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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. He looks like one of my former patients - after said individual decided to smoke with their nasal cannula in place.
  2. Actually, so do I, but I couldn't resist.
  3. Please clarify.
  4. Dr. Who ended when Peter Davison unraveled the scarf.
  5. If you charged rent to half of the people taking up space in your head, you'd be a rich man.
  6. Is the Advil not working, or did I forget to take it? Arthritis & short-term memory impairment is an unpleasant combination.
  7. In this day and age, everybody needs all the luck that they can get their damned hands on.
  8. Congratulations! 🎉
  9. But did you wear your pajamas inside out and backwards?
  10. Dude. The dream is over - it's a little bit late to decide whether or not to be scared.
  11. Make sure it's sealed.
  12. It may be fine, or it may be not. If you're going to get food poisoning from it, you may indeed have shit to do tomorrow, or it may be down the line a bit; it depends on the infecting organism. Good luck, and stock up on Gatorade.
  13. 🍻🎂🍻
  14. Not if it's done properly.
  15. https://youtu.be/oShTJ90fC34?si=uWZMwioeSkU7UBBL
  16. Apparently on a Sunday?
  17. What about the other six days of the week?
  18. A kiss on the wrist may be quite Continental , but real estate's a girl's best friend.
  19. The highest point in penninsular Florida is Sugarloaf Mountain in Lake county, a nosebleed-inducing 312 feet high. We left Florida 20 years ago, and it was extremely difficult to get affordable property insurance even then. The big jump in prices and decrease in coverage started shortly after hurricane Andrew (if memory serves me).
  20. Because we didn't have one. Nor did we have a 40th. Still waiting to see about the 50th.
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