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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. How will you make your espresso? Your electricity will be rationed, and your gas stove will be confiscated (emissions, you know).
  2. No, you don't. You need to learn how to use an electric stove.
  3. But what about the heat in a toaster oven?
  4. Sounds good. (Members can pm me to discuss bribes.)
  5. Well, I may abuse judicial power, so it's all fine with me - I see a volcano or a golf course in Orlando in my future either way.
  6. I'd rather not be eaten by sharks or alligators, ok? Volcano is ok, though, or I'm fine being forced to play golf during a Florida - tier thunderstorm.
  7. Sugar in spaghetti sauce: my mother used to do it, maybe a couple of tablespoons in a pot. I don't, and I don't miss it. Sugar in grits: what is wrong with people? Never! Sour cream in chili: depends on the chili, depends on the day. Cranberry sauce on a hamburger: this sounds like something one would crave while pregnant.
  8. You didn't ask earlier.
  9. Don't eat pink chicken.
  10. What I'm waiting for is "Honk if you love Jesus" in old Norse, and her being none the wiser.
  11. Not only are you ignorant and ethnocentric, you're rude and childish. I'm not disappointed.
  12. Stop with the Karen, you ignorant ethnocentric twat. Goggle "Karen conflict" and educate yourself.
  13. There are three things that one should never do in a language in which one lacks native proficiency: tell a joke, cast a spell, or get a tattoo.
  14. https://youtu.be/KsisH_VY9Yw
  15. Yeah, but neither can I.
  16. So I guess this means that I don't get your stuff?
  17. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64059050 This makes me so happy. It's nowhere near what she - and her family - deserve, but it's so great to see a memorial to someone who saves lives replace a memorial to someone who took lives.
  18. Now all I can think of is, did you ever smell mothballs? How did you get your head between their tiny little legs?
  19. I don't think bugs have that much in common with humans - I think that the usual testing procedures start with small mammals, like mice.
  20. I don't know, but can I have your stuff?
  21. How do you know it wasn't a post-menopausal fruitfly? There are days I'd give my right arm for a hit of estrogen.
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