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Everything posted by tsar4

  1. Glad it wasn't just me.
  2. I used to have a decent game and would occasionally play at a biker bar near a friends place (just don't try to put a rice burner in the Harley line out front & you'll be ok). This house I bought came with a small table in an unfinished basement. It has a Ping Pong table topper and is currently the home for wayward spiders. I've never looked at the condition of the table itself.
  3. I thought you said that smiley was on lithium. It looks normal to me.
  4. Maybe you do, but I'm the epitome of sartorial splendor.
  5. Trust me, there are people out there right now that wish it was already over.
  6. They just got here and they're bored already?
  7. And if I return salvo with a slushball?
  8. "Ready for action"? Sorry zeni, I don't swing that way. I like women.
  9. By what?
  10. If it will help, I'll ask to become a mod so you can hate someone.
  11. That's great, but it doesn't explain why you're soft.
  12. Or a wager.
  13. Well, that's what they claim.
  14. Sorry, Scientology has that market cornered.
  15. tsar4


    Hold the MSG.
  16. "Fired" is such a harsh term. "Future Endeavored" sounds nicer.
  17. Too many things to list.
  18. And going sophomoric, what a surprise.
  19. What did you eat? A lot of people mistake food poisoning for flu. When I got a dose of salmonella, it knocked the stuffing out of me and felt just like the flu.
  20. The Legend of Zelda is a great game, but... Zeni getting a real date is tougher than defeating any "Boss".
  21. We're just getting flurries...but with a high of 18F and 25mph wind.
  22. I keep forgetting that the layout of this place is kinda cumbersome.
  23. When I was a baby, my folks had a cat that would ring the doorbell when it wanted in. One of our Siamese when I was a kid would steal dogfood, and would grab hold of doorknobs and swing back & forth to open the door to my folks bedroom so he could sleep under the blankets. The German Shepherd had been picked up & carried for about a mile by a tornado (we got her after this happened). If a storm was anywhere within 50 mi, we knew by how she acted. Our imposing Black Lab would go nuts when "Lassie" was on, and park himself right in front of the tv. He'd also turn into a big baby when given a squeek toy.
  24. Yeah, I'd have to lean toward the theme at this point as well.
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