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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Pretty good. Not too tart, not too sweet, and a lovely pink. Also got the consistency better - last time, it was a bit watery.
  2. Making applesauce for supper and this popped into my head.
  3. As the proud owner of a resting bitch face, I endorse this message.
  4. Dominick the Donkey
  5. He's waiting for the winner. After all, he used to be The Librarian.
  6. Mel Brooks and Dick van Dyke sharpen their swords...there can be only one.
  7. It's ok. My grandkids are in middle school, and I still enjoy it, too.
  8. How about a polka?
  9. Living in anticipatory dread of the first real snowstorm of the season and eagerly awaiting your next video. And yourself?
  10. Setting my pajamas on fire shortly after I turned 2.
  11. Another touching death scene in a movie where somebody tenderly closes the eyes of the recently deceased....Goddammit, it doesn't work that way. Close the eyes on a stiff, they pop open. Every single time.
  12. Pancakes and bacon. We cleared out all of the leftovers over the weekend, and the challenge is to not create any more before Thursday.
  13. Cranberry sauce can stay (I make my own) but jello salad has to go.
  14. I figured that you had enough of these, so I got you one of these instead. Enjoy!
  15. Please. Beckys.
  16. That's about how I was on Chantix - my family was happy when I went back to smoking instead.
  17. It does look amazing - so amazing that I can't help waiting for the other shoe to drop. Magic always has a price.
  18. 1) I wouldn't know. I just follow my little herd of cows. 2) Registration is open. Don't do the nabs dance, scoob.
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