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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. This is possibly the most wtf headline I have ever seen. http://tribunist.com/news/father-killed-13-year-old-son-after-boy-finds-photos-of-father-eating-feces-from-diaper-video/?utm_source=TRIB
  2. Shhh. Shhh. Electronics are your friends.
  3. Never. I like existing too much.
  4. They definitely went down hill. I started getting Walmarts 3 dollar supreme pizza. It looks like an off brand Digiorno but it's better. https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/cfbdd3d9-ff35-4712-9f53-c1d92d75efd9_1.e659ebc0c7a82e25d13e918e53d43d80.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF
  5. Send one to me. I'll use it.
  6. I wasn't even aware it was set to auto play. My volume was down and I was just curious what the video was.
  7. I eventually got tire of clicking and just quoted the post so I can find the URL.
  8. I wouldn't want to deal with kids nowadays with their pocket computers, fidget spinners and their crazy dance moves.
  9. You know what makes paint look bad? Smoking.
  10. Oh hey, likes are working again.
  11. I Googled bullshit to find the image and we all know Google is never wrong.
  12. I thought we could all appreciate the headline.
  13. He also could have been taking about shipping but still, should be able to find them locally. Best Buy will even price match Amazon or Newegg.
  14. What? Go to Best Buy and buy a new fucking hard drive. Two plugs. Takes only a minute. Unless you mean you have to wait until pay day or something.
  15. Whatever you do, do not give me $1000.
  16. I doubt they'd budge but you could try to get a refund for the last few months based on the new average usage.
  17. I noticed the top Free for All link now takes you to the main page.
  18. I don't believe I've ever eaten there.
  19. The amount of days bank workers get off annoy me. Last New Years fell on a weekend and they still took and extra day off. Like what the fuck.
  20. I had no idea The Beatles copied Sailor Moon.
  21. It's because we have short attention spans.
  22. The worst part of that movie is going to be when minions start flooding facebook again as stupid memes.
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