fun power. I vaguely recognize this guy's battle music has some classical piece mixed in but damn if I know what it is. Clover- Fuck me it was a mistake watching this on my own. This whiny bastard has a point, where the fuck is the wizard king here? I'm still hoping 90% of the cast dies. How dare you interrupt this fight so that Asta can live. All these teams still sound like they came out of Legends of the Hidden Temple. Oh my god stop giving your undead soldiers such stupid names. Okay I can appreciate the Lesbian Squad. Naruto- Man I hope this angry lightning guy kills the shit out of Sasuke. Sasuke confirmed as the fucking worst. I hate this girl so much. Friendly assist from the sand buddies. I woud follow this angry man and his missing arm into hell and back. Please just team up and kill Sasuke. Eat a dick, Uchiha. -
mha My Hero Academia Episode 3 Discussion!!!
EmpressAngel replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Listen buddy if I choose to get destroyed by that 560-pound hurricane of pure force then that's just how I go out. Maybe it just doesn't transfer if it senses the receiving body is too weak? -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
My computer's having problems this week so I've only managed to get Hero Academia watched: All Might is best dad. I am definitely ready to take that 560 pound hurricane of pure force at any time. I'm so proud of our tiny buff son. I had more thoughts but All Might started screaming "SWALLOW SOME OF MY DNA!" and how is my brain supposed to recover from that? -
mha My Hero Academia Episode 3 Discussion!!!
EmpressAngel replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
I know I'm late but All Might was screaming about swallowing his DNA and my brain came to a screeching halt for awhile there. -
That's a fucking oxymoron if I've ever heard one.
Lucy literally just looks like Nami with blonde hair and more panty shots. Pretty much everything I've seen of Fairy Tail just seems like that kid in school who copies your homework but changes just enough to try and convince the teacher he did his own work. Also, this:
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hey you can't pin this on me he was like that before I got here. Yes. Dad Might, Avdilf and I will be very happy raising our adorable adopted kids together. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- Yes, show us the depressing flashback again. Hug that boy. Oh goddammit he's dying. And now he's Small Might. Aw fuck the slime monster's still here. Oh great here comes this dick boy again. Eat the bullies, monster. I think he broke. Ouuuuch. Oh no poor dude. I can definitely live with only getting destroyed three hours a day. I want to hug him but I'm afraid I'd break him. Wow that's harsh. I hope he's still got some time left in BIG SEXY mode. Let the douche child die. ONE PUUUUNCH. Hiiii Mt Lady! Fire Hydrant Man is the real MVP here. Small Might might need some therapy. Seriously, give this boy a hug. Poor Small Might. Ohhh this is a bad idea. EAT BACKPACK, SLIME MAN. No, you really should have stood back and let him die. I'm glad All Might was wrong about this. HI BIG SEXY. God I love him. Now that's an attack. I'm slightly disappointed that his shirt didn't explode off. Okay he was already sick before I got here, you can't blame this one on me. Fuck off, douche boy. That's some big talk for a kid who had to get his ass saved by the quirkless loser. I love him. Soooo what's going on in his pants when he powers down. You're a hero to All Might, kiddo. All Might is your dad now. Jojo- How is Hol Horse still alive. I'd probably let Dio murderfuck me too, have you seen those abs. God why is he so evil and sexy. Horse boy gonna get himself eaten. Huh, that's some weird healing problem. Cowboy you are way out of your element here. It's time to jump out a window to avoid fucking him. Oh crap it's a plane don't let Joseph near it. Note to self don't take Horse Man's cab. HOL HORSE THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TRAVEL WITH KIDS. You are literally the last person who gets to scold a child about being a coward. He deserves to be barfed on. Mondatta is adorable when he's not doing that creepy giggle thing. Dude it's a stand don't question it. "And then Hol Horse jump-kicked the lady in the neck. Hol Horse respects all women. Oh hey, he saved her life. And that's