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Everything posted by tsar4

  1. Dec. 30th, "National Bacon Day"?
  2. Nothing new. In the 70s or 80s, some college researcher taped nickels to open wounds on lab rats...and you guessed it, they developed cancer.
  3. Or just say, "Isn't that Tonya Harding over there with Britney Spears?", then clock him when he turns to look.
  4. tsar4


    Many things get depressed during the holidays.
  5. Mine's been screwed up for about 6 months. Usually get up at 4am (I get to work around 5:30am) after going to bed & falling asleep around 11pm. But lately, I start having trouble staying awake past 8:30pm & then wake up almost hourly, look at the clock, and go back to sleep.
  6. Somebody gave it a "swirlie" in Ty-D-Bol.
  7. Saw that someone had lit the "Luuv Signal".
  8. tsar4


  9. You misspelled "defective".
  10. tsar4


    Am I the only one that recognizes it?
  11. And for those keeping score at home, in the last 2 days: Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds & Richard Adams (author - "Watership Down").
  12. Debbie Reynolds dies one day after her daughter. http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-debbie-reynolds-hospital-20161228-story.html
  13. Nah, that's gotta be a human.
  14. You people Mine Wautur Soda First girlfriend was from Kentucky & put "r" in words that didn't have them ("warsh"). Anybody else it would have driven me insane, but from her, it was endearing.
  15. Saw it, just didn't feel like pointing out the obvious.
  16. Only if you make it one.
  17. Oh, sure. Blame the dog...
  18. Could be worse...what if she said, "I love you, because you remind me of my (Brother/Sister/pet dog...)!"
  19. I recall a review of the song (might have been Rolling Stone, but I don't think so) that said something like, "One finds themselves wishing Mr. Carroll had more friends that died", so the song would be longer.
  20. Blackhawks give Panarin a 2 yr extension for $6 mil. A local sports show said that the Hawks have $69 mil tied up in 12 players, leaving around $12 mil (their words) to spend on everyone else.
  21. Debbie Reynolds (Carrie Fisher's Mom) rushed to hospital with possible stroke. http://www.king5.com/entertainment/report-debbie-reynolds-rushed-to-hospital/379879544
  22. Found the updated version finally...
  23. It isn't so much that this celeb or that celeb died, it's more about how many passed this year.
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