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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Any chance you could find out where/when the funeral is if we want to send flowers?
  2. I didn't want to post until we got confirmation, but I guess it's true. I didn't always agree with Luuv, but it was obvious that he always cared about the community and I'm incredibly grateful for that. I have no idea what my life would be now if I hadn't made the friends I did, and his work on the boards was definitely a huge part of the community that grew up around it. I can't imagine the amount of patience it took to look after the original boards, then the dumpster fire that was the revamp, and now this weird little forum where we can post all the cartoon porn our dirty little hearts desire. Thanks for everything you've done for us, Luuv; you were far more than we deserved.
  3. Dude, PM me. I'll email you a BK gift card. Get you multiple chicken sandwiches.
  4. Life has many doors, Ed-Boy. Probably depends on personal preference. You can probably just microwave it for a couple seconds and be good to go.
  5. I hope you pay the extra $20 for the cumtube that shoots hot lube inside!
  6. The t-rex one is fucking horrifying.
  7. Jojo- This OP is great. Joseph's looking great in that sweater. Whelp he's doomed go ahead and loot his corpse. Avdol continues to be really attractive. Is Avdol gonna fuck Dio because I'm pretty cool with that. And then the tentacles. We've all jumped out a window to avoid a gay panic, I'm sure. It's okay baby you'll get him next time. Jotaro is definitely willing to risk Kakyoin's life on this hunch. It'd be great if Dio would stop trying to tentacle fuck everyone. Yes your grandson is very impressive alright. Yaaay Joseph still uses hamon. How does Jotaro's hat work? Holly continues to be adorable and I love her. Joseph and his complete lack of indoor voice cracks me up. Kakyoin is a lucky man, Holly's a milf. School is for dorks, Jojo. MENACING SPOON. Oh that can't be good. I'm also not feeling well and need you to rip my shirt off, Avdol. God I wish that were me. Oh no please don't kill the milf. Someone hug Joseph. LET'S GO KICK DIO'S ASS. Joseph's lookin good in those suspenders. That oompa loompa is so helpful. It's...a fly? Avdol it's a fly how can you possibly recognize it. I like how Avdol doesn't even bother turning on a light when he could just use his magic cock. That sounds horrible. Joseph is a good dad. He could help me with my underwear too. Aww, Jotaro does care. Awww Joseph don't cry all you have to do is punch Dio really hard. Dio you're a vampire who dies when you see the sun, why would you pick a place that's literally always sunny? Kakyoin has joined the party. PLEASE SAVE THE MILF. Speedwagon, still the best. At least oompa loompa gets a cool name. All aboard the MAN TRAIN. FUCK YEAH THE SONG. I'm sure nothing bad is about to happen. Wait Dio has Hermit Purple too? Ghoul- Oh come on how did that guy live. I don't know what these words mean. This show comes in after Jojo like a wet fart at a funeral. Why are you letting the lunch boy read your classified information? I continue to not give a shit about this kid. What the fuck am I watching. That random giraffe is by far the best character in this show. I would not be sad if either of you kicked the bucket. I hate all of you. "Tee hee, it's so cool that you're friends with a violent cannibal!" That looks painful but I'm glad he's suffering. I wish I was as drunk as this guy. This is painful. Well that drunk guy is about to get mauled. Maybe he never got promoted because he was a crazy douche. Don't blame each other, you're all terrible. Hi kitty! She's just drunk she doesn't need medicine. Is somebody gonna bang in this show? Oh that's a boner killer. What the fuck, dude. All these redshirts are gonna die. Hunter- Yay my boys got a sword. Fuck you, that's our sword! Wow dude you suck. This guy's outfit is awful. Leave my kids alone! I'm gonna kick this girl down some stairs. That card sounds nifty. The checklist card sounds real useful. Always take the cheap one. Gon is adorable and I love him. They're so excited for those monsters. Don't trust that girl. Killua don't give a fuck. Oh great it's these assholes again. I'm not sure it makes more sense to physically transport people, dude. The spider people are the worst. Throw a beehive at her and run. Where are those bandits, please take her. Wait what? I don't know what y'all expect these kids to do about your plague. Oh they're NPCs. Fuck off girl, nobody likes you. Gon no don't give him your pants. This is weird. A flock of cyclops should be worth something. Well that seems easy enough. MEGA LIZARD, GO. And then balloons! Shut up girl they're doing their best. Tis but a flesh wound! Hee it's a pokemon. Go away nobody likes you. Who names their kid Biscuit? How goddamn old is this kid??? Lupin- Nice car. Wait is that the one guy from the other episode? Oh no he's got a loving family, I don't like his odds. Now I need