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Everything posted by Sieg67

  2. They blame everything on the gays. It's like a coping mechanism. God wouldn't send in a hurricane without reason so it must be the gays.
  3. I don't think anybody gives that much of a shit about eye color.
  4. I wonder if he didn't run the scenario through his head ahead of time after the weather turned bad.
  5. That show struck me as something a 5th grader would come up with. Didn't like it at all.
  6. Check the edges of your bed every once in a while just to be safe.
  7. I don't get the context of this picture. So it's a car, a Walgreen's sign, some weird guy with a gun in the mirror and all taking place in Minecraft. I mean, I get the numbers but nothing else makes sense to me.
  8. Sometimes I'm glad I live in Kansas.
  9. This is true. I had chicken sandwiches today.
  10. Remember that it's possible to be both nice and stern. I learned it's the best way not to get pushed around while avoiding conflict. Doesn't always work.
  11. Just remember that it could mean trouble if bacteria gets in the skin pocket so keep it sterilized if you do pop it.
  12. Only when it's convenient for you.
  13. You don't get how probability works.
  14. I do know because I have some medical knowledge and common sense. It won't eliminate the possibility but it will lower risks and I don't know how many times I've covered this but I already acknowledge that a skinny person can be unhealthy. The difference is that unless they're all skin and bones, being thin((or normal weight) doesn't make them unhealthy. I'm telling you that not being obese will give you a chance of a longer life. Unless you like, get stranded somewhere and your body has to eat it's own fat to survive. Then it could be a live saver.
  15. I never said that. It will however lower certain health risks.
  16. I said increased risk. I never said skinny people never have problems. Reading comprehension, yo. http://www.mdmag.com/medical-news/why-theres-no-such-thing-as-healthy-obesity
  17. You're only right about one thing. A picture of the girl on the bottom isn't encouraging anything. You talk about me judging and then you go off on bulimia. Hypocrite. Lastly I just got done saying that there is no such thing as healthy fat. That's a myth. Fat puts a huge strain on your body and increases the risk of heart failure. Have you noticed that there are not a lot of old fat people? It's because they don't make it that long. I already addressed that greasy food probably isn't good for you so I don't even know why you made that a point. Learn how to read.
  18. I don't see the point here. It's not about somebody eating a lot, it's about being fat. Although I'm sure greasy food like that isn't good for you. People need to limit what they eat to what their body can handle. If top girl can eat all that and stay thin, that's fine. The girl in the lower picture can't and should probably go on a diet. Like I can eat a lot but my metabolism can handle it so it's fine. I burn a lot of calories. I'm not going to sit here and fat shame but you have to remember that there is no such thing as healthy fat. Being overweight puts stress on your joints and organs. It honestly makes me sad when people can't walk around a store without getting winded or worse, have to ride scooters because they can't support their own weight. We should never, ever encourage obesity.
  19. Clean houses can have bugs as well. You can pick them up in a lot of places. Hotels, motels, another persons car and they can go from one apartment from another. No home is safe.
  20. I filled an empty spray bottle with alcohol and killed them that way. It's super effective and doesn't leave a mess.
  21. The best part is when you roll over on them while you're sleeping and get blood spots your bed.
  22. It's probably your cheapest option. I've had bed bugs once. They were a nightmare.
  23. Use some diatomaceous earth and then. Apply it anywhere you think bed bugs might be. You can keep using it a few months after you a few months after just to be sure. Invest in a mattress and box spring cover to keep the current ones in and the old ones out. Keep it on for at least a year.
  24. Walking has never bothered me. I can stay on my feet for 13 hours and be just fine.
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