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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Might as well post this here instead of FB. Also I enjoy how low effort this is.
  2. They have limitations but it works well enough for my current icon.
  3. I've been ignoring it.
  4. Sieg67


    We need to get that bear fur back.
  5. I ate them all.
  6. I can see it just fine on FF Quantum.
  7. SATA cable? Best Buy sales them. I've built computers without cases. You can probably run it without a bracket.
  8. I once went in to get a cavity taken care of and the dentist asked me if I wanted the tooth longer so it'll match the other one. I was just like, "...How?". I basically figured it out after thinking a bit.
  9. I have a $10 off coupon for purchases of $20 or more from an autoparts store. Now would be a good time to pick up a new tool.
  10. What parts did you get?
  11. I had no idea they actually showed his tits until I bought the series myself. Before I had only seen the edited version on [as]. I'm pretty sure some of you are going to Google and oogle his tits now.
  12. You don't need pills to diet. You just need to watch your calorie intake. With exceptions, you know a people get this way because they can't stop shoving junk food in their face. I work retail. I see what people buy. People need to take care of their own body and they need to address the issue before it gets completely out of hand. Diet, exercise. A bit of effort can prevent you from being on of these people who can't move under their own weight. People need to be responsible for their own body and make better decisions.
  13. It saddens me that I am no longer able to bump that thread that was complaining about necrobumping.
  14. He threatened and then blocked me after I said bae was a retarded way of saying baby....which it is.
  15. Me neither.
  16. One of my bosses grand children is named Vash.
  17. Politely ask the mice to leave.
  18. I shaved 3 days ago so I already ruined it. Not that I want an itchy face anyway.
  19. I realized that there's a problem with eye examinations. Your eyes are right up on the lenses when they're trying to get the prescription and nobody wears their glasses that like. I'll actually push my glasses up a bit if I want to see a little better.
  20. Sieg67


  21. You're right. That worked.
  22. At least I can see why kids love the great taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch .
  23. 3T installed. I don't even have 1T filled up. Still, it's a good idea to get rid of unnecessary crap.
  24. That works fine until I clear my browsing data. That's actually why I forget about having to use my email. It's because I rarely have to log in. I hope you occasionally clear your data because that'll eventually take up a lot of space.
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