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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Awwwww yeeeaahhhhh.
  2. That's doubtful. Charging ports are an easy fix given you have two hands and a soldering iron. I don't know how they could have possible made your computer freeze unless they installed something on it. In which case you should be able to find the culprit. What I like to do is look for suspicious programs that were installed on a certain date.
  3. Might just be overheating. I'm guessing you've even opened it up to clean the dust out.
  4. They're superior in every way but mobility.
  5. Not even a year unless you count the hard drives and graphics card. RAM, motherboard and processor got switched out a few months ago after one of our drivers gave me a bunch of parts.
  6. Sieg67

    Pepsi Fire?

    Are you seriously still on that? For fucks sake, man.
  7. Sieg67

    Pepsi Fire?

    I don't go around sniffing cigarettes from 5 moths ago. Or any cigarettes for that matter. Gross things are gross.
  8. Say you have 5 points and somebody else has 15 points. You can give yourself the 15 and your opponent 5. It can target any player and any number of players. Now the last part causes some confusion because it lends to the idea that you can give yourself all the points except for the 1 you have to leave everybody else. But what I think it means that everybody who was targeted with it gains +1 point afterwards. Of course that didn't occur to me or anybody else back in the day so I just got all the points .
  9. Sieg67

    Pepsi Fire?

    It's not completely horrible but it tastes nothing of fire.
  10. I found this one useful.
  11. It's cool. My keyboard is higher than my plate and food never goes over it.
  12. I don't have those either. I'm also not very proficient with them.
  13. I eat at my computer. I do not want to get chili on my keyboard.
  14. I don't have one of those. D:
  15. Should Frito Chili Pie be eaten with a fork or a spoon? I'm currently using a fork but I'm questioning my decision.
  16. https://i.imgur.com/hMbtpwd.mp4
  17. Only the super high end PCs require a lot of money and nobody needs that unless they are video editing. You can build a system that can play new games on Ultra for a few hundred. I know that sounds like a lot but consider the costs of extra controllers, the price of games and the subscription you have to pay for if you want to play online. Why the fuck would I pay money to use the thing I'm already paying money for? I rarely pay over 20 bucks on a single game thanks to sales and the fact that and games are generally cheaper on PC. At least they drop in price faster. Like I just picked up Mankind Divided for 15 bucks a couple of weeks ago. In other words, the money you save on not paying $60 or more dollars per game, not paying a subscription and not buying stupidly priced controllers can get you a nice rig that will last for several generations of games without having to switch out any parts.
  18. I feel like this is just a bad troll attempt but I'll bite anyway. M&K is best for precision aiming. So it's ideal for games like Bioshock, Call of Duty or Overwatch. I'll use a controller if I'm playing something on an emulator like Mario Kart or Breath of the Wild. Controllers are better for racing games. Any PC gamer will tell you that. You can even switch on the go while playing GTA V. PC is about choice. I choose what I want to use. I choose what games I want to play. I choose how I want to mod my games. I choose to play with better graphics and frame rates. When you buy a console, you are limited to what that company wants you to play, how to play it and the settings are restricted because Consoles in the last few years have basically been low end to mid range PCs. And mods? Forget it. Only a couple of games support them and there's a limit to how many mods you can use. Lastly the catalog of games for PC is massive because you can play the older games as well as the new. Not to mention all of the exclusives.
  19. I found a video with danger spinners. Turns out you're dangerous. Cut in thumbnail so I added spoiler tags.
  20. You're going to have to shut yourself in the fridge to find out.
  21. Danger spinners.
  22. Why do poops smell worse at work?
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