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Everything posted by EmpressAngel
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero-Sorry lightning boy I don't have much faith in you. She's Swamp Thing's religious daughter. Whelp, you tried. I love douche Rogue. Hiiii Mt Lady. Deku's getting so much nerd data here. GO IIDA. Oh yeah, this is a good idea to take some gear your opponent offers you. God I love Midnight. This is totally not a trap. She played you all like a fiddle. Oh Iida this is just embarrassing. Spongebob narrator, go. I like that this was the longest fight yet. Mic asking the real questions here. Mineta no. Man i bet she's great at Twister. Bad move, sparkle boy. This is why no one likes you, Mineta. I love bird friend. You're overthinking it, you've already lost. Well that's a real blow to the ol' self esteem. HARDBOY FIGHT, GO. Aw shit that's right she has to fight Bakugo. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. Oh no, Bakugo is absolutely going to fuck her up regardless of gender. Aww Deku you're a sweet kid. GOOD LUCK SWEETIE PLEASE DON'T DIE. Meanwhile, they knocked each other out. You're all right to be concerned. FLCL- Aww they're cute kids. Oh this is gonna be depressing. Oh god he's wearing crocs. That ramen's too good for him to care. Yeah you're probably right about it being Haruko's fault. Oh that seems ominous. Dude what's up with your face. I love the fat one. Teacher Seitz is cute. Aw fuck Haruko what are you doing. You might wanna listen to the guy with the space gun. Okay you probably shoudln't have left the gun with Haruko. Her mom's so fancy. Oh that can't be a good thing. I got a real bad feeling about this. DANGER DANGER ABORT MISSION. Oh thank god it's Haruko. Haruko no you need that steering wheel! Oh hey Pets whatcha up to? Aw crap it's Little Shop of Horrors. FEED ME SEYMOUR. I think you're gonna need a bigger guitar. Well this sure is going straight to hell. Thanks buddy that's real helpful. Dentists are indeed terrifying. Hug it out, beat the tentacles iwth friendship. Ohhhh fuck. Well this sure got depressing as shit. Damn that's some powerful forehead magic. Are we okay now? Noooope we're still in depression land. Titan- You're gonna have to eat your friend, kiddo. I bet Levi just likes kicking in doors. Sasha's got really great aim with that bow. Time to start killing people, y'all. Man, Armin is just going all in on this manslaughter thing. Mikasa is so fucking mad, you're going to die. And then YEE HAW. Levi is by far the best part of this show. Still not afraid of Cowboy Kenny, show. No not Hange she's the second best part of this show. Oh yeah a net's gonna stop them. Hey maybe you should give the guy you know some benefit of the doubt over this old dude you've known for like half a day. Yeah this definitey sounds legit and not like he's tricking you into shit. Cowboy what the fuck are you doing here. Well I'll be damned, hillbilly's actually making some sense. Oh you goddamn idiot. Oh, are we finally gonna get some titans in this titan show? You're not as bad as I originally thought, High Noon. Okay but if their family was so intent on stopping this and they've had the power for generations, why didn't they stop it before now? Remember your lesbian! ACTUALLY ASKING GOOD QUESTIONS, FUCKING THANK YOU. Once again the day is saved thanks to lesbians. At least Kenny's having fun here. Oh crap. Hey look, a titan! Jojo- Huh, that's probably not normal. Well that's fucking horrifying. I don't trust this little bastard. Koichi's so cool. Oh hey there, psycho. Josuke you wanna try making a bigger mess? Oh that's creepy. That mannequin is definitely a stand. Hey there evil Josuke, how you doin'. Technically he's only half Japanese. Oh there is definitely porn of this. And then Koichi died again. Alright Josuke, you gotta kick your own ass. Oh so now it's like the magic boat wher anyone can see it. Oh my god you wanna fight Jotaro you're going to die. No leave his beautiful face alone. I don't know what that says, show. Awwww friends. Hi there random shady girl. Oh right, his phone blew up last time. Well, one of them has a stab wound in his face. I'm okay with that guy getting bricked in the skull. "Jotaro's done for!" yeah okay, the dude shrugged off a fucking steamroller to the face but a kid with