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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. And you think you're not going to find that in a more urban setting? You need to travel a little bit. Broaden your horizons.
  2. I don't know. I've lived and worked in both rural and urban settings, and I find that backwards, or if I may be bold, stupid, is spread pretty evenly.
  3. *sigh* Yes, ghostie, I am a boomer. That's how I was able to watch first run TOS episodes (when I was allowed to stay up)
  4. That's about right for the postal service...
  5. And here I thought that you'd forgotten that you'd been abducted.
  6. No. My grandmother was a real stickler for etiquette, and she beat it into us with a wooden spoon (which should NEVER be used for anything other than stirring or beating).
  7. Why did you ask the same question in two places? It's just us, ghostie, and nobody's going to answer differently because it's in a different folder. And no, my manners irl are exquisite. Aliens beat a path to my door and abduct me so that I can teach them the difference between a soup spoon, a teaspoon, and a salad fork.
  8. I don't know - that was back when I was working 60 hrs a week between two jobs, so I wasn't on that much.
  9. After the first time, she left me alone. I got the feeling that it was a welcome to rants thing, and if you came back afterwards, you were considered worthy.
  10. So what was the outcome of the experiment?
  11. Remember her? I still have the scars from the welcome to rants curbstomping.
  12. Destroy All Monsters It was on Svenghooli a few weeks ago, and it's always been one of my favorites.
  13. Granny porn is a thing, or so I've been told.
  14. There can be only one....
  15. Dude, there's a reason I went into healthcare instead of retail.
  16. Makes me a little carsick.
  17. November 2004
  18. I don't remember her main, but she had an alt named Macjiggers. She used to show up in Rants occasionally, but I tried to respect her space, so I don't know where she usually posted.
  19. Don't worry, it gets worse - she also had an account on the old asmb. I think we were one of two mother/daughter pairs posting at the time.
  20. Shut up. I have a child your age.
  21. The majority of which anecdotes were written by her enemies, the founders of spin...ever read Suetonius? But enough of Cleopatra - like I said, I'm waiting to see the take on queen three.
  22. Don't move the goalposts. I said that they were strong, capable, and from indisputably African dynasties, not that they were stronger than Cleopatra. I can't disagree with very little being known about Nefertiti, although it's becoming more accepted that she ruled as pharaoh for a brief time after Ankhenaten. Hatshepsut, however, is better documented (if you're honestly interested, I can send you some links, but I'm on the phone right now, and sometimes have problems.) Not that it may matter - Cleopatra is the second queen in this series. The first was Nzinga Mbande, queen of Ndongo and Matamba (present day Angola). The critical reviews were much more positive, but I couldn't help notice a viewer's review on Rotten Tomatoes. The writer stated that he, as a native Angolan, found the production inaccurate and disrespectful...Wonder what'll happen with queen number 3?
  23. Any woman who wielded power usually reserved for men before about 1950 was an outsider. What's your point?
  24. No, it's FB, short for Fierce Bad, and if she was a pooka, she could buy her own drinks. As it stands, she's just an ill -tempered rabbit, and I'm trying to placate her.
  25. Dude, I'll be 62 in 4 months. How do you think I feel?
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