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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. No. Screen name has been the same since I made the account on here. It's the same name I used on the asmb.
  2. I wondered if I should get into it. I then rolled a 1 and that settled that.
  3. That's weird because it never lets me use my username even though the field says username.
  4. I don't put in my log in info enough for me to remember to use my email and not my user name. Maybe we should address that?
  5. I'm using a male character so I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to me.
  6. I was doing some carpeting on Topeka that day. It was cloudy and I couldn't see shit if I wanted too. Laughed at the guy I was working with because he got a pair of those glasses right before we hit the road.
  7. I will like anything from Top Gear.
  8. I got some Hawaiian hot dog buns one day without realizing it and it took me a minute to figure out why my hot dogs were so good. It was a shame when Subway stopped using the bread.
  9. Has anybody checked where she works or her house?
  10. I have an anime trap for you.
  11. Somebody used my card for a dating website once. The company immediately knew something was up and locked it. I then lost my SS while trying to resolve the issue so I had to get a new one.
  12. ftfy
  14. You guys are missing the point of my original post. The comparison wasn't that they were all Apple products but that they are products valued for their brand and not the quality. Fuggs then missed the point and said something completely backwards. I realize that Apple owning Beats doesn't make them Apple products but stating the fact that Apple owning them makes them less of an Apple like thing is dumb. Sometimes I can't believe you people. Also inb4whatdoyoumeanyoupeople.
  15. Yup. Premium prices for last years tech.
  16. Blockbusters be kind and rewind stickers use to double as anti theft stickers. They were putting them on DVD's when they first became popular and it confused some people.
  17. ....Wouldn't that make them more of an Apple thing?
  18. Beats are like Apple products. You're paying for the brand, not the quality.
  19. That'll happen. Apparently there are something like taste receptors down there.
  20. *Googles* Yup.
  21. I picked up Mob Psycho and 91 Days on Steam that I got during the summer sale. They're not physical copies but they were still a pretty good deal. I would prefer to be able to download them, though instead of just streaming.
  22. https://streamable.com/dx9h2 Nelly pulls young girl on stage and things start to get really uncomfortable.
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