a puppet is gonna take him down. Heeee, so many fangirls. Well kid, he's got his daddy's muscles what more explanation do you need. He tried to fuck the puppet and failed. I hate this little dweeb. Oh hey Josuke. Pinocchio. That bottle trick was actually a brilliant strategy. I don't know what his stand actually is but I enjoy it. Aw crap the puppet's got you. Oh my god he's really trying to kill him with a goddamn pen. Convenient bikers. This is great. Oh right, that lightning douche is still here. Clover- Hey Cap'n Sexy. And here's the Wizard King, shirking his duties like usual. This entire group is exhausting. Surely this shit with the hypnotizing voice will end well. Oh great, she's annoying. Mother of fuck, she's a pop idol. You stupid bitch are we really supposed to like you? Do you have a song that can make me less fucking angry at this show? Noelle has no experience with anyone actually liking her. No seriously, are we actually supposed to like Noelle? I relax by staring at All Might. STOP SCREAMING YOU DIPSHIT. It's hard to find a best memory when all my husbands keep suffering and dying. Yeah we get it their entire family is awful. LEAVE THAT NUN THE FUCK ALONE. Oh good, another montage I can hate. God I wish I was drunk. Why are you like this, Manson guy. Please for the love of god shut up. Yep you suck and I'm glad you accept it. To be fair, Yami is definitely the fondest memory I have of this show. It's a miracle, she finally fucking did something. You should have just let her fall. Meanwhile, Yami giving zero shits. Hunter- Please don't kill my kids or shirtless Knuckle, show. Say hello to your grandpa, Killua. Good luck there, old dudes. Okay so what was the point of this then? Oh, we're going on a commute. Kick some cat ass, Gon. Someone give my boys a hug. Sorry octosquid this is going right to hell for you. Giant lobster wearing pants just cracks me up on principle. That worked out suspiciously well. Scratch that, he's fucked. Just beat this flamboyant bitch already. My psychological state is just equal parts anger and thirst. I suck with biology but I'm pretty sure butterflies aren't supposed to go into cocoons. Meanwhile, the tentacles continue. Oh now you've pissed him off. Man, that iguana can really hold his breath for ages. Aww, he's crying. Oh shit that was only ten seconds. Oh nooo he's out of breath. SHIT he lost some power. You're lucky he's unobservant as fuck. This could be going better. Oh fuck that's a lot of spikes. Ohhhh you are definitely gonna die here, buddy. SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE NO. -
I mean, I ain't here to get my pelvis snapped in half by his personality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bruh he could be missing a face and I wouldn't have noticed
Update: Someone managed to get a decent shot of those babies and I've been staring at this picture for two days. I have seen god.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- Aw crap did the OP get shrunk again? Deku you adorable dumbass. Oh hey, Aizawa's awake. Well that power is terrifying. Child no stop what are you doing. You should have listened to tail boy. All Might is going to be so disappointed in you. Oh hey, y'all are creepy. Ghosts broke your hand, no big deal. Tired boy, you have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry tired boy, better luck next year. Poor tired boy, he's a good boy who just wants to be a hero. Awwww the crowd still loves him. Random Daft Punk in the stands. I hope he gets transferred into the class. Deku you precious idiot. At least you only broke your finger this time. Grandma just killed All Might. Just a bunch of force ghosts, nothing to worry about. I hate you, hot garbage dilf. God he's terrible and I hate myself that I'd still have to talk myself out of fucking him. I don't like your odds here, Sero. Mic and Aizawa's faces. I, uh, think ya got him there, Icy Hot. I love how supportive this crowd is to the losers. FLCL- Those pins sure aren't ominous at all. Nice bike, dork. Goddammit Haruko stop cockblocking everyone! Calm down, teacher Seitz. Well that sure is some convenient transfers. I like the meat handkerchief. I don't know how basketball's played either. I love that fat one and her love of violence. Boner alert. Liger balm. You're laying it on awfully thick