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Everything posted by tsar4

  1. You can't tag like it's 1969 - today that's considered inappropriate touching.
  2. Deplorable Hick?
  3. No, the worst part is waiting for some kind of response. 3 months after applying a bunch of places, I got hired. 6 months after that, the first place I applied said they weren't hiring, but would keep my resume on file.
  4. You obviously hang with the wrong men.
  5. Doesn't work - the mirror starts lying.
  6. Paging Zeni...
  7. AARP card? Please tell me you didn't fall for their scam - you'd really drop a few pegs in my eyes.
  8. http://www.nar-anon.org/
  9. Gone off your meds again, have you? Paging Nurse Ratched...
  10. Or go the "special snowflake" route - "I was so traumatized by the predictions of 4-7 in. that I couldn't sleep and I feel the need to stay in my safe space".
  11. Well, that 1/2 in. where I'm at wouldn't be anything - but in parts of the South, "SNOWMAGEDDON"!
  12. Thirded (I didn't look to see if this was already thirded, but I have a valid excuse - I'm too old to bother!)
  13. Which is why they keep their Vodka outside in Siberia. Never freezes, but gets a little thick.
  14. In that area (Eastern Europe/Western Asia) it's hard to say that any particular food is of a specific country. In fact, making such a claim can lead to a very heated argument. I made the mistake of saying (mistakenly) that I loved Pierogies, "which are from Poland". It turned out that I should have said "which were from Ukraine" because my Grandmother was of Ukrainian ancestry and it was her recipe I had. A woman who was of Latvian heritage went off on me & said they were originally from Latvia, as was every other food dish I mentioned that I said was Polish or Ukranian (Kapusta, Kishka, Globki, Kolacky, etc). I've had it happen with people of other Eastern European nationalities as well. The borders over there shifted so many times, it's hard to tell where anything originated.
  15. If the delays caused by the number of commercials was a reason for people to stop watching the NFL, the WWE would have been off the air long ago.
  16. Don't do that. I full well expected to be chided for not knowing that "stocking" was current slang for something.
  17. So, you're going to put your mailman in "the stocks"? That's very Puritan of you.
  18. Story just gets better and better...https://twitter.com/NHLBlackhawks/status/817514231876591617/video/1
  19. Not who will win, but who I'd like to see win: Raiders, Seahawks, Steelers, Giants. Reasoning: Bears fan - so GB is out. Don't want Detroit, because they're a Northern team playing in a Do(o)med stadium. Can't stand Miami. It's been awhile for the "Oakland Football Raiders".
  20. I can't afford a Gibson Birdland. FYI - Nugent once hosted "The Midnight Special". One of his demands was that the show would not be preceded by or followed by one hosted by Anne Murray or John Denver. He also got to choose who was on the show, then proceeded to rip on Rick Nielsen (Cheap Trick), saying that Rick should get a "real guitar", like his Birdland (Nielsen used Hamers at the time). Apparently, Nielsen flicked guitar picks (which he does during concerts) at Nugent for the rest of the show.
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