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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. You could wear an eye patch without poking your eye out but if you want to go that extra mile.
  2. Apparently he had pneumonia.
  3. Maybe he should talk about some military hotties. That'd be interesting.
  4. Sieg67


    Ah yes, Liveleak. Where videos go when they're too hardcore for Youtube.
  5. Sieg67

    Halloween Eggnog

    True that. I just think it's weird that they're trying to make it a Halloween thing.
  6. Sieg67

    Halloween Eggnog

    Here's how it looks like.
  7. Sieg67

    Halloween Eggnog

    This stuff is from Hiland Dairy so it's non alcoholic.
  8. Sieg67

    Halloween Eggnog

    I'm not sure how I feel about this. Eggnog is good but should it really be marketed for Halloween?
  9. I believe it because I've heard of this kind of thing before and I'll admit that it's not a horrible idea if you need a virtual meeting place. I don't know why businesses don't do stuff like that instead of making everybody either drive or fly to some bullshit meeting. Or better yet, just send a memo and have everybody confirmed that they've read it.
  10. It's weird that adults drink milk at all. I don't believe there is another animal that drinks milk the entirety of it's life.
  11. I don't wear shirts with buttons.
  12. They're old news.
  13. Hold your tongue back a bit and keep it down.
  14. You could try making your own bread.
  15. I don't like them or dislike them. So I guess they're meh.
  16. And also subjective.
  17. I don't think it's a troll attempt. Just some kinda dark humor.
  18. No color I guess.
  19. I can too. It's just sometimes I choose not too. But there are times I resist and am left wondering what was in the link because sometimes I want to know. Everybody here seems to be missing the point. I'm asking people who share that shit to post a summary so that we won't be tempted to click them.
  20. Yeah, they are. That wasn't the point. It's just that sometimes I'm curious enough to actually click and go through a couple of pages when I know it's probably bullshit. It's rare but it does happen. That's why I made this thread; so most of us won't actually have to go through them. Not just here but anywhere you might share them. I decided to post this thread after something I saw on FB. Basically what I'm asking here is a bit of courtesy.
  21. We're all getting old. I just turned 30 in July. That use to seem so far away. People born in '98 can buy cigarettes now. Happy birthday, btw.
  22. If for some reason you feel the need to link to a shitty click bait site, give us a summary of the answer. You may be thinking, "Now the site won't get the ad revenue because we're not clicking it." and that would have been a legitimate concern if they didn't bring it on themselves by adding all that padding with multiple pages. All that shit could have went on one page. ONE PAGE. They got greedy and decided their ad revenue would increase if they unnecessarily used several pages. The thing is I try really hard to ignore them but sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me. Afterwards I kick myself because the "the thing I won't believe" or "that thing that will shock you" is usually stupid mundane bullshit.
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