there, Haruko. Girl you need to jack off. Lady there are malicious conspiracies about literally evyerthing on the planet. I hope this dude remembers to screw the cap on his seasoning. Oh hey, it's the anti-space lady. Well he's cheerful. So is he Naota or what. Naked Haruko is a problem I'd love to have. And then things got porny. That is an unimpressive draw. Fat girl knows what's up. Oh god she got the shoujo roses. I'm with the fat one, just bang him already. Great job, you knocked him out. You dramatic dork. Haaa, his girlfriend is fake. That's why I love All Might, Haruko. Those sure are big words I don't understand. Oh that sucks. Haruko's gonna get slapped. Awww, this is cute. Boner alert. Oh, you guys gained a friend. Oh goddammit NOT A FRIEND. And then it was Space Jam. KOBE. Well that's a letdown. This sure is a thing that happened. Aaaaand then shit hit the fan. Titan- Eren's having a bad day in the crystal bondage cave. Yeah I'm sure he's a great guy and it was all a big misunderstanding, you're not being bamboozled at all. I'm uncomfortable with this. What in tarnation? Oh hey it's that fucking basement key. Did...did he eat his dad? Whelp this is gonna suck for you, nice lady. Pain and suffering, full speed ahead. How do they have mind-wiping powers? Oh honey, she's dead. Well that's gonna put a bit of a strain on their friendship. I like that they made her titan boobs jiggle. IT'S HIGH NOON. I will never feel threatened by someone named Cowboy Kenny. What in the fuck? This season is realy fucking weird, y'all. Erwin looks good when he cleans up. Aw crap, is the cool old guy evil. I just wanna watch Levi kill things, show. Would you talk to Cowboy Kenny if you had any choice? Mikasa needs a hug. Oh yeah, there was that time she straight up fucking killed some sex slavers. Banjos intensify. So then I guess Mikasa's like, double immune to the memory wipe. Was Levi that baby? Levi doesn't fuck around. Jojo- Koichi's having a great day. Koichi's having a terrible day. Why does this series hate animals so much. This guy looks like a douche. This won't end well. Dude did you just kill your cat for money? The guilt is a stand! No he can't handle himself, go help him. Oh thank god, the bros are here. Punch the lock and/or the douche until one of them breaks. Douche you left your cat in a bag on the street, you didn't value it in the first place. THANK YOU OKU. Okuyasu you poor sweet idiot. Who cares, there's a dude who can heal injuries with punches. I love Josuke so much. Oh you dick. That dog is bigger than Koichi. OH GODDAMMIT. He's right, massaging his mom's shoulders is Kakyoin's job. I'm gonna kick this guy's ass for him. DOUUUUUUUCHE. Oh no not the milf. I'm uncomfortable with this. Throw your magic egg at him! Congratulations, it's a gross worm thing. Jesus Koichi you're weak as shit. And now he's got a tattoo. Oh cool, it's sound effects. Okay that's actually a really cool power. Oh you bag of dicks. Oh my god what the fuck are you doing. This got weird. Koichi is so fucking cool. Gee I wonder why people wouldn't trust you. I love Koichi. Clover- This OP is grating. Oh I hate this already. I've aged 30 years watching this scene. Okay this level of thirst is jarring coming from someone who looks like a second grader. Why is sister fucker still alive. God I hate her. Please show me beach Yami so I don't have to hear them anymore. Oh hey, they put subtitles on his mumbling. How do you idiots not know what an ocean is? You stay the fuck away from that nun. God you're an unbearable bitch. This shit is painful to watch. Show me Yami or get the fuck out, show. Drunky's suit is less revealing than her normal drinking outfit. I hate every second of this. Hi there, titties. Haaate, hate hate hatey hate hate. Holy fuck nobody cares about your bating suit. Oh goddammit it's that guy again. I feel closer to death now. Yami why are you still wearing clothes. Of course there's a full moon involved in this cliche bullshit. Kill him and I'll fuck you right now. If you're depending on her you're sadly mistaken. What a shock, Noelle sucks. Yeah follow the mysterious singing in the middle of the night that'll end well you dumb shits. Hunter- Y'all are gonna die. Man that guy can hold his breath for long. Owww his leg. Deep Purple is a fun stand. Goddamn shadow clones. Thank