how Hol Horse got another girlfriend. Meanwhile, the main characters fail. Oh no Holly y'all gotta speed this up. I hope Avdol beats the shit out of him. CHILD BOX. What in the hell is this prediction. If you shoot Avdol again I'll kill you myself. Kill him, Polnareff. Joke's on you his partner is a small, terrified child. Piss on him too, Avdol. This is such a weird show. This is the most awkward moment of their lives. I LOVE THIS SONG. Hunter- Fuck off, Thundercat. Joke's on you, Knuckle has the most terrifying power of all with student loans. Punch him in his weird cat dick! I hope that's poison smoke. That's a lot of buff shirtless dudes this is my favorite attack. STUDENT LOANS, MOTHER FUCKER. Oh you dumb bastard, you can't outrun interest. Ohhhh that can't be good. DON'T OPEN THE BOX. Uhhh kiddo I think you're a little beyond helping him. Hey Kite you okay there buddy? Ohhhhh Kite is very much not okay here. Well that sure is depressing. Gon honey get away from there he's gonna kill you. Even as a mindless fight monster, Kite is still a better parent than Ging. Y'all that is a lot of punching you should probably step in here. Awwwwww Gon. FUCK. I am very concerned here. Timeskip! Hey where is the old guy anyway? Tigers are pretty great. I got a real bad feeling about this. Everyone's going to get eaten. Aw crap I hope the old guy's not dead. Oh hey, that creepy bitch is stalking around the backround. I love that old guy. Yay he got his powers back. Dude don't be an asshole. Punch his spleen out, child. Gon doesn't fuck around. I love my adorable kids. Surely this will go off without a hitch. Clover- EVERYBODY ZOMBIE NIGHT. Yeah, everybody knows about the screaming dipshit who can't even do magic. Oh great the douche squad is here. Aim for their heads, ya idiots. I can't stop looking at those boobs. There's so many zombies, maybe she'll actually manage to land a hit on one. Eh, Iggy has the better sand powers. Great, it's a whole flock of bitch clones. STOP SCREAMING YOU DUMBASS. At least somebody is entertained by Asta. Dude there is no way anybody is gonna be threatened by a zombie minion named Jimmy. Ha, bird just dabbed. Well shit, I couldn't turn down a free gelato. Good job now your face is rotting. Okay at this point it's her own fault for not running away by now. God girl you're fucking awful. Thank you dude. "Quit being a whiny bitch and grow a spine." This bird is still the best character. I'm surprised she actually managed to help without failing. This show makes me wish I was deaf. Wow what a shock, Jimmy sucked. This zombie has no limbs and sounds like a dying whale, he's having enough trouble as it is. EAT LIGHTING, BITCH. Naruto- Aw crap it's that orange douche. Please just take Naruto. I don't remember who Nagato is. Oh goddammit didn't we already hear the Uchiha family story? I enjoy this angry man. Whelp so much for flytrap Travis. God I hope they find Sasuke and stab him. When does the kid turn back into the giant cute dude? The ninja storntroopers are on your trail. Oh you're irritated, welcome to every minute I spend watching this show. I hate this girl so much. Chakra thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. FUCK THIS FLOOR. I like his wrestling championship belt. I enjoy seeing Sasuke get hurt. Shut up Sasuke, you ungrateful bitch. Nobody likes you, eyepatch douche. Kick his ass, hot lady. I'm already full of distrust, hatred and resentment here! The juggalo is angry. Ohhhh them's fightin words. I'm kinda rooting for angry lightining man to kill most of them. Crazy Travis is fun. No don't kill the angry guy he's the best guy here. Why can't we have nice things, show. Uhh Travis you got a hole in your lungs. Please kill Sasuke. -
mha My Hero Academia Episode 2 Discussion
EmpressAngel replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
So like, dick-wise, what kind of shrinkage are we talking about here when he goes from All Might to Small Might? I mean, three hours a day seems like plenty of time considering I'd probably need the other 21 to get the feeling back in my pelvis. -
You forgot All Might and the heroic effort his shirt makes to not explode off his body. ♥‿♥
I literally have no idea what those are but okay then. So this other property took a similar premise and went a completely different direction with it, and you dislike the show because it didn't do the same thing?