pizza. I love Rebecca she's so much fun. This little girl's got moxy. Dangit Rebecca just be nice to the kid. I'd definitely just steal that purse. Oh no, perverts. OH NO, PERVERTS. Please save the little girl. This show's got a weird thing with child hookers, doesn't it. Hey guess what it's your daughter. If you have to end up in the trunk of some criminals, Lupin and Jigen are probably the best case scenario. Okay this girl is kind of adorable. Okay maybe don't come in and start shooting at your own kid. Rebecca she's like twelve, don't be gross. She's super cute I really hope this goes okay. You're all gonna laugh at this huge misunderstanding. Goddammit Rebecca it was going well. Calm down dude you're gonna have a stroke. Rebecca you might wanna take this more seriously. Aww that's really nice of her. Roger roger. Bang your wife, Lupin. Aw crap the loot. The plot, it thickens. Naruto- Hinata has got to work on her standards. I would not trust any plan Naruto came up with. Now who's in pain, ya dick? Why are you stabbing yourself, you stupid asshole? That seems staggeringly unnecessary. Yes please just go away. Is...is Hinata not wearing a real shirt? No let him do this alone maybe he'll die. Dad squad is not having any of this. The real pain is in my soul as I watch this show. Let him go because if Naruto dies, Shikamaru can be the main character. Yeah that tree looks normal go ahead and touch it. No Naruto, YOU are the real pain here. I dunno, killing him would make me feel better. No, kill him right now. Didn't your shitty ghost dad just repair your monster block like five minutes ago? Blah blah blah the world is a dark and evil place and you're so deep and wise fuck off. Please god no don't tell me everything.
  8. Hey Avdol I don't feel well either, please rip my shirt off too. <3
  9. I like the one who offered to hold his hand. She saw an opportunity and went for it. I'm pretty sure Joseph's immune to my curse at this point but I fear for Avdol's safety.
  10. Jojo- Red Bind me, Avdol. Holly is so cute I love her. Haaa he has fangirls. "No boobs" is a devastating insult. Meanwhile this weird dude draws shitty Jojo fanart. And then Jotaro died. Don't worry, the fangirls will take care of you. I don't trust this guy with the stupid hair. I like that we still get young Joseph in the OP. Those girls volunteer to check every inch of his body for injuries. Your hair is stupid, new guy. Fuck off Dio with your goddamn attractive stolen body. I enjoy how Joseph has no indoor voice. I'm gonna fuck Avdol, y'all. Joseph's coffee. I'll help him take off his pants. It was nice of Kakyoin to leave him a note. And then tentacles. OW FUCK that's painful. Protect your beautiful face, Jojo! His name is Cockyoin because he's a dick. Dude, puppets have never been cool. Damn that nurse is stacked. I have also been possessed by a tentacle monster, Jotaro please help me. If you're offering, I'd also like to meet your grandpa. Ewww. No don't hurt the big buff oompa loompa. Jojo is having a bad day. Eat shit, Dickyoin. Jotaro is a douche. It's all sparkly. There's definitely porn of this. I love that thing. That right there is some JUSTICE FISTIN' JOJO. Oh they're on the first floor that makes more sense how he was sitting on the window. Holly is so cute oh my god. RIP in peace, asshole. Ghoul- I hate this show so much. Should I recognize any of these girls? It sure is sad that this character I didn't know at all died I guess. Oh it's those girls and that kid I hate. Meanwhile, more people I don't like watching. Yes this does hurt, how kind of you to ask. Well that sure was an anti-climactic but mercifully short fight. How was the maximum security zombie prison so ill-equipped to handle this? This show makes me aware of every minute of my life that I spend inching closer to death. You're wasting your time on these flashbacks, I feel nothing. Oh what the fuck now. I'm sure this a happy reunion for all of you. Someone please just nuke the entire building. This music sounds like somebody just threw a cat at a piano and called it a day. Whelp this guy's definitely about to die. He is just the worst. Maybe y'all should have tossed out the ghoul-wrecking smoke before everyone died? I'll admit, the centipede thing sure is fucking creepy. Please kill each other. What in the sweet and sour fuck is that. Hunter- I like that other people are using the buddy system too. Of course it's their first time playing, nobody gets out of there. Hi new guy, I hate you already. Don't fuck with my children. Rock Paper Scissors is very intense. No problem gimme that spaghetti. Oh lord he's an NPC he only knows like three different sentences. Whelp so much for that guy, time to loot his corpse. I hope he didn't explode from the spaghetti. Please be a nice guy who doesn't want to kill my children, sir. I'm not entirely sure I trust this dude. Kids the man is spoon-feeding you information, it's pretty obvious you don't know what you're doing. Shut up, new pig fucker. Okay I'm gonna trust this guy to not kill my