you shirtless Knuckle! Again, student loans are the most terrifying nen of all. Aw crap he saw them. That's some sick balance, man. Yeah there's no better time to try a new move for the first time than when you're fighing a giant monster mash of a guy. Okay the eye part is so unnecessary. Oh, he just discovered a new fetish. I love teamwork. I am always up for hugs and liquor. Oh thank god, my kids are okay. Ohhh, the octosquid is in the dragonfly guy. Oh no they're split up now. Killua does not fuck around. Aw crap the wolf guy's here. I'm not sure what octosquid did but thanks I guess. OH NOOOOO. Wait I thought that cheetah dumbass died. I got a bad feeling about octosquid's odds here. Cry harder, you dramatic bitch. This is real gay. If he offs himself that saves our group a lot of trouble. Hit him with your pipe while he's being an obnoxious drama queen! Oh good my son's okay. SHIT, HIDE. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Shikamaru definitely won that timeskip. Okay scratch that, fat boy did UNREASONABLY well for himself. Of fucking course he does. This series can fuck right off. -
So I saw the My Hero Academia movie. I'm going to mention exactly two things that are only technically spoilers in the fact that they occur during the movie: 1. I've always thought that the actual strongest character in this series is whatever costume designer managed to find a way to conceal All Might's dick inside skin-tight spandex. That man is my true nemesis and tonight I finally laid eyes on him. 2. A single glorious second of screentime for YOUNG MIGHT TITTIES.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Needs more nudity and All Might is there. It sounds a hell of a lot better than actually watching the show! -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Now but I volunteer to be the mother of All Might's secret love child. Hero- I love bird friend. Calm down Icy Hot I'm just trying to fuck your dad. He thinks he's his bastard son. HI GIANT BOYFRIEND. God, just shove me between these two dudes. Oh no, he's an asshole. OH GODDAMMIT how dare they make a super hot dilf with fire powers and then make him too much of a piece of shit for me to love. This is bullshit I hope my curse gets Endeavor killed. Jesus christ Icy Hot needs a hug. Mic's having a great time. Aizawa is horrified at his kids. Mineta you little bastard. At least invisible girl's having fun. You're a good dude, tail boy. What the hell is tired boy's quirk? So manly! God I love Midnight. Tetsu Squared is a fun kid. Hardboy fight. I hope tired boy uses his free time to take a nap. Oh fuck, Bakugo's gonna kill her. This girl is nuts I enjoy her. Douche Rogue cracks me up. Cementos is the best hero. Hi small boyfriend! Alright kid just try not to punch his head completely off. No wonder Icy Hot thinks All Might's your dad. Mic no don't encourage the broken limbs. Oh shit don't talk to him. Aw fuck he broke Deku. Titan- There sure are a lack of titans in this season of Attack on Titan. I'd follow J. Michael Tatum into hell after a rousing speech. Douchebags, all of them. Erwin seems strangely chill about this whole execution thing. Convenient timing, this is totally not a trick. You're a good dude, Dandy guy. WOW WHAT A SHOCK IT WAS FAKE. Can this old dude just be the king, he seems to know what's up. This fake king could not give less of a shit. So are y'all still fugitives or not? Man, fatass really pulled it off here. Yaaaay. I think Levi's face is just stuck like that now. Yeah I'm sure everybody's totally fine with this shakeup in between monster attacks. Dude you are dragging the mood down like crazy here. Zack here knows what's up. Whelp, that's an unfortuante backstory. Yeah that's not suspicious at all I'm sure it's totally legit. And then Eren was trapped in a weird sex cave. That is a very good question, Armin. I bet the answer is locked in the fucking basement that we're never gonna see. I can say with 100% certainty that I could not make myself eat a classmate's torso. FLCL- Awww doggies. I would absolutely have lightsaber fights on the job with that thing. These boys are fun. I love that fat one. Teacher Seitz is cute. I'm proud of you, big girl! Don't knock over the shaker this time, dude. Leave hippy Blum alone. Shit I'm in my 20s and