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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. Why does it have to be a screenshot? If you were given information, can it not just simply be copy pasta or relayed by your text? Sawdamizer[/member]
  2. when you are safe, please let us know then.
  3. by the posts on his fb that started this whole thing and the fact that people can't get in contact with him atm? i've read through all this and still, from my perspective, i don't believe any of that to be legitimate confirmation. unless you got some new news, i'm gonna remain skeptical for now. maybe he is, maybe he isn't and this is just all so very fucked up a situation.
  4. does luuv not have any actual friends or family connected to him on his facebook? or is it a fb generated specifically for us folk? have you ever looked at your friend or family members fb after they have passed? what does it usually look like to you? i don't really care what some random people nobody knows are posting there, posts that seem sketchy to begin with. he said he wasn't going to be on for a while, so i'm not jumping to any conclusions because internetz people can not digitally get a hold of him. for all i know, he could be out of the country or in the middle of the wilderness. its not that i don't understand peoples alarm over the situation, all i am saying is its real easy for your emotions to guide you to quick conclusions that seem entirely justifiable to yourself. could luuv have died? yes. we all could die at any given time. as far as i can tell based on the fb comments and comments here tho, there has been no legitimate confirmation.... so i will save my RIP's for now.
  5. i beg to differ. the best way to eat pocky is to pretend your mouth is a wood chipper until you realize the whole package is gone.
  6. yeah, that looks alright actually. i wanted to go to summer camp as a young teen but my mother absolutely refused. she said it was too expensive of an experience for me to get kicked out of no faith at all.... i suppose that i understand her point of view as an adult tho.
  7. Jason Momoa... which is weird cuz I don't much care for beefy large men usually but he is charming as all fuck.
  8. i should have taken a hint and not gone to read that story jesus fuck
  9. yikes! if i owned a billiards table, i would never fuck on it. i'm not entirely sure the quality or cost of your pool table.... or even if you like to play regularly, but that a pretty expensive fuck surface to fix. it messes up leveling, the housing where the legs are screwed in making it loose and wobbly, separates the rubber from the rail, and if nothing else, even chalk ruins the felt by getting into it... can you imagine the body fluids? i guess if its just a thing that you don't care much at all about, then go for it!
  10. The backroom of my house is a family room and I enjoy spending most of my time there. Thats where the smart tv, a computer, and my crafts are. It has good air flow and is adjacent to both the kitchen and laundry room. Plus it has the super comfy couch.
  11. This topic has been moved to The Hole. [iurl]http://unevenedge.com/index.php?topic=14117.0[/iurl]
  12. For everyone, this is generally a result of attraction, charm, work, or any combination of such.
  13. nada. i don't ever remember a time when santa was a thing in our house beyond entertainment.
  14. MEXobiologist


    i swear it wasn't me! snitches get stitches.
  15. this antique art deco OTIS bracelet mémère gave me when i was 12 i recently had it polished and a crystal replaced <3 RIP
  16. old navy makes terrible clothes... or gap... w/e... so its no surprise that their commercials are terrible as well. but at the same time, all commercials are garbage. i will always pay extra for no ad's.
  17. it varies so much here. most public schools do like as you've said, go back after labor day. some public schools and most christian schools go back last week of august. tons of the charter schools will go back next week... but they also get out of school the latest as well. i think many only have 4-6 week summer vacations.
  18. Were you starving to death? I mean, I kid, but dat shit icky. >
  19. I'd rather you narrate for me instead.
  20. Then waiiiiiii?!?!?!?! ::: Confusing human.
  21. What the fuck do I get out of it tho?
  22. Yuuuuck. Then again, I only will use A1 on the cheapest meat soooo... >.>
  23. Basically this. Tho, I don't keep any receipts for personal items 10$ or under. If I bought something without trying on or items that didnt work out for me personally, I just donate it to one of the womens shelters or my nieces. Cuz fuck it. Money is already spent.
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