adorable children. I am way too dumb to play this game. I love these kids but I am very concerned for them. Gon your dad is shit and his game is shit. I want to hug these kids and be the loving and supportive parent they need. Awwwww Killua. Wait what you get the fuck away from them you little gremlin. Lupin- Nobody in this show can get laid. Oh hey Zeni where have you been lately. A rich and sexy widow, you say? Zeni's just here for his deep and unrequited love of Lupin. Is Zeni gonna get laid here? Well this got depressing as shit in a hurry. The age difference is kinda creepy but he seems like a good dude. Get it, Zeni. Well things seemed like they were going good until now. Oh hey Lupin. Hiiiii Fuji. I really hope that whole backstory was made up and the rich widow wasn't a child hooker. Well this entire plan went to shit. And then everyone died. Man, things just keep getting worse for the retired baby prostitute. Zeni doesn't fuck around. THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE. That ended surprisingly well. I'm glad things worked out for that lady. Now show us there was a secret hidden treasure after all. I'm disappointed that it's not all in a giant Scrooge McDuck vault. Hey everybody, free money! Zeni's being surprisingly cool this week. She's great and I love her. Naruto- Congratulations Naruto, you're a disappointment to your dead father. How do you not know who your dad is? Let the Dr. Claw monster out of his cage. Yeah because having a monster hellbeast in your kid is definitely not putting him in danger at all. That seems like some real shitty reasoning. Was it snake Blum? Oh goddammit it's orange guy I hate that guy. Boy howdy do I know about hate in this place, buddy. I agree, Naruto is terrible and it's a mistake to depend on him so much. Dude I'm pretty sure a parent's duty is also to not use their newborn child as a nesting doll for an unstoppable chupacabra monster but that didn't stop you back then. Eww, slug. The good news is Hinata's alive, the bad news is she still has to be in this show. Give that frog mouth-to-mouth, Lee. Yes please end this already. Man I've seen filler for this show, I've known more pain than you could ever imagine. Just kick him in the nuts and call it a day. I'd just kill myself if I saw several dozen Narutos flying at me at once.
  11. I dunno. I volunteer to strip Avdol and thoroughly examine him for that birthmark.
  12. Are you 6'4 and have biceps bigger than my head?
  13. Definitely. And then Avdol gets his turn. :fap:
  14. Let me be 100% clear on that post. I absolutely meant that I want both young and old Joseph to team up and wreck me in a threeway.
  15. I would pay every penny in my bank account to be in the middle of that.
  16. How do your kidneys function with this much salt in your system?
  17. Other way around. That's just everyone's reaction to please Joseph when he snaps his fingers.
  18. I want in this sandwich.
  19. JOJO- Oh fuck you, Dio. Quick, open that coffin before the sun sets! Wow new Jojo's mom is hot. RIP those guys' balls. Oh come on, there is no way that guy is 17 years old. Don't talk to your mother that way, Jonathan would be ashamed of you. Jojo why can't you drink beer like a normal person. Where did you even get all that shit?! Jesus christ new Jojo doesn't fuck around. Joseph, you say? HIIII GRANDPA JOSEPH YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT. Spank me grandpa I've been a bad girl I mean what. Holly is so cute and I love her. Oh I bet he's got a third arm alright. At least he's having fun in there. How did you get his finger?! Hey who's your friend I like his dress. Keep talking like that Avdol I'm into it. HOT DUDE WITH FIRE POWERS, I AM SOLD. Even his bird is buff as fuck this show was made for me. It's a giant buff oompa loompa. Wait what please don't kill my new boyfriend already. Red Bind me, baby. Jotaro is having a rough day. Stands are fun. Eww gross toilet water. PLEASE DON'T KILL MY NEW BOYFRIEND. God my new boyfriend is so cool. I'm already melted into a worthless puddle, baby. Don't be mean to Holly she's so cute. I'm impressed that the coffin lasted 100 years in the ocean that's some quality craftsmanship. And I'm trying to wrangle a threeway between grandpa and his sexy new friend. I love how Joseph just screams everything. Jotaro's kind of a douche. I don't know why but Avdol just whipping a camera out from his sleeve makes me laugh. Thank god you're rich or destroying all those cameras would bankrupt you. Is Lisa Lisa still alive? "Grandpa, why do you have so many pictures of a shirtless dude?" I'm sad that after all that, Dio stole original Jojo's body anyway. Okay Avdol's buff bird friend was probably adorable as a baby. I don't want to like Dio but I'd hit that. And then that moment when I realize that Avdol's fire power manifests as a literal giant cock, because at this point the show's just trying to see how thirsty I can get. Ghoul- You can actually hear all the energy from Jojo deflating like an old balloon. I continue to