I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. Alright the big one is my favorite. Helloooo Haruko. Yeah this sounds normal. I trust Dr. Haruko. And then shit got depressing. Aww that's sweet of them. I trust Construction Haruko. Ohhh she's angry. I didn't come here to be depressed, show. For the record, anyone is fre to go to work for me at any time and I won't complain. Is it Canti? Random hillbilly Haruko. And then she was rapping. Aww, she's trying. Congratulations, you're the fabric bitch now. Aww, they're all helping. BOOOOOOOOO. Get this girl some Dr. Pepper. HARUKO YOU WONDERFUL ASSHOLE. Okay that dress looked better half-finished. Awwwww this is sweet. Goddammit Haruko. High five! PTE- I'm unsure where this game is going. Crappy Manga Boy. Haa, it's the song from Fantasia. Wow rude, I think they're cute. Okay you guys lost me here. Not the Hamlet Death Gods! I love these two. Good job it's some kinda goose card thing. Have glasses, can confirm this is accurate. And then it was Hamtaro. This song is fantastic. Oh hey, it's the bamboo guys. In the name of the moon. She's a gun. Kill them all, girls. And then they fused. IT'S A-ME! Oh no Pipimi. Who the hell is this? I like that they censor out the Pokemon references. Mercer's just going full Jotaro with her voice and I love it. I'm disappointed there's no ORA here. Song needs more Jotaro. Oh hey, she didn't die this time. I still don't know who the hell that is. GIRLDROP 2 CONFIRMED. Jojo- Take your egg and get out before you die. You're a good kid, Koichi. Well that's ominous. Ohhh that's not a good sound. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT. How many times is Koichi going to die today. Whatever it is, it's wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Oh, douchebro is still alive. Wait what. Could Josuke cure him? Oh great now he's crying. Holy shit that's depressing. GODDAMMIT DIO. Jesus christ how depressing can one backstory get. Man, that would have happened to Kakyoin if they hadn't ripped that thing out of his head. Aaaaand I'm crying. Stop kicking him, you asshole! Oh god, it's a picture of his family and my heart is breaking. Someone please hug Okuyasu. This is the saddest goddamn backstory I've ever seen. Uh Josuke your stand literally heals and repairs things. YOU ASSHOLE. Aw crap there's someone else here to fight. Lightning chicken, the shittier version of Magician's Red. And nothing of value was lost. Oh that is a rough thing to see. SOMEONE PLEASE HUG OKUYASU. It's gonna be fun watching Jotaro punch lightning chicken to death. Great, he's an idiot. You're gonna need a new phone. You're gonna be best friends now. Kakyoin's legacy as milf hunter lives on. Hunter- Oh god you're all going to die. How did you never consider there'd be someone there when you teleported out? Oh good, shirtless knuckle's already hiding. Oh right, the old dudes are up there. KICK HIS ASS, GON. Oh fuck please don't kill Knuckle. You suck, Shoot. Everyone loves Gon. HI SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE. I'm so glad I haven't killed him yet. Student loans, bitch! Ohhhh that is not a good thing. Get out of there, Knuckle! Aw fuck the others are back. I want to watch the dramatic butterfly bitch die. Fuck off, cat. Choke on those mistakes, asshole. Oh FUCK the blind girl's dead. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh he mad we're all gonna die. This cannot possibly end well. Should have killed him before he grew emotions. Clover- This place sucks, why wouldn't they betray you? I'm genuinely surprised they didn't reveal dimestore Griffith already. He does look likea boneless ham. Yami insulting his peers continues to be the bright spot of this shitshow. THE INVISIBLE BOATMOBILE. How does being invisible make him untouchable? Just throw Asta at him already and save us all some time. Okay stop saying ham it's getting weird. I'll give credit where it's due, that's actually a pretty decent power. Oh no, Jack the Ripper is disappointed. I wish I could sleep through this show. Thanks for doing nothing again, Wizard King. Son of a bitch he gained another friend. STOP SAYING HAM IT'S GETTING WEIRD. I dare you bastards to read my mind. Wow what a shock this was a trick and you idiots have all been fooled. Yami could not give less of a fuck. I don't remember any of this shit. Great, they're after the infinity stones. Please kill him, Yami. You guys get the job because you have no friends. Yeah that's what this show needed, more racism. Every time the show uses those sparkle eyes I die a little inside. Yami has literally never given a single fuck and I respect that. You broke your own arm giving a salute, you stupid bastard. You're right you're not comic relief, you're not funny at all. I sure as fuck don't expect anything from you. Oh mother of god are we really getting a terrible beach episode. I also hope the sharks eat them. Naruto- Look on the bright side, you only have to carve half of Kakashi's face. Wow what a surprise they're treating you like the untrustworthy criminal you are. I wish I was unconscious. Let's all meet at the abandoned lumber yard to talk about how big of a dick Sasuke is. No, let Naruto go off alone an get himself killed. He's lying and has every intention of protecting Sasuke. Sorry he can't just talk him to death like he did the other guy. Inside, Sasuke is filled with a record number of dicks. Naah, I'm pretty sure Danzo was a shady asshole. This is gay. Is this filler? You know damn well nobody's ever satisfied when Sasuke's involved. They're gay. I'm so tired, show. Well hey if she's dead at least she doesn't have to be in this show anymore. Why does this guy talk like that? Oh god this is painful to watch. Oh hey she's alive. GAAAAAAY. And now I grant myself the greatest birthday gift of all and drop the entire cursed -ruto franchise before Bort brings a plague upon my life. -
mha My Hero Academia Episode #19 (206) Discussion
EmpressAngel replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
What kind of Monkey's Paw, be careful what you wish for bullshit is this? I hope the curse I have where hot fire dudes suffer and/or die hits him in full force. -
mha My Hero Academia Episode #19 (206) Discussion
EmpressAngel replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
. OH GODDAMMIT how dare they make a super hot dilf with fire powers and then make him too much of a piece of shit for me to love. -
The Worst Thing About the New Season of SAO
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Even the best ingredient in a shit sandwich is still in a shit sandwich. -
If you thought Black Clover would end at episode 51...
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
That you're still giggling about Love Live beating One Piece exactly once, two years after it happened? -
The Worst Thing About the New Season of SAO
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
My last root canal was better that SAO. -
The Worst Thing About the New Season of SAO
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Have you ever actually spoken to a woman before? When the grown adult nurse is salivating over a teenage boy that she's supposed to be monitoring, it's a fuckign problem. It's not funny, it's just gross and uncomfortable. Literally all those girls except for his virtual daughter and AIDS lesbian are romantically interested in him. It seems like a character trait that gets added by default whenever a new female character gets made. "If we get married, you'd be the one to change your name!" Yeah, that's a sentence that a straight girl says to her female friend in an entirely platonic way. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
2018 is the year that Seitz just outright tries to seduce me with men I should hate and damn he's succeeding. -
The Worst Thing About the New Season of SAO
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Except no, it's not refreshing at all. The fact that Kirito hooks up with one halfway through the first season doesn't change the fact that almost every single female character is attracted to him. Like, I think literally the only ones we've seen who weren't his fangirls were NPC game programs and the AIDS lesbian. The author has no idea how to write women outside of love interests, and it's even more annoying because he's with Asuna, we already know that throwing yet another blushing pair of tits at him is going to have no payoff. -
The Worst Thing About the New Season of SAO