hate everyone. Yeah I'd trust that priest. Oh is creepy priest his dad, I don't care enough to remember if they said that already. Is it too much to hope that stitch boy dies quickly offscreen? That was a great idea, putting all the evil murder zombies in one building protected by a handful of guards with ineffective shotguns. Really, I totally can't imagine how Cannibal Azkaban here was breached. Why do they even bother wearing masks when they just kill everyone? At least she's better than the whipsword than Renji. Please, everyone just kill each other. No stop being friendly and murder each other so I don't have to see you again. This fight is painful. Legs are for the weak, I guess. Oh what the fuck is this. Please just kill him, shirtless man. Throw the injured lady at your enemies and run. You're right, this DOES suck. Well I don't wanna be part of this show but it's too late to change that, girl. I'm not sure if this kid is stupid as shit or if he's trying to be funny but either way it's not working. Yeah go ahead and whip out the armor that kills you when you wear it. Is the armor their dad? Please kill the main character, angry shirtless man. Yep everything is your fault and you're terrible. Hunter- Mole girl is the best and I love her. Is hot idiot finally gonna level up? I like seeing Killua's fat brother suffer. Good he can get his license back. Thanks, auction dude. I can't say I wouldn't consider the same thing to wipe out my student loans. Good luck kids I believe in you. I'm sure that little girl who's in the OP won't be important here at all. The curtain is a murder room and they're killing everyone. Oh christ, is that pick fucker's brother? I hate him already. I love Gon he's so smart. Hiiii sexy dad. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Haaa his hair's all poofy. Your family is terrible and I'm adopting you. Oh Gon what did you do? I'm so proud of my adorable children. That's a lot of money. You're twelve are you even allowed to sign that. Forget about your shitty dad I am your dad now. Good luck, hot idiot. I hate this guy and I hope he dies first. Don't trust your dad he's terrible. Stay together, kids! Sweet, he gets to start with extra powers. God I am bad at games I'm already lost here. Well if he has the ring that means his dad didn't die in there at least. I sure hope your programming skills are better than your parenting skills, you asshole. Lupin- Oh no creepy twins are never a good start. Bang your wife, Lupin. She definitely drugged that wine and is gonna fuck you over. Don't lie, if Fujiko asked you'd stay with her forever. FUCK, ZOMBIES. Don't fuck with Rebecca. Quick, feed them salt! RIP news lady. Now would be a great time for Goemon to show up and chop off their heads. I have no idea how this is all supposed to come together. Well now I'm gonna guess this is some kind of convoluted plot to avoid signing the divorce papers. What in the hell? Okay sure let's just say this makes sense. Rebecca you fabulous bitch. They're all kinda really lucky that Lupin didn't have any more bullets. Go bang your wife and steal that film, Lupin. You're a fool, this is all part of the movie and she's playing you like a fiddle. Oh good he figured it out. That movie better have full frontal nudity, lady. Don't trust her. Oh he'll give you some love alright. Oh god zombie Lupin. Booo, that movie sucked. He's never gonna get that divorce. Naruto- Huh, OP. Well he is looking rough. I already hate you. At least he gets cool bone armor. Hinata might be dead but on the bright side, she doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Whelp so much for that magic necklace. This sure is some wonky animation. Hinata just lay down and hope you get reincarnated in a better show. Yes Sakura, six IS more than five I'm glad you managed to figure that out. Hey what are you guys up to, is it something better than whatever the fuck else is going on? Every time someone runs through a forest and doesn't smack face-first into a tree, I hate this show a little more. Yes please just nuke the world. Naruto is a much better character when he's a giant hell beast that doesn't speak. I'm glad Naruto failed. Believe me kid you can't possibly hate this more than I hate every episode I've watched. And bring him Inspector Gadget. What in the hell, he looks like a goddamn chupacabra. Go away force ghost dad, let your idiot son fuck things up completely.
  20. Sorry, can't hear you over my constantly replaying Avdol saying things are gonna get a little bit rough because damn.
  21. Can you blame me? The man has biceps on his cock!
  22. Okay so this show has given me a really hot dude with fire powers and a sexy voice, whose spirit literally manifests itself as a massive goddamn cock. Move over Joseph, that is my dream man. <3
  23. Hey Joseph who's your friend he's cute- Move over Jojo, I'm gonna fuck Avdol.
  24. This thread is now about my unquenchable Joseph thirst.
  25. I'ma make grandpa see heaven alright.
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