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Actually, I'd probably enjoy Klein Art Online a lot more. A main character who's perfectly average but has an enjoyable personality, with a good dynamic with a group of female characters that AREN'T cringingly thirsty for his dick, all going on adventures? That sounds a lot more entertaining than smarmy Kirito, who is the best player EVER at any game he picks up and is an instant expert with damn near every new skill, solving mysteries while every pair of tits in the vicinity is immediately smitten. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
She hasn't seen him in 16 years and this is what he looked like last time they met: That's a compliment. Call me, grandpa. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- I'm roothing for you, bird friend. Go away, Mineta. Careful there lightning boy or you'll go into stupid mode. Aw crap the jetpack's broke. Don't hurt bird friend please. Bakugo's so fucking angry he's gonna kill this guy. Oh, he's douche Rogue. Hiiiii Endeavor. Oh no Iida what are you doing. Aw shit they got it. Do it for the cute girl, Deku! Kid no don't break all your limbs now. I'm never gonna remember most of these 1-B kids. SO ANGRY. He doesn't even know their names. The one thing they didn't count on, Bakugo's horrific anger issues. Icy Hot is perturbed. Grab all the headbands to make sure. FUUUUUCK. Aw shit lightning boy. This is so fucking intense why can't real sports be this fun. Cue the sad trombone music. Oh hey, tired boy is here. THANK YOU BIRD FRIEND. Oh Icy Hot, you and your daddy issues. Hey Icy Hot, I'm gonna fuck your dad. Aizawa continues to suffer. I love all these kids. Just shove me between All Might and Endeavor here and I can die happy. Titan- Oh right, it's these assholes. At least one dude here can think. This is clearly not a trap. Levi doesn't fuck around. Don't squeal, Erwin. I'm surprised that they have journalists at all here. Run, Fatass! Jesus what kind of arm strength do you need to haul that guy up? Hey Hange. Fucking Cowboy Kenny, at it again. Fatass raises a good point. Sorry lady, Levi could not give less of a fuck. Oh you stupid bitch. Oh hey, you made a friend. What the fuck, Jean. He raises a good point, that hair is awful. You're a good due, Bowl Cut. Stick. Man I hope these two don't fuck you over to save their own skins. YEEEHAAWW. This guy looks like Gold Roger's brother with a less impressive mustache. RIP Fatass. Yeah this is definitely not a trap at all. Convenient Hange to the rescue. Wow what a shock that was a trap all along. Oh that's an unfortunate teabagging. SLOW CLAP. At least Levi's having some fun. Aw fuck now you've gotta save Erwin. Hey Mikasa, time for a family reunion. Do you think Matt Mercer ever gets confused about which of his gruff, exhausted badass characters he's recording for? Hey Erwin you doing okay there? Yeah that doesn't sound ominous at all. Oh yeah I'm sure your nefarious rich guy plot is gonna go off without a hitch. FLCL- I love these girls. Get it, girl. I like the fat one. Gee i wonder why she won't date any of them. Just tell him you like him. Oh honey, you tried. Puppies! Hi there, food truck Haruko. Meeeeat. Too much hot sauce. The trick to not being jealous of your friends is to never have any friends cooler than you. Stop dumping in the spice! Don't be a grown up, being an adult sucks. Oh you asshole what have you done. Whelp, this is going to hell. You can never go wrong with It's Raining Men at karaoke. I like the fat girl's meat icon. Oh nooo. Surely this will go well. WHELP. Neko-lace. WHEEEEELP. Ah crap it's a Transformer. Oh shit did she just pull Optimus Prime out of her head? Nice license. I've got a GIANT penis! Should have let that pole crush him. She's a better driver than I am. Eco-friendly mecha. MICHAEL BAY. Forget him, don't date him. Let the fat one punch him. You go, girl. THANK YOU HARUKO. She's right, size does matter and that's why All Might is my boyfriend. PTE- Oh hey, new OP. This sure is a thing alright. Hashtag perfect. I'm sure no one's about to be murdered by ghosts. Sorry you're caught in The Shining now. Somebody's about to get axe-murdered. And here we go. Well, I've had worse weekends. I love the jetpack swing. Good job, Mayor Birds. They were in-TREE-rested alright. Oh right science, that makes sense. This is still the best cooking show. Wow look at these frames. Will we ever get to understand the French guy? Happy shark! Man, I'd watc hthe shit out of Girldrop. We get commentary this time. I want this man to narrate everything in my life. And then he handed me the vomit bag. At last, French subs! Jojo- Kick his ass, Josuke! You pretentious asshole. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Good job you shot your brother. Do't insult your brother after you shot him in the face. Wow what a dick. Meanwhile Koichi is super dead now. You're a good boy, Josuke. Okuyasu doesn't understand kindness. Y'all are gonna be best friends. Oh man that is a lot of blood to come out of that tiny little body. OKUYASU BE QUIET. Oh man he is so friggin dead. Aww that's nice he's helping. Oh hey, Koichi's alive. Is...is his stand mice or something? Why does Shining Diamond have such a well-defined ass? Ha, it's toy soldiers. No not his pretty face he needs that! Call Jotaro to freeze time. Aw shit he's got helicopters too. Oh shit, Koichi can see them now. HE'S GETTING A STAND. Why does everyone in this show wear multiple belts? Koichi did you lay this egg? Oh shit it's hatching. SEARGENT BRO. Oh DAMN don't insult his hair. Koichi's plan is just to throw an egg at him. Okuyasu, go help your new best friend. Just don't touch his hair. Josuke's so cool. EAT SHIT, SEARGENT BRO. Hunter- I guess dragonfly guy is on their side now? I fear deeply for shritless Knuckle. Oh I hope these skydiving dudes are friends. Take out the dramatic butterfly first. Is that a fucking dragon?! Great job cat, I'm sure that won't come back to bite you in the ass. That's sure an assload of arrows. Oh hey it's the old man, finally. I think this is Killua's grandpa but I don't realy remember because last time I was too distracted by his sexy dad to pay attention. EAT SHIT, CAT. Damn dude was ripped back in the day. That training is Saitama-approved. Okay this is just an excessive amount of punching now. May we all look so good at 50. Man's got some Joestar genes going on here. So he's like 110, got it. Aw damn that's a good anchor plan. Oh fuck he's right there next to you y'all are gonna die. Please don't kill shirtless Knuckle or my kids. Clover- God I wish you were dead. Oh hey, it's the other people. Christ girl why are you so fucking awful. Mimosa have some fucking standards, you're actually decent. Shut the fuck up. Every week that sister fucker isn't violently murdered is a waste of my life. Mother of fuck just leave that poor nun alone. Wow what a surprise, dudes like girls who don't have the personality of a dumpster fire. HAVE SOME STANDARDS, BITCH. God I wish I was that drunk right now. This is excruciating. Wizard King continues to do jack shit during actual fights. If you're depending on Asta you're gonna be disappointed. Yami giving zero fucks is still by far the best thing about this show. The traitor is dimestore Griffith, you idiots. Asta's sparkle eyes make me want to die. MIND TAKER OOOWEEEOOO. Meanwhile at the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. I like that they just ripped off Zoro wholesale on him. Please insult them more. TOTALLY NOT EVIL. Okay that boneless ham insult actually made me laugh, it's a Christmas miracle. I wish I could sleep through this. It's dinestore Griffith because this series is absolutely not competent enough to pull off a red herring. Naruto- Dog squad! Who the shit are these guys? Hey look, it's the only kid in town I like and his two flunkies. Hi hot lady. Yeah sure keep thinking that. I can't stop staring at her tits. Why are there so many Blums in this show. Is this another episode that's just gonna be flashbacks to shit we've already seen? I mean, if the world ends technically there won't be any war. With your powers combined, you can summon Captain Planet. Why is anyone ever surprised that Sasuke is a piece of shit? Oh right, that dude's thing is puppets. Okay but when your friend's a piece of shit who tries to murder everyone, you should probably just cut your losses. Shut up you obnoxious brats. -
I mean, there's a reason All Might's so popular...
MHA fan saves woman’s life and FUNi acknowledges it on Twitter
EmpressAngel replied to Jman's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Why would he give a shit? The dude made news while endorsing FUNi's product, and they commented on it. That seems like a completely different animal than Fleshlight Co. talking about a national tragedy.